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  • Writer's pictureHigh Priestess Illumination

"Female falls from a height; Royal becomes ill; Mudslide; Heatwave"

Updated: Jun 7, 2023

Posted: July 16, 2021: Any addendums added to the titles below will be dated at the date of the additional information provided.

**TRIGGER WARNING** Please be aware that some content may not be suitable for those under 18-years of age, and may contain themes that could cause triggers in some people. This is intended for adult viewing, and entertainment purposes only.


1) Lions again: There seems to be a strong energy around lions over these last few months! This message relates to a male lion, he has a very strong leader energy to him and as I said in last month's blog, he could be affectionately known as the “King of Lions”. I once again feel that he is possibly killed by poachers and his skin is taken overseas. This might have been a kill-to-order scenario where this overseas person has paid big money for this skin to be added to his collection. **See my May 2021 blog.

2) Mandrill primate: The mandrill is a primate of the Old-World monkey family. They were once classified as baboons but now have their own genus, mandrillus. They only live in the tropical rainforests of equatorial Africa. This is the problem within the message I've received about these colourful mandrills, that they are very close to becoming extinct or greatly endangered as the clearing and burning of rainforests continues. They are usually shy and reclusive, and therefore counting their numbers can be difficult, but observations of their numbers is causing concern. This has possibly been exacerbated by the fact that they can be aggressive because they are territorial or when threatened. It might be discovered that the people who have been clearing the rainforest have been shooting these mandrills so that they can continue clearing of the rainforest without fear of being attacked. There will be some worldwide attention brought to these illegal and inexcusable killings.

3) Whale song: There might be some interesting revelations from some research on the frequencies of whale song. They have always known that whales communicate with a special language of vibration and frequency, and that they also use this for navigation. They may also now have information about different frequencies that are used by the whales between daylight hours and night-time. Whether this is to do with the dark, or the cooler temperature of the water at night, I don't know but this is an enlightening finding that there are some variations due to the light of day and dark of night.


1) Explosion: This might be a gas explosion or a fire that accelerates very quickly into a massive blaze. There are people and animals involved around this fire. It might be somewhere like a circus or a ranch, somewhere where there are a lot of animals that need to be moved or rescued from the fire. These might even be horse stables because I see animals that are groomed for show such as dressage, or as I said, this could be a circus too.

2) Fire: There is a major fire in a large building. It might even be a theatre because I see a lot of people who are trapped in the building. People try to rescue them or try to contain or put the fire out but it seems to have taken hold. There is loss of life. They might have been there to watch a performance.


1) Astronomy: There is a planetary alignment with the moon and one or two planets that align very close to or cast a shadow onto the moon, or something rare like that as they pass through its orbital path. This might even be some space debris or a satellite that passes across at the time of a full moon, on a clear night, and through the alignment of the sun or Earth or planets; a rare event of a shadow or spot is seen on the moon as it tracks through its orbital path.

2) Biblical writings: There might be an archaeological discovery of parts of some scrolls from biblical times. They might be discovered in tombs or areas that are very dry, but they are also enclosed inside boxes or storage casings that have protected them from the elements. There might be a significant number of them that are found. These are very old parchments or scriptures, and they maybe even pre-date biblical scriptures.

3) Car pileup: Dense fog or very heavy rain causes a multiple car pileup on a bridge or part the way up the mountain. I see this being up high, somewhere such as a road through a mountain pass, or over a bridge across a valley. There might be a male celebrity or a politician, someone who has a high public profile who is involved in this pileup, and they might become trapped in the vehicle. I'm not sure if his injuries are fatal but I do feel they are severe.

4) Coral reef: We've had many messages over the past year about the coral reefs, either struggling with marine life that is detrimental to its survival such as sea urchins and starfish, and also the other side of it where some regeneration is seen on some of the reefs. This message relates to the heating of the water around this particular reef or area, and in effect it is almost cooking the marine-life such as anemones etcetera. Environmentalists and marine biologists are very concerned about how to preserve the balance along these reefs because they are often so co-dependent on each other for their survival.

5) India: India is struggling even more with the new covid variant that is consuming all of their resources. The government is asking for assistance from overseas, not only for resources but also for guidance with plans of action to try to make headway with this pandemic. Emergency aid is needed, and also professional guidance. Perhaps this is through the World Health Organisation (WHO) to implement plans for them to ease the overload and overwhelm that is being experienced here at this time.

6) India - Covid: This might be India or a country with a high Indian population such as Fiji. The assistance and guidance that is provided to this government will prove to be very successful in levelling out the numbers of cases here. A structured plan that can be adhered to, based on other countries successful management of these upsurges in numbers is giving confidence to the government and the people here that this can ease the case numbers and they can begin to gain more control over the rampaging pandemic.

