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“Spectacular lightning; Cold case male discovered; Power-couple divorce; Cyber-attack at a school”

Updated: Jun 7, 2023

Posted: June 01, 2021: Any addendums added to the titles below will be dated at the date of the additional information provided.

**TRIGGER WARNING** Please be aware that some content may not be suitable for those under 18-years of age, and may contain themes that could cause triggers in some people. This is intended for adult viewing and entertainment purposes only.


1) Elephants: This message is a continuation of last month's blog, May 2021, about a herd of elephants that is searching for new water or food sources. This is particularly concerning for conservationists because it is only just the beginning of the summer months and many water holes have already dried up. Other animals are affected too but it's the migration of this herd of elephants that has drawn the attention around the world to the earlier than normal arid conditions.

2) Lions: There might be the terrible news of a poaching incident where a particular lion, the King of Lions from a particular pride has been killed by poachers for his hide/skin. It's devastating for people who own this particular safari park because this lion was renowned in this area as a wise and gentle but authoritative leader of his pride.

3) Turtles: Sick or dead turtles are found washed up on an island or along a coastline. There might have been a spill of oil, diesel, or some other chemical, possibly from drums that had fallen overboard from a ship during a storm, and they have leaked their contents, or this is a deliberate act of dumping something into the waters rather than disposing of it in the usual, safe, and legal manner!


1) A comet or shooting star: This might be a bright light from a comet that is seen on a clear night with its tail of light streaking through the night sky, or it might be a cluster of lights in the sky from space debris, or a multiple satellite launch. One or two of these in particular are very well lit up.

2) Eclipse: There is an annular solar eclipse this month on June 10th, 2021. This is not an unusual event but I have still received a message about it, and I feel that the weather will play its part for most people who are able to see this eclipse clearly without rain or clouds interfering with your ability to observe this event. It will be visible from parts of Russia, Greenland, and northern Canada, weather permitting.

3) Eclipse: I think this message is to do with the eclipse this month June 2021, and perhaps even the rituals and ceremonies that go along with these events, whether they are spiritual or cultural. There might be gatherings of observers on hills and mountains on a clear night. These eclipses can be quite auspicious for many people.

4) Sun flares: This message is about a daytime event, so it might relate to the solar eclipse, June 10, 2021. This might even be some solar flares that are seen by an observatory. There seems to be a multiple of flares around the sun or flashes of colour in the atmosphere.


1) Body discovered: The body of a male is discovered after being missing for a very long time. It seems to have been found near water, somewhere like the Everglades or somewhere that trees like willows overhang along the banks of a river. The man might be a missing American, or the American officials have been looking for him to do with a case. I feel that he was silenced by an organisation. He perhaps knew too much about their dealings. This is a very old cold case that will now be reinvestigated. I feel that his body is better preserved than would normally be expected and there may be some valuable evidence here.

2) Church: There might be a special ceremony in a church or to do with a religion. There is an anointing of people during this ceremony, and a special blessing is given to people who attend. This might be a variation of an annual ceremony, or it's being performed to support people through loss or troubled times. I do wonder if it might be a special mass for couples who want to wed but are restricted to the numbers of people who can attend, and so the church has devised a way of blessing couples in a safely conducted manner due to the coronavirus - the Holy water is distributed in a unique way to prevent contamination of the holy water.

3) Cirque du Soleil: This message is just confirmatory in regards to last month's blog, May 2021, about a special performance coming soon by the magical Cirque du Soleil. As I said in my May blog this is a beautiful performance by them that is slightly different than you usually see but still just as stunningly mesmerizing as their past performances, and with a special theme for their first performance since the Coronavirus pandemic halted many of these performing arts' spectacles.

4) India: There might be a special annual spiritual event that would usually be celebrated at this time of the year with a mass gathering of people but I feel that the government will not permit this event to take place this year, or perhaps not in the usual mass numbers. There will be some people who don't abide by these restrictions but I feel that the majority of people will accept that these are exceptional times and will forgo the usual ceremony for a smaller celebration to mark this occasion.

5) Japan: This might be a country in Asia, and in particular this could be Japan. I feel that there are very low spirits due to continuing lockdowns and new variants halting or changing the way that traditional ceremonies or celebrations are performed. There may be some innovative thinking and planning that allows a ceremony to go ahead but in a different, and covid-safe way. I keep seeing a tea ceremony, so I feel that this is a very traditional ceremony that either the government or a company have arranged to uplift the spirits of their people.

6) Marriage breakup: This is a couple who have been together for a very long time - a “power couple”. I don't feel that we’d call them “celebrities'' though, such as the entertainment industry. I feel that they may be involved in a large organisation, or that one or both are involved in politics. I feel that they are an older couple with a long marriage. They might only have one or possibly two children who are not little/young children. There might even be talk of an infidelity that has led to this “last straw'' and a divorce. There is a lot of wealth involved here, and a lot of assets to be agreed on in the splitting up of their accumulated wealth. There is some regret by one or both parties that they are divorcing but both do agree on it.

7) Plane: There is an emergency landing during a turbulent lightning storm with high winds and driving rain. One or both engines might have gone because I see it gliding in for landing with no engines running. Maybe there was a lightning strike that disabled some of the electrical equipment, or perhaps the engines were working but the landing gear couldn't be released so it had to glide in on its undercarriage. I feel that the pilot who brought it in had test pilot experience or some very specific training that enabled him to draw on that knowledge or experience to bring the plane in safely.

