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"Suzanne Morphew - Missing"

Updated: Jun 7, 2023

  • Suzanne Morphew, 49, of Salida, Chaffee County in Colorado. Reported missing on Sunday May 10, 2020, Mother’s Day. Her bicycle was not at her home, and it was suggested that she had disappeared while on a bike trail along County Road 225.

**TRIGGER WARNING** Please be aware that some content may not be suitable for those under 18-years of age, and may contain themes that could cause triggers in some people. This is intended for adult viewing, and entertainment purposes only.


I would like to add a preface that I feel is important to this reading.

  • I initially decided to do a reading on Suzanne after randomly seeing that YouTuber @DutyRon was live. I was about to turn my computer off when I saw an image of Suzanne who had been reported missing, and then I psychically saw an image of her face at the time of the incident, and then her husband Barry, and it gave me chills. I feel that I was meant to see this report on Suzanne because I almost immediately felt I needed to do a reading on her. I saw a look of astonishment or confusion - I can’t find the words that describe her expression because it happened to her so quickly BUT I also saw the look in HIS eyes, and they were icy cold and displaying his deadly intent.

My first reading for Suzanne was May 23, 2020 but I have since added another couple of questions and refreshed my reading, September 03. 2020.

  • With due respect for Suzanne’s families, I will try to be sensitive in the way I express my reading but at times I need to use the words that come to me uncensored because they are intuitively guided, and if I try to filter what I am saying, then I am at risk of then making an interpretation of their meaning.

My sincere apologies to loved ones of Suzanne if anything I present here seems insensitive. I need to tell these messages as I’m guided to because there might be just one word or sentence here that may be confirmation of something that they have been wondering about.

**DISCLAIMER: All views or opinions, stated or implied, are made without prejudice to the person or situation being read, and are only alleged through the messages I receive psychically. The comments are not intended to be taken as fact, and all individuals are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Readings are for entertainment purposes only; they should never replace professional advice or your own free will.


Q1) Is Suzanne Morphew dead?

1) Queen of Cups: Yes. Suzanne feels completely and utterly heartbroken that he did this to her. She didn't see this coming, or that there was anything seriously wrong in their relationship, or that her life would be taken. She is praying in this card but I don't know if she even had a chance to plead with him because I feel it happened too quickly.

There is water in the background of this card, and I have to wonder if it happened near water, like a river, and also there are large white rocks in this card, so they could be nearby. I would presume that searches have been conducted around the waterways or the local dam because this looks to me like deep water nearby.

**For any family members who may at some time read this, I feel psychically that Suzanne has made peace with her passing and she has accepted this ending to her life, albeit as sad as it is for her; she is not tormented by this in the afterlife and she is at peace.

2) The Emperor (Aries), and Queen of Coins: I feel that there was someone else involved - a younger man, possibly with dark, or longish hair. He has been paid or promised that money will be paid later on.

The second person has been promised money to do with Suzanne’s disappearance, and this could be from some kind of inheritance, investment, or insurance money - the money isn't due to come immediately as payment but it was promised to come either in installments e.g. disguised as payment for other work, or to come in another form a lot later on.

· ** Addendum**September 29, 2020: My description of this male, a “younger man, possibly dark or longish hair” was undetermined until the “Bee watcher” appeared on a bike at the search for Suzanne. You can possibly Google search the Bee watcher reference at the Suzanne Morphew search.

3) 6 of Cups: Suzanne thought they would live together into old age. She saw them almost as childhood sweethearts, as if they were life partners, that’s the feeling I have. I feel that she felt more love for him then he did for her though.

Suzanne was oblivious to her husband's discontent. This wasn't spur-of-the-moment for him; this was planned for a very long time. I think he worked through a number of scenarios and settled on this one. There is something to do with her medication, if she was taking any; there might have been some consideration to do something with her medication too.

· ** Addendum**September 27, 2020: I’ve just discovered their wedding date was August 5th, 1994, so they were childhood sweethearts, and married for 26 years but they were together as a couple for 32 years in total.

Q2) Did her husband kill her or have some involvement?

1) The Empress (Taurus): It was a very cold, calculated, and well thought-out plan, very strategic.

I think there had been a couple of other opportunities that were planned out but never followed through with. This time it had been subtly set up to play out as it did; a fine day, no other people at home… the perfect set up.

2) Death card: This card in tarot doesn't usually represent actual death BUT the Game of Thrones card is Arya Stark, a trained assassin!! This card gave me chills too, that it chose to represent this question!

