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“Wildfires; Suzanne Morphew; Fairytale wedding; Flash floods; Drought”

Updated: Jun 7, 2023

**TRIGGER WARNING** Please be aware that some content may not be suitable for those under 18-years of age, and may contain themes that could cause triggers in some people. This is intended for adult viewing, and entertainment purposes only.


1) Forest fire: I see something that looks like an unusual fire that is ignited in a forest area or large greenspace. The cause of this occurrence is something like a combustion of chemicals because I see fumes rising from it, and a different colour to the flames, or this is a very dense cloud of fumes. The fumes appear to be extremely toxic to insects and wildlife because I see insects dropping from the sky, and animals collapsing. It might even reach waterways and require damming of areas with protective bunds or something to stop the toxic chemical spill from spreading further and causing more damage to flora and fauna.

2) Forest Fire: This forest fire or wildfire rages through a national park and burns or threatens to burn down some of the majestic trees growing in this park. These trees don’t appear to me to be sequoia trees, and could be a different species of trees. These seem to be leafy trees like oak trees. I do feel that this is a significant fire and there is a loss of some very old trees.

3) Forest fire: This is a major blaze that might have begun as a controlled burn-off, or it was a home that caught fire and the flames weren’t extinguished in time to prevent the fire from taking hold and burning beyond the property. This fire seems to go up and over mountains, or it skips across mountains due to the wind carrying burning cinders great distances across the tops of mountains. This might be somewhere like Arizona, and possibly around Phoenix but I also feel it could be towards Colorado, or perhaps the fire makes its way in that direction, or the plumes of smoke and ash drift in that direction and colour the skies yellow or orange.

4) Forest fire #2: There might be a rare species of birds that are at risk here in this locality, and there is a rush by environmentalists to gather them up and remove them until the cleanup is complete, and the area is safe for them to return.

5) Forest Fire #3 - Birds at risk: These might be penguins or puffins, or a bird species that is predominantly white and black. There seems to be a fire risk to these birds, and that makes this message a little confusing because these birds are typically coastal birds. This might be a forest fire that goes right down to or near to the water’s edge, and this might cause concerns around their nesting area on land.


1) Tigers: There is great concern about tigers, and possibly this might refer to a rare type of tiger such as white tigers that might be at risk due to a heatwave bringing droughts and extreme temperatures that causes a lack of water, shelter from the heat, and food sources. Urgent action is required by conservationists or keepers to prevent their loss of life.

2) Volcanic eruption: This seems to be another eruption from a volcano that has been active, and it’s possibly not so long ago since its last eruption. This lava flow runs down to the ocean. This might be a sudden eruption because I see people near the crater. They might have been taking scientific readings from the crater at the time that it had this major eruption. The lava flow also seems to run through or very near to a town or village. The volcanic action lights up the night sky and flows for days after the initial eruption.

3) Warfare training: There are some civilians or troops that are being trained for battle by an elite team. Some of it is hand-to-hand combat training, and some of it is tactical training for strategic attacks, and even the ambushing of invading troops and their machinery. Stealth at night, using distractions, and also defending (protecting) a specific area to prevent it from being taken or destroyed by the opposing force. There might also be a secret alliance or help from another source (country) that is remaining undisclosed.


1) Lost child: This might be a child on a school trip that wanders away and gets lost. I think they were following an animal and didn’t realize they were straying from where they should be. They are missing at the very least overnight, and possibly up to 3 or 4 days, or 3 nights and 4 days in total. This might be a girl who went missing. There is concern too because she wasn’t dressed to be out overnight but luckily the weather is very temperate.

2) Lost child #2: This is most probably the same child in the previous message. I feel that she was definitely lost in the bush or forest overnight, and that the night was thankfully quite balmy that night. I feel that they were found quite a distance away from where they were last seen, so they had walked for quite a long time before it got dark, and then walked some more the next day, all taking them further away from where they were last seen. Although not happy about being lost, the child wasn’t particularly distressed until rescued, and then all of the emotions came out in relief and joy at seeing the rescuers.

