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  • Writer's pictureHigh Priestess Illumination

“Silver/Golden Screen actress dies; William Shakespeare; Venice floods”

Updated: Mar 19

**TRIGGER WARNING** Please be aware that some content may not be suitable for those under 18-years of age, and may contain themes that could cause triggers in some people. This is intended for adult viewing, and entertainment purposes only.

***June premonitions, posted in July***


1) Dingo: Mystery deaths of some dingoes. I’m not sure if this is due to poisoning or it’s unexplained deaths due to some specific event that occured. It seems to be something that was ingested that caused ill-effects. Dingoes are protected in some states of Australia but in many areas they're a declared pest, therefore this could also be a deliberate baiting of these dingoes to reduce or control numbers. It will bring about a lot of discussion about the future of this canis species.

2) Explosion: This is an explosion in a tall building. It might be an apartment building or it’s a multi-storey building of some sort, possibly a 6-storey high building. I feel that the origin of the explosion is from chemicals, something like a gas explosion or a methamphetamine laboratory in someone's home. There are deaths from this explosion. I saw 2 adults, and sadly there is a possibility that there were children in there too.

3) Medical breakthrough: There will be the discovery of, or an announcement of new trials of a snake venom medication that has been adapted and found to help with life-threatening heart attacks or conditions. This might be able to remove blood clots, halt heart muscle deterioration after a heart attack.

  • ADDENDUM 2022.7.5: A rare molecule in the venom of the funnel-web spider, the world’s deadliest spider that is found only in Australia, could hold the key to stopping damage to brain cells and heart tissue from strokes and heart attacks, and could soon be trialled on humans.

4) Plane fire: This is an airline that has one of its planes catch alight midair. I think that 2 engines caught fire while flying over a mountainous area of land. This feels to be an airline such as Lion Air, from Malaysia. A Mayday call is sent to air traffic control, and I don’t feel that there is a good outcome because I see a lot of flames, and they are a long way from a landing strip / airport.

5) Puma attack: This is a puma or jaguar that attacks a woman. She might be on safari as a tourist, or she might be a keeper at a zoo or a safari park. She doesn’t appear to survive the attack, or she is very severely injured and will require ongoing surgeries to repair the damage.

6) Reptile: A new type of reptile has successfully hatched. Whether this is a new variant, or species that has been bred successfully, and was previously at risk of disappearing, or it’s a rare species that has successfully hatched and survived. Conservationists are very happy to have this new addition.


1) Female shot: A female is shot in the chest, and most likely through her heart. This was an intentional shooting, and was possibly a hired hitman or someone from a gang sent to eliminate her. She seems to have been shot through a window in her own home, either a house or an apartment, or after she exited her home. There doesn’t seem to be an immediate suspect but there are stories and gossip about her life and what she did for her profession. There might be links to a gang or mob connections. This seems to be very cloak and dagger, and has a feeling of the underworld. She might have been suspected of collaborating with either a rival gang, or law enforcement, and so she was killed.

  • ADDENDUM 2022.8.13: A female was shot and killed in the back seat of a vehicle outside of her home in a Sydney suburb. Lametta Fadlallah, 48, and Amy Hazouri, 39, were both hit by a hail of bullets while sitting in a car outside Ms Lametta’s home in a Sydney, Australia suburb, on Saturday night. Also in the car were a young female and male who were both uninjured. Ms Fadlallah was pronounced dead from several gunshot wounds about 8.50pm, and Ms Hazouri died later in hospital from her injuries. They had just left her home to go out for the evening. The shooter is believed to have banged on the window of the vehicle with the barrel of a gun before shooting her. More than a dozen shots were heard being fired. A car was seen speeding away seconds after the shooting.

  • Police believe Ms Hazouri was an innocent party who was caught up in a targeted assassination of Ms Fadlallah. Ms Fadlallah was known to police and had "past relationships with other known identities" in the underworld, and was previously in a relationship with a high-profile drug dealer who was found dead last year. Police say that there used to be an unwritten law with the criminal element, especially in organised crime, that you don't touch family and you don't touch women, and they now fear a wave of gangland revenge.