I feel that the person who killed her wasn't able to sleep well the night before she was reported missing, and they woke in the early hours. It possibly happened at night because there are lights in the background of this card as if the lights were used to see what the person was doing, and perhaps afterwards a knife might have been used. The feeling that the person didn’t sleep well the night before could also indicate that the attack happened the night before she was reported missing, and it took all night to implement the plan.

3) The Hermit (Virgo): The husband knew Suzanne’s plans for the day, and everything was planned for her to disappear on her bike ride - all of the exact details of where she was and what she was doing on that day. Did he call her phone to check on how her day was going to cover his tracks?

· ** Addendum**September 27, 2020: Suzanne’s Facebook account was active around midnight on Saturday 9th May, which was supposedly done to imply she was using her phone at that time by “Liking” a number of people on Facebook which was completely out of character for her, and is considered by many as suspicious activity. After this activity her phone suddenly became silent and hasn’t been used or seen since. The last known contact with someone on her phone (a phone call) was in the afternoon of Saturday 9th just before Barry arrived home.

There very definitely was some communication at some stage between the husband and another person (male). This other person perhaps looked up to or was used to following instruction from Barry, and was prepared to follow his instructions to the letter! It feels important to add that phrase, that he was very specific about what was, and what was NOT to happen! Follow instructions to the letter - important wording here, as if “letter” or paperwork, or schedule is important here.

Q3) Where is her body?

1) King of Spears (Leo): Someone was either hiding and waiting in the shadows, or watching and waiting for the right opportunity in the late evening. He had his battle plan and was waiting or working under or near a tree, and he was just waiting for the right time. He had his work clothes on. In this card it shows that he is covered up, and I feel there was some blood spilled, perhaps during the attack or disposal of her body. It was very quick, strategic, and violent.

There might have been some drops of blood outdoors where he attacked or killed her which is in a different area to where her bike was found. It could be in a pit.

If she isn't buried in dirt, she could be in a bore well, or in a dam; there is something man-made with concrete or concrete blocks, and deep or it’s man-made such as with stones, huge stones. If her body isn't buried here, I feel it's his clothing and tools or something that he used.

Was her bike moved at night? The assailant took the bike to the trail at night and moved the bike up the track away from the area where she was killed. Was the bike ridden or taken in a vehicle?

** I feel that someone, a local from a nearby house or café (or a store owner) noticed a vehicle parked somewhere along the roadside, or they passed someone riding their bike perhaps the assailant rode the bike to the area where she supposedly went missing from.

Someone has seen something, perhaps on their way home, at night, that caught their attention but they haven’t considered it to be important or significant to Suzanne’s disappearance.

2) 5 of Spears: I think she might have been hit and knocked to the ground and tried to fight back but it all happened too quick - blow after blow to her. I feel she left her body quite quickly. I feel that she was outdoors at the time that it happened, and she turned just as he hit her, which is the vision I have of her and him.

3) The Moon: Where is she?? In a hole or pit or a well - something outdoors with concrete blocks or large stones around it, and it’s man-made.

  • This card is the “Moon Door”. Lysa was pushed into the hole and to her death by Petyr (Littlefinger). Again, an eerie card that appeared to represent and affirm my earlier visions of something with stones and man-made.

  • · ** Addendum**September 27, 2020

Here is the Moon Door! I was speechless when I saw this photo of the riverfront area!! This was a screenshot that someone showed on a YT video.

1. The curve of the WHITE BOULDERS in the shape that I was psychically seeing of the hole or bore well…

2. Something MAN-MADE

3. I knew that I could see Suzanne is NEAR WATER

4. Near TREES

5. Suzanne would be found by a DOG AND ITS OWNER OR HANDLER

  • · **Today is DAY 3 of the search in Salida #findsuzanne that has been organized by Andy Moorman, Suzanne’s devoted brother who has diligently been setting up this long-awaited search for his missing sister.

  • · Andy went with a cadaver dog and its handler today and the dog made a “soft hit” at the boulders at the water’s edge!!! I try not to get emotionally involved with my blogs but this got to me because Suzanne is waiting to be found, and we are nearly there!

  • · **My sincerest condolences to her family. Resolution is near, and their dearly loved and missed sister, daughter, and mother of 2 will soon be returned to her family who have tirelessly and determinately searched for this lovely-spirited lady.

