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  • Writer's pictureHigh Priestess Illumination

“Celebrity announcement, and an award; Dancing competitions; Train derailment; Recruitment rally”

Updated: Jun 7, 2023

Posted: April 15, 2021: Any addendums added to the titles below will be dated at the date of the additional information provided.

**TRIGGER WARNING** Please be aware that some content may not be suitable for those under 18-years of age, and may contain themes that could cause triggers in some people. This is intended for adult viewing and entertainment purposes only.


1) Astronomy: There is a major alignment of planets. It might involve or include three or four planets, or 3 plus the moon or the sun, or two or three planets and the moon, it might even be a new moon and not a full moon, and perhaps that is why this is seen more clearly because it's a new (Dark) Moon.

2) Aurora borealis or Australis: I've mentioned this in a previous blog about the auroras being unusually active, spectacular, or even unusual in that a colour might be a little different than the usual colours seen. It becomes a big draw-card for enthusiasts and the curious because it seems to be closer to a particular city than it normally would be, so it's easier to view it than usual.


1) Cancer: A female who is or has been seen frequently in the news, either as a reporter, an anchor, or through some other industries such as acting or music might announce that she has been diagnosed with breast cancer. I feel that she has already had a mastectomy or removal of the growth, and is healing well but she is making a public announcement to stop any speculation on what might be going on with her health.

  • ** Addendum**April 17, 2021: An announcement has just been made that actress Helen McCrory has passed away suddenly after a courageous battle with breast cancer. Helen is known and critically acclaimed for her many roles across stage and screen. Most notable are prominent roles such as Polly Gray in the BBC television series, Peaky Blinders, in the James Bond film Skyfall, and Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, and many more. Helen McCrory will also be remembered for her charity work, including FeedNHS, a campaign to provide meals for frontline healthcare workers during the coronavirus pandemic. She is survived by her husband, actor Damian Lewis, and their two children. Damian described his wife as a “beautiful and mighty woman”.

  • **Sadly, in my message I stated that she was healing well, which was perhaps me trying to remain positive about her diagnosis, and the announcement turned out to be that she had sadly succumbed to the disease.**

2) A male celebrity, perhaps a singer, musician, or rapper might be attacked by someone with a knife. He might be injured and have scars from the attack but I actually feel that he is stabbed multiple times and could die from the attack or be close to death.

3) Special award: There might be a special award or accolade for someone in the music industry. I feel that this is a female, and it might also be for someone who plays the piano as one of their creative skills - an example here might be Alicia Keys but I think Taylor Swift also plays piano, for example. It could also be something to do with music for a film or a music video perhaps.

4) Taylor Swift is in the news or makes an announcement. She is either shifting to a new home with her partner, or they have separated and are living apart. I do see her moving to a new house or even a new country to live and she seems to appear to be on her own and starting afresh somewhere new but this could also be the energy around new beginnings with shifting to a different country too. I don't know her birth sign but I feel that Scorpio might be significant which is basically around the end of October towards the end of November - whether these plans relate to 2020 or this year, I’m not sure.


1) Ballroom dancing: Maybe this is something like ballroom dancing that couldn't go ahead last year, and this year with social distancing it is still an issue because of partner-dancing. An organisation might be looking at a different way of presenting the competitions this year. It might involve solo dancing or perhaps couples who are in the same “bubble” such as married couples or siblings. I do feel that there is something different with this one though, and that there are solo dances for some of the dances where they would usually be couples.

2) COVID excursions: With the recent vaccines, and the COVID cases reducing in numbers for some countries, tourism is starting to pick up again in the Northern Hemisphere. There might be smaller scale trips on boats that go to sea such as sightseeing of seal colonies or fishing expeditions. Some companies might ask for proof of vaccines before accepting bookings but people are happy to oblige just to be outdoors and doing “normal” things with the finer weather conditions, and eased restrictions.

3) Dance competition: Again, this is ballroom dancing! So yes, this is about the above competitions. Very formal, as usual with all of the beautiful gowns and suits. This might be another event where a proof of vaccinations is required and the pre-testing of contestants. There most probably won't be an audience attending but it will go ahead and be watched online or as a TV broadcast.

