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  • Writer's pictureHigh Priestess Illumination

“Celebrity pregnancy announced; Covert rescue mission; Earthquake and eruption”

· Posted: September 30, 2021 Blog, posted February 14, 2022: Any addendums added to the titles below will be dated at the date of the additional information provided.

· ***SPECIAL NOTE*** The predictions in this post were received by me in September, 2021. Due to personal events, I wasn’t able to publish my September and also my October posts until now, therefore I was also unable to make notes of any addendums relating to updates for these predictions. Please leave a comment below if you are aware of any of these predictions having occurred since then. Often, they may not occur for months or close to a year after I receive the predictions.

· **TRIGGER WARNING** Please be aware that some content may not be suitable for those under 18-years of age, and may contain themes that could cause triggers in some people. This is intended for adult viewing, and entertainment purposes only.

· Fires:

1) Bridge Fire: There is a huge fire on or near a bridge that spans an expense of water. This could be a bridge like the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. There is so much smoke from the fire that the bridge can barely be seen and headlights are needed to cross over the bridge. This could be a forest fire but I actually feel that it is a building or vehicles that have caught alight because there is a lot of black smoke. There could also have been some fog that reduced visibility and led to vehicles colliding and catching alight on the bridge.

2) Forest fire: There might be a new forest fire that ignites in an area that has just been recovering from a previous firestorm that left it burned and barren. This might have occurred earlier in the year or perhaps a year ago because I feel that it was looking lush and green, and the animals had returned because I see fledglings and other creatures that were just re-establishing their nests and homes in these woodlands. This might even be a large park similar to Yellowstone National Park with its majestic and iconic trees.

3) Forest fire #2: The fires are raging again but there seems to be more planning and resources that might be able to halt or gain more control this time around. There is a lot of clearing being undertaken to make firebreaks. Some of these might have been formed after the last fires, and now it's a matter of renewing them and removing any fresh growth here to achieve a sufficient break to get control. The army might also be utilised here to help with the clearing of the land around the homes, and to reinstate these firebreaks.

4) Forest fires #3: I feel that these forest fires are still causing concern. Even if they are lucky enough to have had some rain to douse some of the fires, they are still smoldering and need a watchful eye kept on these areas for any flare-ups. This might be an area that had recently had rain that has sparked up again with hotspots in tree-covered areas nearby a residential area.

· General:

1) Desert: Once again, there are some very specific studies being done on the effects of climate change. This time it seems to be to do with a large and major desert that is being monitored and careful the evaluation of the ecological changes here. There is possibly a change in the rainfall that has been noted, and there is more rain than usual for this particular desert. Researchers have noted that the plants are changing in size, shape, or habits, to adapt to the new conditions around them. Some plants, for example, might not like having so much water around them and they are rotting, while others are subtly adapting. This could also change the eco-structure as environmentalists have come to know it in this usually dry and almost barren terrain. This particular study will become a marker for the future.

2) Desert Moss growth: This message might continue on from the message about increased rainfall in a desert, and the studies that are being undertaken to observe and record the effects this is having on the eco-climate there. I feel that there might be the discovery of moss that is beginning to grow on the underside of rocks. This is extremely unusual to see here possibly because the desert air is dry and not usually damp enough for this moss to grow over long periods.

3) Desert Moss #2: This might be another message about the growth of moss, or the type of moss that is discovered growing in or near a desert. Perhaps it's not only the growth of the moss but the colour of it. It might have a different colouring due to its new climatic surroundings. Close attention will be given to the monitoring of the survival or evolution of this particular moss growth.

4) Earthquake: An earthquake crumbles some older buildings into rubble but miraculously someone, possibly a young female is found alive. She was trapped in a small space that made a protective little cocoon around her where she only had room to move one limb to stretch her body during the time that she was buried under the rubble. She might have been there for 1 to 3 days or even up to a week until they either found her, or managed to get to her safely and rescue her.

5) Explosions: There might be multiple explosions that take place in a town or near a city. This could be a fireworks factory or storage facility. This might be near to a building on a hill, and I see people running inside the building to take shelter from the explosions. These explosions, if they have been placed there deliberately, have been hidden in gardens and shrubbery in the streets near to this particular building.

6) Peace offering: Two countries that have been having a “war of words” might have a meeting to resolve some of their issues. There was never going to be a physical war with these two countries, it was more of a political posturing to assert their objection to some behaviour or issues. This meeting of the leaders will smooth things over, for now but there will always be differences in their behaviour or policies.