  • · Check again my other blog “Warning Toxic – Body Discovered”, posted August 22, 2020.

  • A special thank you to YouTubers "Profiling Evil", and a number of other tubers for the care and support you have given to this grieving family.

Q4) Will her killer be caught and sentenced?

1) 2 of Swords: Two people are guilty (two swords), and both of the swords are different which symbolically shows me that two people were involved; one planned it and executed it but the other also had some involvement. He will say he wasn't there and didn't see anything so he's innocent. When it goes to court the husband might even say that he didn't intend for her to die and that it was just an accident.

**They are both confident that they have gotten away with their plan – “No body, no evidence” – is this something that he said to someone? It sounds ruthless but I need to leave it exactly as I hear it. The second guy is complicit whether he helped or after the fact, he knew and helped in some way.

2) 4 of Swords: Quite a few things will be revealed during the investigation and the trial about the husband. A lot of lawyers will be brought in to defend him.

For the other man involved in this, I think his trial will be quick and not drawn out. When eventually arrested, the younger man will plead innocent in that he was just doing what the other man told him to do but even though he didn't make all of the plans he was still complicit in the planning and / or the outcome.

I feel that it was all so strategic that he (the husband) almost wants to boast about how clever it all was, or he was.

3) King of Swords: This is The Night King in the GoT! What is coincidental with this card is that in the news clip that I saw with Barry the husband pleading for Suzanne’s return “no questions asked”, I kept looking at his blue eyes and I could see an icy cold stare that was chilling. This card confirms this because The Night King had the ice-cold blue eyes like the White Walkers. That was the look that lead me to do this reading. This card gave me chills!

Cold as ice and ruthless arrogance. Strategic and all about making his own life better for him and his business. He will be lawyered up but once his other side comes out, his debt, and women (plural), and that there are some documents that detail his future business plans that he was working on, and the money that was needed for them. He will deny all charges and fight this from every angle he can. People will learn things about him and his dealings that will surprise them.

Q5) Why did he kill or have Suzanne killed?

1) Ace of Cups: This wasn’t a crime of passion such as a spontaneous lover’s tiff. He planned on gaining material possessions from her demise. He felt she was on a bit of a pedestal and looked up to by others but he was more materialistic than her. She wanted to work with local charities and events but he wanted money and status, and he felt she was holding him back. I think he might have been a bit of a player and fancied himself as a bit of a catch, and he may have been having random flings where he could. Maybe she was starting to realize that side of him.

He was more materialistic than Suzanne, and her priorities had changed. She wanted to live a much simpler life, although she might have still liked her personal items such as her jewellery that had meaning to her, like her wedding ring, for example. He wanted the lavish lifestyle to show his status.

2) Queen of Swords: He wanted a lot more in his life and felt as though he was in her shadow or perhaps held back by her. There might have been bills that were starting to pile up that she was just becoming aware of and he didn't like being questioned about them. There were also some documents that were concerning her.

· ** Addendum**October 05, 2020: It has just come to the attention of the public that their Puma Path property has been listed for sale. I feel that the documents that were concerning Suzanne before her disappearance were to do with some money that Barry wanted through their Puma Path property, possibly taking a loan against it to benefit his company. I feel that Suzanne wanted to keep the family home separate from the business to protect it from potential losses through speculative investments. This was causing a lot of friction between them, and this is the materialistic side that I’ve referred to throughout this reading, and that was why she stood her ground and wanted the security for their family of having a guaranteed home that their girls could always come home to. His business aspirations were causing more and more conflict.

To get the status and what he expected in life he was capable of being a bit ruthless in business, if there was something that he wanted. He liked his dollar bills - did he carry a lot of cash with him? “Dollar Bills” is a very specific phrase here.

· ** Addendum**October 12, 2020: These traits are slowly becoming exposed through his own personal behaviour and activities since Suzanne’s disappearance, and also revelations from people who have known him or have had business interactions with him over the years.

3) Temperance: Definitely paperwork. Bank accounts and things not balancing, and not properly accounted for. Was his business struggling or starting to run at a loss, and was he taking money for personal expenses? Something will come out about their bank accounts and even some money that he expected to get from her disappearance.

The trial could go on for a while for him as they look deeper into his affairs, financial and otherwise. Was his accountant trying to help him resolve his money issues or even warning him that he was over-committed with his house and business deals?

** I think I recall that Suzanne had been unwell over the years, and I feel that her husband started having thoughts of a different life without her that just escalated into this deadly plan through greed.