4) Entertainment: There seems to be a circus act or sideshow such as high-wire or something like that, and as some countries move through spring into summer there will be more and more of these activities that haven't been seen for more than a year now. They might be set out in a different way or have different requirements or regulations but there may be Fun Parks and other events that are beginning again to provide entertainment but also the much-needed tourism for some cities.


1) Apartment fire: There is a major blaze at a tall building like an apartment block in the evening or at night where people are fleeing only in what they're wearing at the time and there is no time to grab anything of importance. I do see that the fire services arrive and dowse the building with a torrent of water that pours out of exit doors and any crevices it can find. It seems as though they bring in helicopters with buckets of water to manage the upper floors of the building. This must be why I see so much water pouring from the building. I feel that one or more people are badly burned or they die from the effects of the fire. In particular, I feel that this is the person, possibly a female, in the apartment or the room where the fire began.

2) Royals: I feel that there might be a fire at a Royal’s residence, perhaps someone like Prince Andrew's daughter Princess Eugenie. There might have been pets inside the home or property when the fire occurred but it appears there was no loss of life and everyone was extremely thankful for the outcome.


1) Artefacts: A very highly treasured and well-preserved bejewelled or colourful artefact is unearthed by someone out for a walk or tramping, possibly in a forested area. Perhaps this person or people were looking for a missing pet or an animal when they came across something small and when the experts came and looked more closely and carefully, the discovery was made. There could be a small item made of metals like copper, or it might be a type of an urn.

2) Explosion: There is an explosion in the sky in the daytime and debris is scattered. It might even be a rocket launch that goes awry after it is launched into the troposphere / stratosphere - I don't feel that it makes it into the mesosphere because I see debris falling, perhaps into the ocean.

3) Hay Fever: Spring brings with it not only lambs, blossoms, and fields of daffodils, it also triggers hay fever for a lot of people. There might be some studies that are showing pleasing results for managing these allergic responses to pollen etcetera. These tests might even involve using some of the offending plants as management of the allergies, or even a cure for some. This might be by using a similar principle to homoeopathy.

4) Investments: An international bank declares a larger than expected rise in their assets or monies that are invested in overseas ventures that bring in major prophets. This is a very large organisation. If this is the share market then this might be buoyant investments in Asia like China in particular, or Japan that have a huge rise in value. There might be two countries that do particularly well from this rise in their profits.

5) Plants: A new cultivar (mutation) of plants is found growing along a trail. This might be a variety of alpine plant that was once thought to be extinct or it's a completely new variant.

6) Polluted waterway: Someone is very angry about the state of their local waterways. There might have been a chemical spill or it's that some samples have been taken and tests show that the current state will have a dire effect on marine life and the plants that oxygenate the waterway and provide shelter and other environmental necessities for the inhabitants of this waterway. It might be that man-made products have been found dumped or that they have made their way into this waterway and are leaching hazardous pollutants.

7) Racing Car: This message might be about a racing car incident where there is a very serious fire. I see the number 31 or 34 or possibly number 2. I feel that more than one vehicle is involved and that at least one person will be deceased from the crash and the fire that follows. Someone might enter the burning wreck and pull someone out of the vehicle but they might not be able to save their life. I feel that this could be the smaller race cars such as F1 or Indianapolis 500 and not the larger cars like on the Daytona Speedway.

8) Sunken ship: This is a repeating prediction from a previous blog about treasure from a sunken ship like an old Galleon. I have already added an update to my blog post about a sunken ship the HMS Buffalo that is being digitally mapped by a company in New Zealand but I feel that this could be a different ship because I see gold or jewellery, and multiples of it. I don't think there was anything like these treasures on the HMS Buffalo because it carried cargo and prisoners, and I’m seeing a very different message here.

9) Tiger: There might be a tiger in a zoo that needs medical attention from a vet. It might need surgery for something stuck in its paw. It seems that it hasn't been well for a while and perhaps it even had a temperature from an infection. Now the problem has been discovered, it can be treated.