3) Suzanne Morphew #1: This seems to be a huge celebration, and I feel that it is to do with the recovery and identification of Suzanne’s remains. For some reason I still see a river as a part of the recovery location. Yes, there is great sadness at finally receiving the confirmation that they are Suzanne’s remains but there is great relief from the family that she can be returned to her family for a respectful burial, and not the disregard that was shown to her by the callus, calculating, greedy monster that took her life.

4) Suzanne #2: From Suzanne’s perspective there is great relief on her part that there will now be answers, a breakthrough in information, and justice! Again, I see this message coming from a water’s edge. Perhaps, if this is not where her body is found, it is where answers are found. There will be a recovery of an item or information that will be damning, and it’ll provide answers or evidence relating to her disappearance.

5) Princess: This seems to be a fairytale message about a young woman who is about to become a princess by marriage, or she is marrying a prince or someone with royal blood, and she will be living a very elegant and luxurious life with her Prince Charming. I feel that they will be followed by fans and there will be media coverage of their wedding, and possibly a child that will be born within the first year. There seems to be a large estate, and I wonder if this is someone living in Europe because I feel that there is a castle associated with his lineage.

6) Theatre personality: Someone is speaking out publicly about their status. I feel that they are about to announce a long-term commitment to their partner, or someone very new in their life who is their same-sex partner. This might take the public by surprise but not those in this industry that are very close to this person. I feel that they are going so far as to purchase a home together, or publicly live together. I feel that this person is primarily or currently associated with theatre work.

7) Wedding: This seems to be a huge wedding ceremony such as an elaborate celebrity wedding. They are a power couple who are very much in the public eye. This feels very regal and elegant, or it could be that it was a mega-wedding with the extremes of famous guests, cordon bleu banquet meals, and in a castle, for example, with the best of the best of everything.


1) Electrical storm #1: There is an electrical storm that lights up the surrounding area as if it was daylight. Some of the lightning bolts are broader and more powerful than seen before. This might be dry lightning strikes, and it might occur over tinder dry forests and start fires over a mountain range. The lightning might strike a well known monument as well.

2) Electrical Storm #2: There are multiple flashes during this electrical storm, and the lightning bolts hit buildings or structures causing electrical surges and explosive charges that cause damage to buildings. The power surge might blow windows out from a large building after it is struck by a lightning bolt. This appears to be an older building that is struck and not a newer modern building hence that damage that is caused by the power surge after it is struck.

3) Flash flood: There might be some flash flooding from high up in the mountains. This has the feeling of The Alps, or a steep mountain range. There is a huge volume of water that gushes down somewhere like a ravine, and down to a town or village. I see the number 3. This could be that 3 people die, or 3 villages are affected as the flash flood makes its way to the ocean.

4) Mudslide rescue: After a major mudslide that engulfs a town or village, a person is found days later, stranded on the top of something like a tree or a structure that is jutting out of the ground. They have been stranded there for a while because the mud has set and is drying out. It seems to be a young female, perhaps in her late teens or early 20’s who is rescued.

5) Record rainfall: This is a record breaking downpour over a very short time that inundates their stormwater system to overflowing. The water seems to be coming out of every orifice and running like waterfalls through the city streets and buildings. This seems to be a large city, perhaps somewhere in Turkey because I see beautiful historical buildings and a lot of mosques like the ones in Istanbul with the stunning shapes and details in their structure.

6) Tsunami: This appears to occur on an island. It might be somewhere like Hawaii or another island in Polynesia. This seems to be either a tsunami or an unusual surge of water around an island. I feel that a warning is issued before it occurs, so there is prior warning before the event. I do feel that it has to do with a volcanic eruption on or very near to another island. This might be why they were able to send out the warning ahead of time because this volcano has been showing activity for a while before it has a significant eruption that causes the earth movement and the subsequent tsunami.

**DISCLAIMER: All views or opinions, stated or implied, are made without prejudice to the person or situation being read, and are only alleged through the messages I receive psychically. The comments are not intended to be taken as fact, and all individuals are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Readings are for entertainment purposes only; they should never replace professional advice or your own free will.

©2022 High Priestess Illumination

Photo by Sebastian Beck


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