Q6) Why was Suzanne's phone left at home if this was unusual for her?

1) The Star: This card doesn't answer that question about HER phone but I do have a question as to whether the investigators checked to see if HIS phone pinged anywhere other than their home on that Saturday evening or night because I vaguely recall that he said he didn’t leave until 5am on Sunday morning, and that she was still asleep.

  • In this GoT Star card is Sansa, imprisoned in Winterfell, and betrayed by her sadistic husband, and also her two parents and brother had been murdered. It is an interesting scenario symbolically in that according to accounts from Suzanne’s family, she had less frequent contact with her father (her mother had passed away), and her brother since she had moved to Colorado with Barry and their daughters.

This card also shows to me what I feel is Suzanne holding the candle to let others know that she is here within this concrete block or granite stone tomb. She is not distraught in the afterlife, and she just knows that this is more for resolution for her family.

Q7) Was the second person involved in her disappearance?

1) Page of Spears: This is a young impulsive male who was maybe looking for a quick solution to his problems and thus a plan was offered to him. Does this person have a job working outdoors? I think he had always aspired for more in his life.

2) 4 of Cups: An offer was made that was too good to refuse that would solve his discontent with his life. He may have initially turned the offer down.

Q8) Is there something buried or hidden on the family property?

1) The Tower: This is an extremely important confirmation of an earlier blog comment I made in my previous blog “Warning Toxic – Body Discovered”, which was about a body that is found by a dog and its owner or handler while out for a walk. Whether this is a body or an item of significance that is found, I'm not sure, but it does have something to do with a dog finding it. There are trees or vines, and rocks or stones, and a dog here, which are all mentioned in my other blog post – quite significant.

What is also interesting is that it looks like smoke and flames in the sky as if there is a forest fire which might expose something of interest, or perhaps there has been a fire here, possibly something like a chimney stack.

This card almost looks, to me, as though this could be looking up at a tower, or being very high and looking down into a deep hole. I see a hole but it's high above ground level.

This area might not be revealed for quite a while yet, maybe even a year, or years.

**I saw some news footage of a helicopter flying over the family property and I was taken aback by the trees and large slabs of granite or white rocks around their property because I have seen this image psychically, and I feel that something is hidden on the property, and placed near to a group of trees and under some large rocks. This may or may not be Suzanne’s remains, and it might also be an item specific to the case that is here too.

**Something else that might be significant is that in the initial YouTube video that I watched from DutyRon, I saw the road signage “Chaffee County 225”, and this is very significant because I feel this is where Suzanne is, somewhere on the 225.

Q9) Will Suzanne's body be recovered?

1) The Priestess: No, I don’t feel her actual body will be but the location will eventually be revealed. Suzanne will be there in spirit for her loved ones though and watching over her daughters.

Sadly, I'm not sure if the answers will come in time before her father's passing but regardless of whether they do or not, I feel strongly that Suzanne will be there to greet her father when he does pass.

** Addendum**November 11, 2020: Sadly, Gene Moorman passed away after a brave battle with cancer. November 10 or 11, 2020. You can now rest in peace with your beloved daughter Suzanne 💖

  • This GoT card is Melisandre, the Priestess - she who mediates between the Earthly and Spirit realms.

**There are flames in this card similar to the impression I have with The Tower card, something to do with flames and fire here too!

Q10) What is the undisclosed item found by the bike or in the bike location?

1) Knight of Spears: I feel that it is something that belongs to Suzanne's killer. He was in a hurry and because it was possibly at night, something got caught; something stuck on the bike or fell near the scene, or was attached to the bike. It possibly seems to be something quite small, and round, like an item from clothing perhaps, or from inside of a vehicle and it fell out.

**Here are some updates from recent psychic messages that I have received:

**UPDATE: September 03, 2020:

· When I laid the cards out for my updated September reading, I placed the cards in the same spread-order from my May reading so as to add some more questions and cards to the reading.

I inadvertently placed the King of Spears in the wrong order at the top position of Question 2 of “Who killed Suzanne?”, and the man in this card was placed above The Empress which was above the Death card, and as a separate reading this would have confirmed to me that this is the man who physically killed Suzanne. He is the man who waited in amongst the trees in the late afternoon shadows, or perhaps it was in the early evening, until the time was right. I also see him later in the night-time - was he working under the trees which I thought was on his property because I felt that he was familiar with this place, or perhaps this is where he dealt with or disposed of her because I’ve mentioned “trees” numerous times here, and also in two separate blogs.