7) Ship attack: A ship is hit by a missile, either launched from land or fired from a plane or other vessel. This is an aggressive statement from one country to another to assert their capabilities or willingness to engage in warfare, should the need arise. This is a very provocative stance delivered with arrogance by a leader of a country. They state that the ship crossed a boundary or was somewhere it shouldn't have been but this has been exaggerated in order to make this aggressive statement of capabilities. Threats might be made against each other to assert dominance but I don't feel that it will be taken further - yet...

8) Underwater: There might be manned or unmanned submersibles such as a remote-controlled mini-submarine, or a couple of them that are used to inspect cables or pipelines along the ocean floor. There seemed to be some anomalies there, perhaps some markers have been placed somewhere along the line that are not meant to be there, or not expected to be there as if someone else has been there and left markers for their own means. There is a lot of discussion with the cable or pipeline company, government Security Services, and perhaps the President, if this is an area monitored by the US. They all would like to know who has done this, what is the purpose of it, and the implications it may have, not only to the US but many other countries that access and rely on the service of this cable or pipe, if its integrity is compromised.

9) Underwater - Pipeline: There might be a hole or a break discovered in the cable-housing or the pipeline of my previous message. Maybe that is what I've been seeing. There seems to be a break in it. Maybe this is what is being discussed, that maybe the type of break seems to be man-made or unusual in where and how it has occurred. Has there been suspicious activity in this area over recent months? Questions need answering!


1) Barry Morphew: This message seems to be about Barry Morphew who is still not admitting to law enforcement that he was responsible for the death of his wife, Suzanne Morphew. He still believes that he can manipulate the situation in his favour. This message has again confirmed that his motivation for events was the ownership of her or their property and assets, and the wealth that would be gained from these “acquisitions”. He was able to convince family members, friends, and other people in his community of the narrative that he had nothing to do with his wife's disappearance. This is crumbling now, and yet he will not concede. I feel a very anxious energy from him as he tries to find a scenario or another way that will get him off these charges. He might be moody and lashing out. This mountain lion has his foot well and truly stuck in a trap and he's desperately looking for a way out.

**See my blog category “Investigative” – “Suzanne Morphew”.

2) Celebrity: There is an announcement of a birth for a celebrity couple. This might be a boy who is born to this couple and he might be their first child. I feel that the mother of this child might be in the music industry. I see someone with long flowing hair in this message.

3) Royalty: This message seems to be similar to my March 4, 2021 “Medical emergency” blog about a young member of the royal family, possibly a female, and she possibly has a sister, who becomes very unwell. This might even be a life-threatening event for her. She might become unconscious, or she might be put into a medically-induced coma in order to heal or recover. This might be a respiratory problem and could therefore also be to do with the coronavirus pandemic.

4) Female: A young female falls from a building or from a great height. I feel that she was attempting to video herself high up somewhere for a social media platform like TikTok, and she slipped and fell. I don't feel that this was deliberate, as in a suicide attempt. She might have been attempting to sit on the very edge of a roof top and a gust of wind tragically catches her and topples her over the edge.

5) Female - Fall: This might relate to the woman who falls from a great height. This has the feeling of aerobatics or a circus but it could also be a female high up on a rooftop who slips or is blown over by a gust of wind. If this is a separate prediction then this is someone who falls from a great height during a performance such as a circus aerobatic performance, or possibly something like Cirque du Soleil.

6) Female - Aerobatics: This is another message that belongs with the previous one that there is an accident whereby a person falls from a great height while performing. There is a male on the ground who is watching that she is safely performing her act, and he tries desperately to catch her as she falls. When I wrote “tries to catch her”, I had a vision of him on a swing opposite her and perhaps she was meant to swing, let go, and he would catch her mid-air but her timing was unfortunately out of sync with him and she fell to the ground.

7) Female - Aerobatics again: I think that this event is close to happening. I have another message with a female leaping into the air with her arms outstretched as if she is reaching for something or someone to catch her 🙏


1) Political leader: I sense arrogance here. This almost feels like a leader of a country who is more likely to be considered as a dictator, rather than a leader for the good of the people. There seem to be two countries that he is at odds with, and one might have a female leader such as German Chancellor Angela Merkel. There also seems to be some mischief in mind to cause maximum disruption to these two countries in particular. It appears to be a plan that will cause chaos at their highest level, perhaps in their government governing body such as parliament or security - this is top-level disruption and mayhem that is about to be unleashed. It feels as though Canada might be another country that is in the crosshairs of this leader's plans to cause chaos - cyber-attacks are highlighted as the major disruptors.

