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  • Writer's pictureHigh Priestess Illumination

“Animal welfare concerns; Icy polar blast; Poverty and hardship.”

Updated: Jun 7, 2023

Posted: May 11, 2021: Any addendums added to the titles below will be dated at the date of the additional information provided.

**TRIGGER WARNING** Please be aware that some content may not be suitable for those under 18-years of age, and may contain themes that could cause triggers in some people. This is intended for adult viewing and entertainment purposes only.

Animals / Wildlife:

1) Animal welfare: This might be a message to do with animals that are used for racing where bets are placed on the outcome. Some organisations are under scrutiny for their treatment of these animals. These might be horses or possibly greyhounds. This might even be the use of illicit performance-enhancing drugs, particularly for high-performing animals to keep their winnings up but that it is also leading to deformities and deaths because of the types of drugs or the high dosages that are used. There will be changes through the court system, and a high media presence watching for the outcome of this kind of practice in the industry of animal racing.

2) Bird: After a very wet season there is some lush new growth of plants and shrubbery, and with it there might be the discovery of a small bird, perhaps as small as a hummingbird that is found in a forested area. It might be a bird that typically lives near streams or lakes. This might be a sighting of a bird species that was in decline, or it might be the sighting of a new colour-variation of a particular species.

3) Butterflies: There might be special enclosures that are developed for butterflies, insects, and for birds. These might be constructed in a zoo for the public to visit them in a habitat that is set up close to their own natural environment. These special enclosures might be developed to replace the empty enclosures that housed lions, tigers, and even elephants that are no longer being brought in by the zoos after these animals die from old age. There is a different and more interactive and educational aspect to the future of zoos, and perhaps even more of the education on the conservation of animals and their environment.

4) Coral reef or Waterways: There might be a discovery of a threat to a coral reef or to marine life due to a rogue predator. Previously, starfish were known to have devastating effects on coral reefs, so it could be starfish but I feel that it's a type of lobster or crayfish that is causing havoc this time.

5) Coral reef: This might relate to the previous message about a coral reef. This message is about parrotfish, and they are known to eat coral which also assists in creating sand for beaches, so this is a positive thing. This might become a problem though if the numbers of parrotfish have increased so much that they are eating their way through a coral reef in great numbers to a point where there is concern about the destruction of the reef.

6) Dolphin: I think that more entertainment venues might be opening up to the public but in slightly more controlled ways as the numbers of people receiving vaccinations increases. I have made mention of this in a previous blog that I posted in April, 2021, that entertainment venues and fun parks will open again. This one in particular is something like a Waterworld with dolphins, and maybe seals and other aquatic mammals.

7) Elephants: There might be herds of elephants that are seen trekking through barren lands in search of waterholes because the dry weather and heat has arrived early and is already drying out their water holes, and it's causing concerns for conservationists who are also worried about other animals that are reliant on these water sources.

8) Lions: There might be a trainer, conservationist, or spokesperson such as the likes of Jane Goodall or David Attenborough who voice a growing concern about poaching or the declining numbers of lions, perhaps this is in Africa. It might even be a drought that causes a decline in numbers of lions that succumb to or are close to starvation, and therefore these animals of prey are losing their food supply or source.

9) Lions: A similar message to the other one in that there is someone, and this looks to me like a female who is a strong advocate for the protection and preservation of a particular pride of lions in a sanctuary or lions in general. This is either similar to my previous message about starvation due to weather extremes, or it's due to poaching or hunting. My feelings though are that there is concern for their habitat and the lack of the food source due to the extremes of barren dry land, lack of water, and the other animals that would normally be their prey are not surviving these arid conditions.


1) Astronomy: This might be the observation or discovery of a cosmic phenomenon such as the birth of a new galaxy, or two stars, or something colliding, or an asteroid that collides with something in deep space. I feel that it is actually the formation or creation of something new through interactions between two energies or “things”. Sorry but I can't think of the technical terms that an astronomer would use...