For some reason, the number four has been coming up a lot, and therefore I wonder if there are four people in total who were directly or indirectly involved in her disappearance. This could also be including some of Barry’s workers who were used as part of the scheduling of his timetable of events to justify his movements.

· I do have an odd feeling about the fact that he was “heard” driving past his employee’s apartment on the Sunday morning which is what the GPS of his vehicle would have shown when law enforcement investigated and look into its movements.

** UPDATE: October 25, 2020:

I feel that the truth about Suzanne’s demise is very close to being revealed. It will greatly sadden her two daughters, and one in particular may suffer deep depression due to the news that is revealed, and the betrayal she feels, and the lies that they have been told by the person who took Suzanne's life. It will take them a long time and a lot of support from their extended family but the outpouring of love for these girls will see them through. I cannot tell if it's the younger or the older daughter who has the hardest time dealing with the horrendous news that is revealed.

It will take her a few years and some counselling to overcome the feeling of deceit and betrayal, and the devastating details that led to their beloved mother losing her life particularly after the long battles she’d fought and won with her cancer, and then to lose her life in the hands of someone who should have been her protector.

I feel that Suzanne will feel comforted by the fact that her family can now begin the mourning process, and the celebration of her courageous life, and the closure that can now come from this for her dearly loved family and friends.

The legal proceedings will be long and drawn out, and they will be so revealing as to how much planning, strategy, deceit, and manipulation went into this cold-hearted, devious incident. It will shock some people, and yet others will just say they saw that side of him and shake their heads. Suzanne isn't concerned about retribution or the trials and the eventual outcome, only that her life can now be respectfully celebrated by the ones who are dear to her. Rest in peace and love Suzanne.

  • I still strongly feel and believe that someone saw something that caught their attention that night, and they haven’t come forward either through blind loyalty or through fear because the community has rallied so strongly around him. They are either a local person or a neighbour who saw something on their way home that evening, or they saw or heard something unusual from their property. I feel that this is someone who works locally at a business and that they might have then seen something on their way home late that night. Did they see a vehicle, or a vehicle with something on the back of it, or was it something that looked or smelled like smoke in the distance? They might even feel it is insignificant, as I’ve previously stated.

**Once the person responsible for Suzanne’s death / murder is detained, they will not disclose all of the details leading up to her death, and not the how or even where she is because the details are too heinous and it matters to him too much as to how his daughters, his mother and his community see him – ego, and guilt will eat away at him.

  • ***There are some things that I have picked up on psychically that can’t be revealed here until after there has been an arrest and it goes to court. The information I received during a couple of readings on Suzanne, and the psychic connection I had with her might alert the person involved to conceal some information and therefore compromise a conviction. ***

**The main things that I still feel feature very strongly in Suzanne’s disappearance are trees, large rocks or boulders, water nearby, a pit or hole involved, something that is “manmade” with blocks or stones (like the Moon Door), and smoke or a fire. Also, a dog is mentioned in two of my blogs. These are all things that are related to Suzanne’s disappearance.

**UPDATE: November 12, 2020:

  • I received some very sad news today that Gene Moorman who is Suzanne Morphew’s father has passed away after a brave battle with cancer. Rest in peace dear Gene, and with the comfort that you are now with your dearly loved daughter Suzanne.

  • Sadly, it is also now 6 months since Suzanne Morphew mysteriously disappeared from her home, and she has not been seen since. I had predicted in my May reading that Gene would pass before any answers would be revealed as to Suzanne’s disappearance but that she would be there to greet him when his time came xx

**Additional Note:

This Game of Thrones Tarot deck might seem to be an unusual deck to use for a serious reading such as this but I have had very successful readings with this and a couple of other similar decks for when I need to look at some intense situations.

**These YouTube channels deal with fact-based information as it is presented to them, and not so much with the speculative theories although they can also help to add different insights to unexplained events**

· @DutyRon is a retired New York police officer who diligently and respectfully keeps these cases out in the public eye until they are resolved. Thank you for the video that brought Suzanne Morphew to my attention.

©2021 High Priestess Illumination

**DISCLAIMER: All views or opinions, stated or implied, are made without prejudice to the person or situation being read, and are only alleged through the messages I receive psychically. The comments are not intended to be taken as fact, and all individuals are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Readings are for entertainment purposes only; they should never replace professional advice or your own free will.


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