2) Politics: Scheming and planning is underway and not in a good way. A leader of a party or a country is up to no good. He is colluding with another country to cause mischief but in a very stealthy manner, in other words, they are having secret meetings or discussions. This might be to do with the supply of weapons to this other country. The weaponry is military-style and not just guns etc, it's far larger in scale than that. It might be delivered as a shipment on a boat or train or possibly a ship. I see a lot of containers or large containment structures that are disguising or hiding what is actually inside.

3) The White House: This seems to have something to do with the White House. There might be a bomb threat, or a number of small bombs do go off around the perimeter of the White House. They might even be thrown or fired by a device at the white house. This isn't an airborne attack, it seems to be from someone or a number of people from a group or organisation opposed to this government who launch these devices, and this attack. They might even be smoke bombs rather than actual missiles that are fired at the building. This is not a terrorist attack by another country, this is politically motivated along the lines of the Capital Hill insurrection.


1) Drought: The scorching temperatures that are being experienced in the Northern Hemisphere are drying up waterways such as rivers, streams, lakes, and ponds that are relied upon as a water source for people and animals too, as well as generating energy. There is great concern about the lower than usual water levels that are not being replenished in a lot of areas. These water shortages are also causing concerns for people who rely on rainfall to fill their water tanks, and also as firefighting resources. These tinder-dry conditions are sparking more bush and forest fires than usual, and the water sources for fighting these fires are just not available to them.

2) Heatwave - Animals: Once again this message is focusing on the record-breaking temperatures that are being experienced in many countries. There are devastating effects being noticed with wildlife found in distress from the heat or from dehydration. Even birds and other creatures are found dead or dying from these extreme conditions. People are being encouraged to provide freshwater daily to care for wildlife, either in their backyards, or to take water to parks and other areas for them to drink from. Local communities might create their own task forces to monitor to water supplies for wildlife in their area.

3) Heatwave - Children: Many countries that are suffering from the extremes of heat are warning parents, schools, and communities to be mindful of the children in their care. Children don't always hydrate themselves as often as they need to, and it falls to adults to make sure that they are provided with the fluids that are needed to stay safe and healthy. Some are already succumbing to heatstroke from the record-high temperatures but also from dehydration. Novel ways of hydrating and cooling might be offered to children in many forms. A lot more water-based activities, indoor activities, and ice - I see lots of ice, either as something to eat, drink, or as ice activities for them to play with.

4) Mudslide: Torrential rain causes a massive mudslide down a mountain and through a valley. Houses, vehicles, and people are consumed by the volume of mud and water that washed through this town or village. Some people are rescued from the tops of their houses or vehicles. This was a sudden downpour of rain that passed very quickly but with a record volume of rain in a short time that cause this devastating mudslide.

5) Rain: Rain and possibly even hail brings welcomed rain to dry and parched areas. This town or city area might have recently had raging fires, and the rain is very welcomed and brings some relief to the people there. Some even come out to play in the rain because it has eased the extreme temperatures, and it's also watered the land, and therefore reduces the risk of more fires, for the moment. There are crops that need the water too, and farmers are very thankful for this brief rainfall.

7) Record high temperatures: A number of countries and cities are experiencing record-high temperatures and record-breaking dry periods. As much as it is affecting humans, these high temperatures are also having harmful or deadly effects on livestock and also domestic animals because they can't regulate their body temperature under such extreme conditions. Young animals in particular are succumbing to these extremes. Owners also need to be mindful that water that is put out for these animals is now evaporating, or in some instances, it is heating up to harmful and undrinkable temperatures.

8) Tsunami: A few months ago, I also predicted a tsunami. These events that I predict might occur that week or a month or even a year later. There might be specific details in my predictions that differentiates it from another similar event. I feel that this is a significant tsunami, and it may occur in the night or in the early hours while still dark. I see an island with palm trees that is enveloped by water, but I also see a town or city that is hit by a tsunami wave. There might be confusion or general chaos because the tsunami occurs at night and people can't see as clearly, or there are vehicle accidents in the rush to move to higher ground in the darkness.

©2021 High Priestess Illumination

Photo by Afvzi from Pexels

**DISCLAIMER: All views or opinions, stated or implied, are made without prejudice to the person or situation being read, and are only alleged through the messages I receive psychically. The comments are not intended to be taken as fact, and all individuals are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Readings are for entertainment purposes only; they should never replace professional advice or your own free will.


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