2) Space debris or Elon Musk's launches: There might be another mass launch of satellites by Elon or another country. There might be some action groups who protest or launch a campaign to stop the frequency and numbers involved in these satellite launches that are not only cluttering up our airspace but also are posing increasing potential hazards of collisions in space, with each other or space stations and rockets as numbers increase. There is also no guarantee of the safety of the satellites because it will be discovered that some are prototypes, and their reliability of performance is not guaranteed.


1) Award: This could be a teacher, possibly a female that might be given an award for their work with children. This might be a long-service award or for their contribution to education and the community. This could also relate to someone in the medical field and the work they have done in research or paediatrics. This message has a feeling of a knighthood or commendation such as the ones given by the Queen during the Queen's Birthday knighthoods.

2) Birth of a celebrity baby, possibly to a singer or musician. They have possibly managed to keep their pregnancy private and hidden from the public during Covid-19 lockdowns, and now the birth is imminent or she has given birth to their baby, and it's possibly a little girl, or even twins, or they already have a child, and that one might be a girl.

3) Covid-19: After a year or more of restrictions and lockdowns, and loss of life and jobs, it's still affecting our lives in devastating ways for many. There is another major surge in strains and transmissions in multiple countries that requires urgent and strict regulations to be implemented. Restrictions of travel to and from certain countries, more lockdowns, and the closures of businesses. Some countries or cities might leave it too late to enforce these restrictions, and they set themselves back in terms of easing the pressures on hospitals and businesses. It's easier to follow the plan set in place by the government BUT they need to be of the mindset that these are the restrictions and stay-at-home orders that are required again, and they are urgent but that is where they might let their cities down, therefore causing a massive number of new transmissions and deaths from the new strains.

4) DNA: There might be a breakthrough in medical research through the study of DNA strands. One missing or rogue component is discovered to be the cause or cure of something that has been a mystery for a long time. I don't know if this is a link to genetic deformities or certain abnormalities, or if this is to do with chronic conditions or predisposition of some people to certain cancers, but there is an important breakthrough in this research.

5) Entertainment: This might be a special show or performance by someone like the Cirque du Soleil that is able to perform a special event that is very welcomed by the public and those who have missed seeing the performing arts live. It will be just as magical and acrobatic as it always is and perhaps more beautiful and meaningful because of the theme of the story that this performance will tell.

6) Explosion: There is a very large explosion in a city. It might be in a commercial building or it might be near to or in an apartment block. I see objects flying through the air from inside the building. They seem to be household items or toys etc. There might be people, and families who are caught up in this deadly explosion. It might be a gas explosion or something that is combustible. Maybe this is a fireworks factory that is near to houses.

7) Fire: I see a fire or multiple fires being intentionally lit by someone. This might be a church or a mosque that is set alight because this feels as though there is a deliberate intent to destroy something. This person or persons want to remove this religious venue from their town or from existence because they have prejudicial ideology towards this religion and or ethnic culture (a bias against this culture).

8) Hardship: There is great hardship for a country that has perhaps been ravaged by war, and after a very cold and bleak winter, and the coronavirus, there is a lot of suffering and poverty. It's difficult for them to source food supplies and perhaps there has even been begging in the streets pre Covid-19, or perhaps they are driven to beg in the streets now because of their dire situation. I feel that the government has misspent money that should have been used to help this town or city. Any aid that is sent from other countries needs to be monitored as to its actual distribution to the people in need.

9) Hostage/ prisoner released: This might relate back to a previous message on another blog about a female prisoner or someone held hostage who is finally being released, or a country sends in a covert team to rescue her from her captors.

10) India: The card that I received this message from has an elephant featuring in it, and it is an Asian elephant that could be from India hence the reason I feel this message is about India. I feel that this message is related to the devastating resurgence of the coronavirus wave in India. The country feels isolated, stranded in the midst of this unpredictable and unprecedented pandemic. I feel that the country will demand answers from the government as to the management of the pandemic, and in particular the most recent wave of variants that have decimated their country. There will also be issues with pollution because of the number of funeral pyres that have been lit over weeks and even months before the pandemic becomes more contained. The pollution level will cause additional health issues. Sadly, this tragic increase in numbers of variants that lead to record cases and record deaths will also set a precedent for other countries and the way they deal with a new outbreak in their own country. This pandemic is showing to be far from over until ALL countries are vaccinated and taking the strictest of precautions.