10) Train: I see a major train derailment at night. It could be an overnight freight train. It seems to be a big old train and not a modern electric train. It might occur as it runs through a city at night because I see a lot of lights in the surrounding area. There might be passengers on this train too, or it's the crew who were woken from their sleep. What is the cause? I'm not sure but I feel strongly that someone was asleep and perhaps missed a signal or something vital to the safe functioning of the train that night.

11) Underwater vent: Sonar equipment discovers something on the seabed. This might be the discovery of an underwater volcano or fissure (vent) with gases escaping. There is a change of colour in the surrounding environment due to the Sulphur or other gases as they leak out of the fissure.


1) Joe Biden: I wonder if Joe Biden might have a slight health issue beginning in April. I see him going down with his energy levels and feeling unwell. It requires a medical check-up and an array of tests. Some of it is age-related, and other symptoms might be requiring an adjustment to his medication which is not unusual for people in general, to have medication adjustments over time.

2) Fighting or war: A country that I feel I've seen before, and mentioned in a previous blog with a blue and yellow flag is still causing mischief with another country. They are wealthier, and powerful, or a larger country and are using that status to threaten or rule over another smaller country. This is an ongoing threat, display and even an abuse of power.

3) Hostage or prisoner: Someone is about to be released from the prison or detention centre where they have been held possibly 4 years. This seems to have been a political statement by the country who imprisoned this person. I feel it may be a female who is released and she may have been a journalist or aid worker or someone more important in her social standing. She has not had communication with anyone on the outside since she was detained; she might even be quite pale from being secluded from sight.

4) Politics: Joe Biden’s popularity has increased since the election due to his handling of the pandemic issues, and the pandemic numbers have substantially improved since the pandemic hit the US. I feel that Trump is trying to rise up in profile, and I feel he has been having communications with party-faithful, plus his own allegiance of followers from his time in power. There is a rising concern that is perhaps underestimated, of a growing support for white supremacy groups, and I feel this is even larger than the government is prepared to believe or investigate. There is a huge movement being planned and again this message comes with a lot of water around it, so I again believe something is being planned that involves a rally, or an incident on a boat or on an island.

5) White supremacist: I see a major disturbance caused by the KKK or another white supremacist group. This might be the numbers and presence increasing for one particular Klan, or it might be that there is a national or global recruitment that is taking place and comes to the public attention or the attention of authorities. There is something different or unusual about their venue for this recruitment gathering. For the sake of privacy or secrecy of what they are doing or planning, it seems to take place on an island or perhaps on a large ship - somewhere on or near water so that they can't easily be monitored by authorities.


1) A huge storm hits the coast of a city with monstrous waves and sea surges that push the mass of water inland causing devastating flooding. It seems to occur very quickly and passes fairly quickly too, but the damage is devastating. I think it catches a lot of people out with its severity, and people need rescuing from their vehicles and houses. There are high winds too that affect the rescues, and they also push the water further inland. This might be in the US because I see a large coastal city and land affected by the storm.

2) Flooding: Flooding that isn't receding. This might be in a group of islands or archipelago that was swamped by a major storm, and the water is not draining away. I feel that this is a poor area where the inhabitants were already struggling to make ends meet. This might even be somewhere like the Kermadec or Kiribati islands where global warming has seen villages disappearing under the rising sea levels but this seems to be worse than their “usual” flooding.

3) Huge hailstones fall in the daytime. It seems to be a sudden downpour and hail that catches people unexpectedly, in particular for those who are outdoors at the time and get caught up in it, and have to run for shelter. There might even be a wedding ceremony taking place and the bride and groom and guests all have to run for shelter.

**DISCLAIMER: All views or opinions, stated or implied, are made without prejudice to the person or situation being read, and are only alleged through the messages I receive psychically. The comments are not intended to be taken as fact, and all individuals are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Readings are for entertainment purposes only; they should never replace professional advice or your own free will.

©2021 High Priestess Illumination


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