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“Leah Freeman - A life stolen at 15”

Updated: Jun 7, 2023

**TRIGGER WARNING** Please be aware that some content may not be suitable for those under 18-years of age, and may contain themes that could cause triggers in some people. This is intended for adult viewing and entertainment purposes only.

Leah Freeman - October 29, 1984 to June 28, 2000, 15 years old from Coquille, Oregon.

· This is a summary of the timeline as I understand it:

Nick McGuffin, Leah’s 18-year-old boyfriend dropped Leah at her friend’s home at 7pm, and was going to come back at 9pm to pick her up and drop her home. Leah wanted to go for a run with her friend but the friend’s mother wasn’t happy about them leaving because she said, every time they go out Nick turns up and the friend then ends up walking home on her own. There was arguing and Leah left on her own approximately 8:55pm.

Witnesses say they saw her with her arms crossed and she looked angry. She was seen passing a FastMart, a restaurant, and High School. The last sighting of Leah was at a payphone near a Chevron Gas Station. Another witness was a mechanic who was working a swing shift nearby to the Chevron Gas Station. Two men were alleged to be outside this station, and arguing. A witness heard a high-pitched scream several minutes later. The mechanic found a shoe on the road on his way home at approximately 11:30pm, picked it up and took it home – he thought one of the kids from the local High School had dropped it (he later gave the shoe to the police after Leah was reported missing, it had DNA on it).

Nick arrived at the friend’s home at 9pm and they told him that Leah had already left, so he drove off looking for her. He drove to her home at approx 10pm, and her mother said she wasn’t there so he said he’d go back out and look for her. Eventually after driving around for ages, he drove past her home and saw her bedroom light on and thought she’d arrived home. The next morning Leah’s mother rang Nick’s home and asked where Leah was – a missing person’s report was filed June 29th.

Leah’s body was found August 03, 2000 in the backwoods, 10 miles from where she was last seen. They were not able to determine the cause of her death due the advanced state of decomposition.

There was no evidence found in Nick’s vehicle, and no motive. A new Police Chief reopened Leah’s case in 2011, and his department openly started to follow and intimidate Nick, at his work and his home. An arrest warrant was issued and Nick was sentenced to 10 years in prison, July 19, 2011. Near this time it was noted that the new Police Chief had unexpectedly resigned (quit) from his position. Was this voluntary or not?

In 2015, the Oregon Innocence Project, and Janis Purcell from the Forensic Justice Project looked at Nick’s case, and found that the evidence didn’t make sense. There were a lot of inconsistencies with the evidence that was presented at the trial. It was later found that a lot of evidence was fabricated and suppressed by city and county officials during Nick's first trial. There was DNA from Leah, a police officer, and an unidentified male but not enough markers to identify that person. There was also a little grey paint chip found on Leah’s top from automotive paint that wasn’t tested against any vehicles other than Nick’s blue mustang, and his parent’s red car.

On November 29th, 2019 Nick’s conviction was overturned on appeal. The DA said that Leah’s mother couldn’t go through the upset of a second trial, so the judge dismissed the case against him. December 17, 2019 Nick was released after nearly 10 years in prison.

Nick continues to campaign to find Leah’s killer.

**I have just seen a video about Nick after his release from prison. A year after Leah was killed, Nick and his father decided to put in a huge pond in the backyard of their family property to commemorate Leah because she loved spending time out there. Nick’s mother said it was a good healer for Nick. Leah loved pink, and there is a beautiful pink rhododendron growing alongside the pond 🌷



These cards were selected after watching a “ABC 20/20” TV documentary, on May 27,2020 titled “Last Seen Walking”, Season 42, Episode 19. This was only a few days after I did an intuitive reading on Suzanne Morphew so I put this reading on hold but I also put my deck that I selected for this reading aside with my questions and the notes I’d made from the TV documentary, and I didn’t touch my deck again until June 05, 2021. My personal feelings were that I had asked questions and selected the cards from that deck and that vibrational energy, and therefore for that reason, I didn’t want to clear that deck to use for anything else until I had answered those questions. See the bottom of this blog for the spread of the cards used.

QUESTION 1: What would Leah like us to know about her death?

· 3 of Cups / 8 of Cups / Ace of Pentacles

1) 3 of Cups: Leah and two other females are in this card, one holding a cup with two hands, the others holding their cup to the side with only one hand.

**Leah wanted to have a good time, have some fun but the other two (her friend and her friend's mother) were not as keen on participating. The one on the left looks regretful and disappointed and could represent her friend, the one on the right looks sterner and could represent the friend's mother.

2) 8 of Cups: The young female is choosing to walk away - disappointed. In this card there is a castle in the background symbolising to me that Leah walked off with the intent to walk to her home.

** It's quiet and dark and not a lot of lighting along the way. There looks to be long grass and perhaps a stream or creek near to where she went missing. There looks to be a mist around her shoulders and head in this card indicating to me that she was in a bad mood about her friend and her friend's mother making that judgement about her and Nick, and “So what” if she called Nick, “He's a good guy”, she's thinking and muttering to herself as she storms off along the street.

