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  • Writer's pictureHigh Priestess Illumination

“Children found hidden away; Earthquake and tsunami; Medical emergency”

Updated: Jun 7, 2023

Posted: March 04, 2021. Any addendums added to the titles below will be dated at the date of the additional information provided.

**TRIGGER WARNING** Please be aware that some content may not be suitable for those under 18-years of age, and may contain themes that could cause triggers in some people. This is intended for adult viewing and entertainment purposes only.


1) Astronomy: A lot of activity in the night sky. Shooting stars, meteors, or space debris seem to be more clearly seen at night or in one particular city that looks over water, and they get to see more than one event at the same time in the night sky. Maybe it’s a partial lunar eclipse, AND a meteor, AND some space debris over one night, for example.

2) Astronomy - mapping: There is information that is being relayed back to observers on earth, whether it's someone like NASA or to observatories but there is something that is calculated and received by people who find great value in this information. It might be some unexpected information from Nasa’s Perseverance rover on Mars, or it might be to do with some satellite information that is mapping out stars or galaxies, and it is sending back some very complex and interesting details.

3) Night sky: I'm not quite sure what this is but something is raining down from the sky, either on a very dull, dark day, or at night. Whatever it is it sparkles in the light as it falls to the ground. It could be from a plane such as a leak from their toilets known as Blue Ice which is frozen sewerage waste. It could also be unusual hail or snow caused by the cooler conditions that result in the occurrence in the night air, but without rain clouds and on a clear night, if it is hail. It's an unusual or rare event.

4) Observatory: Astronomers gather, perhaps at an annual (virtual) event to discuss the findings of some particular data such as variations in relation to the positioning of planets, stars, or galaxies. There are new ways with technology for calculating distances and sizes, shapes, gases, and temperatures etcetera. These are all collated into some very interesting data for them.

5) Supernova: A new star or galaxy is discovered by an observatory, or a supernova (a large explosion at the end of a star’s life cycle). It may have been a cloudy night but it cleared just in time for the observatory to capture and record this event.


1) Celebrity: I see a woman who passes away - the message I received was “Takes her last breath”, and so I wonder if it is COVID-related. The message seems to be about someone not being able to get enough air to breathe. This is a mature, elegant, and attractive woman who is a very popular and highly respected actress. This could sadly be someone perhaps like Helen Mirren.

2) Medical emergency: There might be a medical emergency for someone in the public eye perhaps even a member of the royal family. This could be Prince Philip but I feel it has a female energy, and it might be a younger person. There might be an emergency because they don't have an air supply and turn blue, either through an obstruction or a medical event such as a heart attack or an anaphylactic attack. I might have two separate messages here that have joined into one message - therefore, a male might have a heart attack, and a younger female or their child might have an allergic reaction.


1) Charity: A charity or organisation that focuses on children in poverty might be asking for funds to help feed and clothe families who are struggling to provide these essential needs for themselves let alone their children. The cold weather extremes are adding to the stresses of the families who cannot get out to work, or the damage that has been caused to their homes from the icy conditions, and their children are vulnerable and at risk of ill health or not surviving this unprecedented cold weather.

2) Child found: I think this message might be about the child that was found in a rural area. Some people were passing and heard her call out and we're able to ring or take her to authorities. Her home was quite a distance away, perhaps through a forest area and far out beyond that which is why no one knew about the children there in the rundown shack or building that they were all living in.

  • ** Addendum**March 05, 2021: After I posted these predictions for 2) and 3) here about the child or children who were discovered or had escaped from a rural property, I realized that even though I’d initially thought that the child or children were with their parents at the property, I then had a feeling as if they were a missing child or children that had been abducted by this person or persons. That might be why I described them as being hidden away. I also wonder if the impoverished conditions that they were living in were deliberately imposed on them by their captor to control them. The fantasy world could be the lies that were told to them by their captor that their families didn’t want them, or a fantasy world in their minds in order for them to cope with the dire situation.

3) Great Poverty: A child or children are found to be living in great poverty and substandard conditions, perhaps in a rural area, and in a home with little protection from the elements and no electricity. They have always lived like this and have been hidden away from the community by the parents. The children know no other way of life except to use their imagination to make up a fantasy world around them. I feel that someone sees the little girl, or she wanders off and is found by someone who alerts authorities. There might be four or more children.

4) Music: People are coming together for a particular event or in support of an organisation, and perhaps it is to do with children. There might be some celebrity artists in the music industry who are leading this event to get more children into learning instruments and enjoying playing musical instruments, particularly because of COVID-19 lockdowns, that many are not able to attend their classes now, and this initiative will provide the classes for them online. Something might even be developed in the form of an app or something that will enable those without instruments to learn too.

Earthquake / Tsunami:

1) Earthquake: There is a major earthquake that brings down buildings. It might be daytime or in the early evening. Some of the buildings that are damaged or destroyed are historic or heritage buildings with large ornate columns. People were in the buildings at the time, and that's why I feel it wasn’t at night when these buildings, such as a museum or government building suffered the damage. The columns look Greek but they could also be anywhere in the world such as a building like the White House in the U.S.

2) Tsunami #1: There might be a tsunami. It might be associated with the earthquake that I've also predicted, or this might be from another earthquake because it seems that there is a lot of seismic and volcanic activity globally. I don't know if the scale of the tsunami will be as deadly and destructive as the 2004 tsunami but I believe it might at the least be along the scale and intensity of the 2009 tsunami in Samoa.