8) Technology: A major cyber-attack into a school’s system that disrupts all classes and records for students, and also their academic records, past exams etc are affected. Administration is hacked too and their staff payroll, records, personal details, are all held to ransom. This might not just be one small school but a very large and renowned University. A large ransom is required to “release” their system.


1) Canada: This seems to be political and is something to do with the Canadian prime minister or a delegate who travels to another country for a special summit or some negotiations with another country. This might even be to do with refugees, or something to do with the welfare of children or families there.

2) Refugees: There is a global movement of refugees. Nearly every country is experiencing people who want to leave or enter a country for a better life. There is so much uncertainty and unrest globally! People are leaving individually or taking their families, and hoping to one day return home, or in war-torn cities, they know that they are being forced to leave for good. There is so much unrest that there just doesn't seem to be any answers for these situations and the desperation felt by these refugees.

3) Refugees again: Many are travelling on foot over very long distances with absolutely no idea of what they might encounter at the end of the journey. This is purely driven by desperation, not choice. Freezing cold nights, little to no shelter, and the smallest amount of food to sustain them, and no water unless they come across some in their travels.

4) Politics: I see the letter “M”. This might be a country's name or the name of a person. This has to do with politics and a country or a person colluding with another in secret. This might be the leader of the country who has been untruthful (by omission, perhaps) to his own people, or untruthful to other countries about his involvement or intentions towards another country. This maybe feels Russian, or there is some Russian involvement here. It could also be a country like Israel.

Volcano / Earthquake:

1) Earthquake: An underwater earthquake that is quite sizeable causes multiple tsunami warnings. It's more than one as is often the case with earthquakes, that the aftershocks can be just as forceful, and this compound's the threat of a tsunami. This seems to be somewhere near where the waters are quite warm and tropical. There is a tsunami but I can't tell how much damage there is or the country that is affected by this. I feel that the majority of people heed the warnings, so it might be mostly structural damage to buildings more than a great loss of life. See my blog for March 2021, subtitled: “Earthquake and tsunami”.

2) Lava flow: I see a very long lava flow from an eruption. It travels a great distance with one particular river of lava being very wide and very long. It might even be a secondary flow that runs over the top of another cooled flow which provides an even surface for it to travel further than the first flow. It might flow all the way out to a water’s edge such as the sea. There is a lot of destruction from this second eruption.

3) Volcanic eruption: This might be another eruption from the same volcano in the Democratic Republic of Congo that erupted in May 2021, or it might be another volcano that erupts in a very powerful blast of lava and a lot of rocks and boulders are spat out of its crater. There is a thick coating of ash over the village houses. Their homes and the village are destroyed.


1) War: A confrontation. These might be two countries in talks over a recent conflict. One country has more power and wealth and tends to be more intimidating and threatening over the other country during their negotiation. There seems to be another country or organisation that is mediating or overseeing these negotiations. This might be an organisation like the UN or another country who is demanding a cease-fire and then a resolution to this ongoing conflict, for their benefit as well as global economic benefits.

2) War: There might be a ceasefire of sorts but not a laying down of arms, so to speak. This might just be a gesture by a country due to external pressures but they are still ready and willing to continue with the conflict if the occasion should arise. There seems to be an element of deception here.

3) War: This is as I thought, the ceasefire didn't last very long and the attacks are perhaps even worse than they were before. A barrage of rockets is being fired and it's causing utter devastation to the country that is under attack. There is no remorse for this latest attack, and behind the scenes there seems to be some enjoyment from these attacks. It has a very cynical and vindictive energy to it.


1) Blizzard: There is almost a whiteout and yet it's just into the summer months, unless this is the Southern Hemisphere, although this feels to be north of the equator. This is an unexpected drop in temperature that I've mentioned in a previous blog; this unexpected icy cold weather will catch people out and cause health and safety concerns for the community. See my May 2021 blog with the subtitle: “Icy polar blast”.

2) Hurricane: I see one, two or even three hurricanes or tropical cyclones in quick succession of each other. This might be around the Bahamas and through to or around Florida. One in particular is very intense and is perhaps a category 4 or 5. The worst of it might occur through the night.

3) Lightning: There is a huge electrical storm but it will also bring with it strong winds, maybe gale force winds, and driving rain that causes flash floods in some areas. This is quite a spectacular but dangerous electrical storm with many strikes on land and to buildings.

4) Polar blast: Again, this is another message about a massive drop in temperature in one country, or two countries that have neighbouring borders. The people, particularly families, are struggling to stay warm, and even to stay alive in these temperatures. I wonder if this message might be about refugees or a refugee camp that is affected by this. It might also be a poorer part of a country that has been hit by this unexpected drop in temperature, and as I said in my May blog, it's the wind chill factor that is a big contributor to the dangers for these people.

5) Snowfall: Another message about a cold snap and unseasonal snowfall, or sleet that lasts for days. Some people will delight in the fun side of it with snowmen and sledding but others will struggle to warm themselves and their homes due to a change in their financial circumstances or because of their location. This feels to be somewhere like Canada, for example.

6) Static electricity: This might be from the lightning storm that was in my previous message. There’s a very high static electrical energy in the air that can be seen in very obvious ways such as static hair spiking that is reacting to the charge in the atmosphere. I think it causes havoc to some electrical equipment that is sensitive to these sudden electric charges. This might even affect something like traffic lights.

**DISCLAIMER: All views or opinions, stated or implied, are made without prejudice to the person or situation being read, and are only alleged through the messages I receive psychically. The comments are not intended to be taken as fact, and all individuals are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Readings are for entertainment purposes only; they should never replace professional advice or your own free will.

©2021 High Priestess Illumination

Photo by Torsten Dettlaff from Pexels


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