** There are 2 “Cups” cards here which suggests to me that there was a lot of emotion in her decision to leave.

3) Ace of Pentacles (reversed): Ungrounded, and not happy. I feel that this card is saying “wrong place, wrong time”.

** In this card there are four smaller disks on this one disk which is suggesting a four-wheeled vehicle, and the hand is a male offering her a ride home in his vehicle after seeing her in a mood walking in the dark. He might even be a mechanic who works on vehicles! He may have been outdoors working on a vehicle when he saw her, or he was standing outside having a cigarette near the doorway when he saw her which is the vision I have of him.

* Did he ask her if she wanted a ride?

* Did he invite her in to wait and he'd take her home?

* Did he get a bit too friendly with her?

* Did she give him attitude because she was in a bad mood anyway, and he took offence and snapped, and he grabbed her and pulled her into the mechanics garage where he killed her?

* Did she leave and he pursued her because she might tell someone?

** He put her into a vehicle! Possibly a vehicle he’d been working on (or his own), and he disposed of her body in another location.

** He says he “found” her shoe on the road but that could be because he later found it either in his vehicle (or back at the garage) after he had disposed of her or the following morning. He also said he'd found her shoe on a particular road that wasn't right outside his garage!

** I (psychically) see him standing in the lit doorway of the garage, leaning against it, smoking a cigarette and/or watching her. I had a flash that they might find something on her, something like engine oil that they dismissed because they thought she was hit by a car but I recall that they found some grey paint on her top when they found her body - that's from inside the garage!

QUESTION 2: Did Nick McGuffin kill Leah?

· Queen of Cups / 7 of Swords / 3 of Pentacles PLUS 9 of Swords

1) Queen of Cups: Nick adored Leah. He felt she could be a little emotionally immature at times but he knew that was her age and that she was a loving and caring person. This card does represent Leah because I felt the energy of a Scorpio and when I checked her birth date, I found that it was October 29th, and she was a Scorpio zodiac sign.

2) 7 of Swords: Nick wishes he had been called to come and get her and then she'd still be here. He was or still is mad at her friend and her friend's mother for letting her leave without calling someone. He often thinks about her and the things he wishes he had said to her and done for her. He has a lot of regret and guilt that he should have tried harder to find her.

3) 3 of Pentacles: I feel that Nick might have had suspicions about the mechanic because he was the one who saw Leah while he was working (3 of Pentacles) - Aha! In this card the “ghost” is working in the archway with light coming through the windows - that's similar to the image I saw of him (psychically), and it was dark outside of the garage. Leah did stop there!! And, here are more Pentacles (Wheels) showing me that this is the garage, and this is where he attacked her. The “ghost” is using a steel mallet in this card! This could potentially be the weapon!

4) 9 of Swords: Nick has or had nightmares and depression/anxiety for ages afterwards thinking about what happened to Leah and how terrifying her final moments must have been. Every now and then he has a nightmare about Leah and thinks that he hears her scream.

*** NOTE: Was the scream that the “witness” said they heard possibly to cover what they knew happened, and that she screamed when he became forceful with her and attacked or killed her?

QUESTION 3: Who DID kill Leah and why?

· Ace of Cups/ 4 Emperor/ 8 of Pentacles PLUS 6 of Cups

1) Ace of Cups: The person who killed her offered her a warm drink e.g. coffee, to warm up and calm down - “Just come in and have a coffee! Warm you up”... He made the coffee for her.

2) 4 Emperor: This is the card that signifies Aries, if that means anything in terms of birthdays in this case.

** Was the mechanic the owner of the garage? The Emperor sits in power and authority on his throne in this card so I feel he owns or is responsible for the running of the garage.

** He didn’t set out to kill her, it was all a bit of harmless flirting on his part, in the beginning…

** Was Leah tied up with some cord or rope? I see some at his feet.

** I see goats butting heads. I wonder if he had some goats on his property or owned some goats.

*** NOTE: There's a lot of grey in this card - like the grey paint chip they found on Leah’s top!

3) 8 of Pentacles: This is the card of the apprentice, the self-employed, and the manual worker or labourer = mechanic and potentially the owner of the garage.

** This card shows Leah at her graveside. There is also a cemetery at the same location, the same road where her shoe was found. This is symbolic of her having lost her life near this location.

** Leah is holding the same steel mallet that the person in “Question 2, the 3 of Pentacles” was holding. That is the weapon that he used to knock her senseless or to kill her.

** Again, lots of the Pentacles with the four smaller Pentacles on each of them, like a 4-wheeled vehicle, and quite a few of them = Mechanic’s garage.

4) 6 of Cups: I feel that he did try to make a move on her and she laughed at him or it annoyed her and she let him know that.

** I also feel that he may have known her for a few years, since she was 12 years old or even younger, or he knew her for 12 years?! The number 12 features strongly here. By “knowing”, I mean that he had seen her around town with Nick or her family, or even sports events or social events etc.

QUESTION 4: Will Leah’s killer be caught and will they go to trial?