3) Tsunami #2: this might be another message that relates to the tsunami. It might have some effects on islands in Indonesia like the Bali tsunami did but it might also reach and have an impact on islands like Hawaii too.


1) COVID-19: Some countries are starting to see the positive effects of better management of the pandemic in combination with the vaccines, and they may be loosening their lockdown (bubble) restrictions. There will still be lockdowns but they may be of shorter durations or in selected areas, and they will have restrictive conditions applied but there is more of a sense of control and higher spirits about the coming summer months in the Northern Hemisphere.

2) Drugs: With less people-movement around some areas it might be discovered that there is a large field or fields of illicit plants grown for their potent drug form when manufactured. This might even be something like opium plants or a variant of that.

3) Lion: This is a little odd because it seems as though a young person who was riding a horse was or nearly was attacked by a lion but this could be a mountain lion and not, for example an African lion, unless this lion escaped from an enclosure somewhere because I see it either tranquilized or shot. The young person might have even fallen or climbed into an enclosure at a zoo.

4) Politics: Revelations about something that someone in a high position has kept secret for a long time will be revealed. The problem is that it isn't just one thing as more and more is revealed, and it becomes a major scandal. Lies, fraudulent behaviour, scandalous behaviour in the personal life; so much is uncovered when audits and investigations are undertaken. Charges will be laid.

5) Regeneration: Perhaps in Australia or even later in the year for the Northern Hemisphere, there is new growth sprouting in fire-ravaged areas. Trees, grasses and other flora and fauna are returning to the areas devastated by fires. This might even be an animal sanctuary that is regenerating and they are seeing young animals born and repopulating the area.

6) Regeneration: Environmentalists are pleased to see wildlife returning to areas where wildfires ravaged the land. They have maybe worked hard in some particular areas to replant those areas and re-establish the wildlife back into these parts by introducing feeding stations and shelter in the form of logs etc for them until their environment has fully regrown.

7) Rescue: 3 yachts are in trouble out in the ocean and send out a distress signal and possibly a flare to be rescued. This might be at night. A huge storm and monstrous waves have overwhelmed them, possibly causing injuries to the crew, and damage to the vessels. They might have been participating in an annual event or boat race such as the Volvo Ocean Race that rounds Cape Horn as part of the race course.

8) Share market: The share market peaks at a record high since the pandemic began. Stocks and shares are up and buoyant, and a lot of smaller businesses or companies are coming onto the radar of a lot of investors wanting to get into fresh new areas of investment. These are businesses that were born out of the frustration of pandemic closures, and have gone online and become very successful in their area of product or business growth.

9) Weddings: Springtime is known for its weddings, and as lockdowns ease, a country is allowing a socially-distanced public mass-wedding event for those who have had plans cancelled or delayed over the last year. It will be performed simultaneously in a large open area and with some special effects like drones with confetti or some special lighting effects, and all very beautiful and colourful. This might be a country such as Japan, China, or Korea.

10) Waterfall: A Discovery is made at or near a waterfall. Some plants are discovered that are rare, unusual, or never been seen before. This might be a subspecies, and it's an exciting find or perhaps it's something that was thought not to exist anymore but maybe the change in climate has set up the right growing conditions, or it's just a lucky find.


1) Coral is regenerating with old species or types of coral that are spawning and blooming again after being depleted or destroyed by coral bleaching and predators such as starfish. There is renewed marine life returning to this reef as well. This could be the Great Barrier Reef.

2) Underwater exploration: There might be some exploration into the depths of the ocean with underwater mini-submarines or equipment. This might be research that is happening or has already been happening in Antarctica where they have been looking at or calculating statistics for marine life there, and what changes there might be with the continued warming, melting of areas, and breaking away of icebergs that are drifting into warmer waters. How are these warmer temperatures affecting all creatures here? They have been monitoring this for many years but the collation of these statistics is showing some unexpected trends.

3) Whales: This might be a continuation of a message I received in a previous blog about new studies into how whales communicate with each other. New technology has enabled the monitoring and analyzing of the sounds and how they are used, and even picking up sounds or vibrations that were previously undetectable.


1) Fog: Fog descends again over an area that has already had dense fog a month or so ago. It does settle in and lasts for a week or more causing traffic issues and cooler temperatures again.

2) Ice storms and temperatures that are at record lows, even for this time of the year. A major polar blast is affecting a lot of countries in the Northern Hemisphere with their unprecedented low temperatures but also the duration of these icy conditions. Snow does still fall but the majority of the conditions are due to the icy temperatures and the wind chill so that even when it does start to thaw in the daytime the overnight chill freezes it again thus causing more damage to properties and infrastructure.

3) Lightning strike: There are multiple strikes hitting trees and even a large building, shattering glass from the skylights or windows. It could even strike a large building like a museum.

4) Flooding: This message seems a little unusual in that there is flooding in an area of land that then freezes over because of the extremely cold weather and the wind chill. It might even be frozen hard enough to walk on in parts. This is quite an unusual event to have a flooded area of this scale to freeze over.

5) Thaw: There might be higher than usual temperatures for this time of the year that bring about an early thaw and flooding through ravines and along other channels from mountain ranges, and out into lakes and perhaps into the ocean, and causing some flooding in coastal areas or towns.

**DISCLAIMER: All views or opinions, stated or implied, are made without prejudice to the person or situation being read, and are only alleged through the messages I receive psychically. The comments are not intended to be taken as fact, and all individuals are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Readings are for entertainment purposes only; they should never replace professional advice or your own free will.

©2021 High Priestess Illumination

Photo by Ben Mack from Pexels


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