11) Plane crash: I see an old plane that looks like a bi-plane that falls from the sky or has a malfunction of some sort and it crashes to the ground, possibly into a hill or a grassy field (I had a flash of a cross on a hill). It might be painted red or have red lettering, or there is something associated with the word red. There might be a problem with its fuel line.

12) Poverty: This is another message about poverty and hardship that is causing young people to go out begging to help their family make ends meet. These people might also be travelling long distances, and often on foot to try to find somewhere to create a safe space for them to live in. There is a lot of hardship here that is under-reported by their home country.

13) Share market: There is a significant drop in the share market, or a bank’s shares drop. It seems that there are a number of organisations that are affected by the drop - I don't think it's as bad as a “crash". It is significant though, and might be to do with a war or the threat of a war in another country that causes the stocks to drop in value. One country involved will halt their economic exchange of goods as a tool to try to gain the control for what they want which causes the instability.

14) Volcano: There is a volcanic eruption with multiple lava flows down the sides of the volcano and a lot of ash that drifts for miles and blocks out the sunlight. It coats trees and houses with the ash. Some people might be caught out by this sudden large eruption, and lose their life. This might be tourists visiting the Icelandic volcano that is currently erupting at the time this message is posted, and people were having their photos taken near the lava flows and their wedding ceremonies performed here.


1) Cold snap: A sudden and extreme cold snap has caused concerns because people are unprepared for the cold at this time of the year, and are trying to warm their homes in unsafe ways causing carbon monoxide poisoning for some people, and four others there have been house fires from trying to warm their homes in any way they can. There might have been power outages, and candles used to light their homes, and these have caused fires too.

2) Flooding: This seems to be a very slow rising of a body of water near buildings, and it is threatening to engulf them. Some of these buildings might be very old such as a church, museum, or an historic school building in the town. This water might be flowing through from a great distance away, perhaps from mountains where the snow is thawing very quickly and the volume that is trying to manoeuvre out through streams or a river is too much for it to cope with, leading to the threat of flooding. This might also be the slow release of water from a dam.

3) Fog: There are still some unusual weather patterns in some countries where the weather should be warming up but there is fog that is at times quite thick and heavy. This seems to be a very wet fog, perhaps the type that becomes almost rain-like rather than clearing into a sunny day once it has lifted.

4) Icy cold weather: Unseasonably icy cold weather will settle over a city or in parts of a country. This might even be frosts or fog that comes in very late in the season. This might last over a number of days or even a week or so. If there is frost, then the sudden change back to warmer weather might cause concern with the thaw, and the volume of water from when it does thaw.

5) Icy polar blast: There seems to be a sudden drop in temperature and a very strong icy-cold wind that blows through a town or city. There might even be a dumping of snow or a frost. It's so unexpected that people are caught out in regards to clothing and warming their homes. Many people wrap up in their beds or under piles of blankets to warm themselves but the worst part of it will be the wind-chill factor that causes issues.

6) Storm: There is an unseasonal storm or tropical storm with huge sea surges that hits a coastal area. People might come out to see the particularly high waves and the sea spray but someone goes there to take selfies, and it is hazardous for them, or for a couple who are washed out into the sea. I’m seeing a newly-married couple.

**DISCLAIMER: All views or opinions, stated or implied, are made without prejudice to the person or situation being read, and are only alleged through the messages I receive psychically. The comments are not intended to be taken as fact, and all individuals are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Readings are for entertainment purposes only; they should never replace professional advice or your own free will.

©2021 High Priestess Illumination


May 11, 2021

Thank you, l always enjoy reading these. Lots of animal ones. so many people treat animals so badly and it make me so cross. As always l will keep an eye out on the internet to see if l see any of the events you have written about xxx

High Priestess Illumination
High Priestess Illumination
May 12, 2021
Replying to

Thank you, I always look forward to your comments on these posts. There ARE a lot of animal messages in this post, and it's so good that people are still able to do the work to help these animals when needed! Yes please, I appreciate any input to local news items that relate to my posts 💖 Many blessings xxx

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