· 7 of Wands / Knight of Swords / 6 the Lovers

1) 7 of Wands: This card feels as though Leah’s killer has been questioned a number of times, and he has managed to talk his way around things and even shift the attention to other people and away from him. I feel from The Emperor card, and this card, that he might have been a bit older than Nick, perhaps in his 20’s, 30’s or even in his 40’s at the time that Leah was killed. The Emperor card made me think of 40’s when I first saw it.

2) Knight of Swords: I feel that this card shows a new Chief of Police or a new DA and it might be a female who comes in and looks at the evidence thoroughly and logically, and with an open mind. The other new Chief of Police had his mind set on Nick being the killer and didn't look deep enough into the other scenarios, evidence, and suspects to then get a conviction of the actual killer.

** The new investigator / DA / chief of police will shed fresh light on this case.

3) 6 Lovers: Leah was never happy that Nick was accused of her murder, she loved him. I feel that there will be an outcome that will give both Leah and Nick peace! She wants Nick to be able to live a happy and fulfilled life.

** There is an arched window in this card, and I feel that it relates to the 3 of Pentacles card with the arch, and this card is symbolising the conclusion - the imprisonment of Leah's killer.

** I wonder if Nick sometimes sees orbs of light or flashes of colour that catch his attention? If he does, it's Leah playing as she used to like to do, and saying “Hi” in her usual playful and bubbly way.

**** “The same goes for my family”, she said to me 💖 “Orbs of Love” 💖 My indoor wind chime dinged then!! It's 22:20 p.m. and all windows are shut. It happened just as I was writing “Orbs of love”. That is Leah’s message to her family 🙏💖

QUESTION 5: What will be the outcome from here?

10 of Swords / 5 of Pentacles / 2 of Cups PLUS 8 of Swords/ 12 Hanged Man

1) 10 of Swords: This card feels as though someone tells law enforcement something that sheds fresh light on the case and leads to a conclusion. There might be an anonymous tip line or even a reward offered for information. The killer might have said something while intoxicated that someone recalls him saying, and then this is investigated further.

** This card feels as though someone takes their life when confronted with the inevitable evidence that they are Leah’s killer, or that the person has already passed away.

2) 5 of Pentacles: There seems to be a gathering here but it's bittersweet in that it's not what they expected. Perhaps there is a naming of the killer but they don't make it to trial, either because they have taken their life or have already passed on during the 20+ years since Leah’s life was taken.

3) 2 of Cups: Love is eternal. I feel that this is Nick, and it shows the gratitude and relief of finally knowing for certain who killed Leah. It's also because he knows that Leah can rest in peace now that the truth is revealed. A huge burden has been lifted for Nick, and for Leah’s mother and family.

4) 8 of Swords: Leah's family might even have a special figurine placed in their garden or at the cemetery, perhaps it might be an angel symbolising Leah being able to fly to heaven in peace now that there is closure.

5) 12 Hanged Man: There are colours of autumn here. This might be at the end of the investigation and the conclusion of a court hearing or trial. This card is also a number 12 so I feel that the new evidence, investigation, and trial verdict will all be at least 12 months away, towards or after the Northern Hemisphere autumn.

** This card is also about changing of perspective which would be difficult for Leah’s mother and her family because she strongly believed Nick was guilty of killing Leah, and even law enforcement believed that too, at the time.

** There was a lot of genuine love between the two of them, Leah and Nick, regardless of their ages (youth). This is confirmed by the Lovers card, and also the 2 of Cups card, and how these cards show a beautiful connection between them.

🌷Rest in peace Leah🌷

©2021 High Priestess Illumination

**My sincere apologies to loved ones of Leah if anything I present here seems insensitive. I need to tell these messages as I’m guided to because there might be just one word or sentence here that may be confirmation of something that they have been wondering about.

**DISCLAIMER: All views or opinions, stated or implied, are made without prejudice to the person or situation being read, and are only alleged through the messages I receive psychically. The comments are not intended to be taken as fact, and all individuals are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Readings are for entertainment purposes only; they should never replace professional advice or your own free will.

2 comentários

17 de jun. de 2021

I enjoyed the reading on Leah and hopefully the right person will be put away soon. I have listened to so many Podcast about wrongful arrests and it seems that many police who are investigaing the murders set their minds on a person then don't look father. They then won't admit they are wrong and try to hide evidence. This is not fair or legal for the innocent people who spend years in prison. 💜💜💜

High Priestess Illumination
High Priestess Illumination
17 de jun. de 2021
Respondendo a

I agree! This case stuck with me after I watched it, and I decided that I needed to do a reading on it, for all people concerned. At the time I wasn't sure of where the reading would lead me but it very soon became clear. Nick needs to be exonerated, not just acquitted, and Leah's killer needs to be brought to justice, for her and for her family 🙏 Shortcuts by LE to rush through evidence or even suppress evidence is very common for them to expedite an outcome of their choosing. Not all LE are like this but some have shown themselves to be particularly unjust when they are meant to be there to serve and protect! Thank…

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