7) Plane: There might be an alert issued with jet fighters scrambled to respond to 1 or 2 planes that have gone beyond their boundaries over a certain country, and causing an international incident. Multiple jets are trailing these two planes and threatening to engage with them if they don't return within the agreed boundaries of the airspace. A very provocative move by this country, and one that should be taken seriously. These planes that are being observed could potentially be carrying weapons that could pose a threat to the country that they are flying over, something that can't be proven but is implied by the type of planes involved.

· People:

1) Female celebrity: Sadly, this feels as though a young female celebrity ends her life. She could be involved in the music industry, or the arts such as ballet or something creative like that. She was overwhelmed with sadness at something that had occurred in her life, and rather than turning to family or friends for the help she needed, she ended her life. She might have been living in another city or country where her family lives. This will bring mental health issues to the forefront again to encourage awareness, and where to seek help and support 🙏

2) Hiker found: This seems to be someone who went out hiking and didn't return when expected. I feel that they lost their gear down a cliff or embankment that couldn't be retrieved, or they possibly slipped over the edge of a cliff and ended up stranded on a ledge or an area where they couldn't move from. I also feel that the overnight temperature dropped very low and possibly with the wind chill, this led to hypothermia very quickly, and without their tramping pack of supplies and equipment, I don't know if the outcome is good news. I do feel that this person succumbed to the cold but they were found and this enabled their loved ones to have closure for this person. I feel that the person may have been in their 20’s; this could possibly be a lost teenager who was ill-prepared for wherever they had intended to be venturing to, and they slipped and became stranded. There is quite a young energy here. This is possibly a blonde-haired person.

3) Pregnancy: There is a woman of high-standing, respect, and even power who may announce her pregnancy. This might be a highly respected celebrity or this might be someone of high-standing in politics. There is something about this announcement that is special, and that is why it is reported in the news with great interest.

4) Pregnancy #2: This is not a pleasant message. A woman who is pregnant is beaten to death, possibly by a group of men in her country. This incites a huge uprising of women in her own country but also globally to admonish this horrific and barbaric behaviour. There is a call for humanitarian organisations to have these killings banished from existence, and with severe consequences for those who take part in it.

5) Theft: I feel that there will be a very sophisticated robbery that was meticulously planned. They might come in through a basement area, possibly from another building that they managed to get keys for, or accessed in a semi-legitimate way so as to get access to a building next to it. They might have even used the ruse of being contractors or tradesmen who were working on something in this building that gave an explanation for the tools and equipment that was coming and going. They seem to have made a hole or tunnelled through a wall but managed to disguise this entry point as something else. I don't feel that this was a bank, but it might have been something like a museum or an art gallery. Something is taken from drawers or cabinets, possibly small items, and I think that some items might have been dropped during their getaway. Alarms might have gone off, and I wonder if they wore protective headgear for the noise, and also masks to hide their identity. This might have even been a break-in to a home or residence of a very wealthy person while they were not at home. This was a very well-planned, hi-tech burglary to acquire the antique items from this residence or building.

· Political:

1) Indigenous people: There seems to be a movement or legislation in respect of some indigenous people and their rights that have gone unrecognised or acknowledged for centuries. I don't know if this is to do with their land or perhaps some scholarships that are set up for education at a high-level, or all of these things. This might even be a day that is designated to them that will be publicly recognised and celebrated by those who understand the importance of this day being formally allocated to these indigenous people, and also to be celebrated by all.

2) Indigenous people #2: This is another message about indigenous people being publicly acknowledged by a government in a formal way. This might be formal apologies for treatment and atrocities that they have suffered. There is a new generation who have a louder voice that is being heard and acknowledged. This is just the beginning of a future of changes and atonement for centuries of ill-treatment.

3) Poisoning: There is a poisoning incident of a male in high standing or has a strong public presence. The poisoning is sanctioned by a person higher up, and even a person who governs a country who wants to “remove'' this person who is causing unrest related to this leader of a country. It appears to be a plant extracted that is highly toxic. It might be a female who is involved in delivering the toxin to the male. This person who is the target of the poisoning might be in opposition to the government, or is an outspoken objector to their ruling regime. I don't feel that the person dies but they certainly are very ill from the poisonous substance.

4) Rescue mission: There is a covert plan of rescue that is about to take place. It is on quite a large scale and does involve a lot of risk because of the country that these troops have been deployed to. There is a rendezvous of sorts that has been arranged that a large number of people are being guided to where they can be extracted from in this country, and taken to safety. The rescue will be undertaken far away from a city and involve a long trek to get there, perhaps only travelling at night. It appears that it will be a successful mission. (Afghanistan?)

5) Rescue mission #2: This is additional to the rescue mission message, and just showing me the long arduous trek that these people have undertaken to be rescued. These families and individuals have been led by locals, and also by a person or people who stayed behind after the initial evacuation knowing that they would do everything they could to get these people to a safe place. They were trekking at night through hazardous terrain, and they were at risk of being discovered but it appears to have been a successful extraction.

6) Rescue mission #3: This message is following on from the rescue mission to evacuate the people from a life-threatening situation, if they had stayed in their country. This message is showing me their arrival in the new country where they will live. It's quite emotional for them because some of the areas that they have been relocated to are rural, and this reminds them of their homeland in “the old days” when there were trees and gardens, and happy sounds in the surrounding homes. To them it is almost as if living in a dream.

· Sky:

1) Eclipse: There might be an eclipse due soon because I see the sun and the moon. I see a shadow over the sun, so this could be a solar eclipse. The weather conditions will be fine, and the eclipse will be able to be seen by those who are in the countries that are lucky enough to have it occur in their region. There might be something about the size of the moon with this eclipse, that it's either a micro moon or a supermoon, or that the eclipse is only a partial eclipse and not a full eclipse.

2) Night sky: This is another message about trails of satellites seen in the night sky. There might be a full moon that illuminates these 20 or more satellites as they glitter and glint across the night sky. As “pretty'' as they appear in the darkness, they are also becoming too many, too frequent, and too concerning for the many people who are concerned about the space junk that is cluttering up the heavens above us.

3) Rocket launch: There is an evening rocket launch or this is a rocket carrying multiple satellites or devices into space. I see things falling from the sky so I'm not sure whether the rocket has a mishap and explodes or that whatever it is carrying doesn't stay where it is supposed to and falls back to the Earth. This does seem to be more likely to be an explosion of the rocket on or just after lift-off. The number 7 seems to be significant here.

4) Rocket launch #2: This seems to be a rocket launch by a country that is asserting their power and defiance. The rocket is launched from a pad on or near a mountain range. This has been “hidden” for a while, and the country has been waiting for an opportune time to “test” this rocket. This could be a country such as China, Korea, or Russia. It feels as though it is China that is making a global statement.

· Weather:

1) Early winter: This seemed to be a significant drop in temperature that could bring snow flurries, and much earlier than expected, and unseasonal. It might only be temporary for a few weeks and then it rises again. There might even be snow that is quite deep in places. A concern would be the thaw and the flooding that might result from a sudden thaw.

2) Flooding: A torrential downpour will cause unexpected and unprecedented flooding, perhaps in a city such as Cincinnati - that was a name that I heard. It could be something beginning with a “C”, or sounding similar. I don't know if there is a river there that bursts its banks, or it is connected to a tidal flow but it causes a devastating volume of water to engulf the area up to the tops of trees in places. I feel that the torrential rainfall is continuous for a few days which is the major cause of the volume of water there.

3) Hail: There is a hail storm with extremely large hailstones that pelts down on unsuspecting people who are caught outdoors when it happens. There is a lot of damage to cars, windows, roofs, and even some people. Some people might receive bruising and welts from the size and force of the hail falling. I even see someone with a black eye - never look up when it's hailing. This could be in the Northern Hemisphere as they go into the colder months but I do see some spring flowers here and so it could be the Southern Hemisphere. There could be a record broken here, perhaps the size of some of the hail, the widespread damage, or the personal damage to people.

4) Rain: There appears to be a lot of rain and possibly a bit of a storm but not in a bad way. I feel that this rain is very welcomed by the people in this city or town. This is in the Northern Hemisphere because I see autumn leaves, and therefore I feel that they have been through a very dry summer, and even droughts. These rains, it might be more than a day or two of rainy weather, will replenish their dwindling water supplies, and also help with the agricultural land and crops, and give great relief to farmers who now have hope for an income from their crops.

5) Volcanic ash: Volcanic ash has thickly coated houses, land, and even forests, almost snow-deep in some areas. The air is dense with ash and toxic fumes. This seems to have drifted further than expected due to a change in the wind direction. This change in wind direction has led to a massive animal rescue mission to capture wildlife and save them from succumbing to the acidic ashfall (This message might relate to the La Palma Island eruption). The part of the island now being affected by the ash is not in the path of the lava flows, and so the animals here we're not expected to be in immediate danger, until now.


All views or implied opinions stated here are comments made without prejudice to the person or situation being read, and are only alleged through the messages I receive psychically. The comments are not intended to be taken as fact, and all individuals are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Readings are for entertainment purposes only; they should never replace professional advice or your own free will if you have health, legal or financial concerns.

©2022 High Priestess Illumination


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