2) Silver/Golden Screen star passes away: A female of the Golden or Silver screen era passes away. This could be someone like Joan Collins, but I feel that the image I see is more like Angela Landsbury. I feel that she is a blonde-haired woman. She is renowned for her large screen movies, and possibly stage performances too. This could be Liza Minelli, as I’ve predicted in a previous blog but I do feel that she is older than Liza, and as I’ve said too, I feel that she is (or was) a blonde. There will be some very loving tributes to her.

  • ADDENDUM 2022.10.11: Golden Screen actress dies aged 96 years.

Sadly my premonition of Dame Angela Brigid Lansbury DBE (Dame of the British Empire) passing away was correct. The highly respected and admired Dame Angela was born on 16 October 1925, and died 11 October 2022 (age 96 years). She was a British and American actress and a singer, and lived much of her life in the United States. Her career spanned 80 years, of which she performed in films, stage, and television. She was also widely known for her role as the mystery writer Jessica Fletcher in the Murder She Wrote TV series.

3) Sniper: I feel that this message is to do with the Palestinian-American journalist, Shireen Abu Akleh. I think the Israeli government will release a person to authorities who is believed to be the person who fired the fatal shot to Shireen. It might also transpire from investigation of this case that he was meant to have killed multiple people at that location. Another journalist was shot and injured at the time but he survived his injury. More were meant to have been fatally shot at that time. I do have to wonder though if the person given to authorities is actually the person involved, or is he someone that the Israeli government has volunteered to appease the Palestinian and American governments. I feel there is something not right with this particular “sniper” that will be sentenced for this crime.

4) Suzanne Morphew #1: I feel that Suzanne will be found very soon. Once again I am drawn to the water’s edge. This seems to be a “seasonal” message such as springtime which seems a bit further away in terms of searches that are planned for the Northern Hemisphere Summer, or it’s to do with the thawing of Spring that reveals where Suzanne is. This might have to do with birds arriving or leaving their nesting area too. I don’t know if Maysville has migratory birds in their area. Birds seem to be significant in the timing or the area where Suzanne is found. Another thing for me is symbolism because I see a SWAN. This could be the name of a person or a place name that might be able to shed more light on something to do with the recovery of Suzanne or something of significance. (i.e. Swan / Swanson / Swann / Swanson Mine. or someone’s Swann security camera.

5) Suzanne Morphew #2: I feel that this is a message about a person with a social media persona who finds an important piece of information or an item to do with Suzanne Morphew. This will become very significant in bringing Suzanne home, or bringing justice for Suzanne with the prosecution of her kil;l;er. ***I had to leave this typo because it was so unusual, I have to wonder if there is some significance to it, or it’s just a strong statement that her killer will be arrested (again)***

6) William Shakespeare: There is a discovery of some new documents written by William Shakespeare, or there is a new adaptation of a Shakespearean play. I feel that some papers will be found tucked away inside of some old books, or they were stored away with someone's possessions, and when their deceased estate is being settled they are discovered. This find is the ultimate literary gold to historians. The papers seem also to have been well preserved and therefore have a very high value placed on them. I don’t know if they will stay in a private collection or be auctioned, or gifted to a museum to be stored and preserved there.

7) Young female celebrity: A young female passes away. This might be following an illness such as cancer, or it might have been another issue such as an eating disorder. I feel that she put on a very brave public face but internally she was struggling with her life situation. If it was from cancer, it might have been blood cancer, or breast cancer. If it was an eating disorder, this might have been triggered or made worse by the ending of a love relationship. This could also be a mixed message that relates to two separate people.

  • ADDENDUM 2022.8.8: Could this be Olivia Newton-John who was an eternally youthful-looking actress? For her role of Sandy in the movie Grease, she played the role of a 17-year-old student when she was 28 years old. Olivia sadly lost her decades-long battle with breast cancer in August 2022. One of Dame Olivia’s final music releases was a duet recorded with her daughter Chloe Rose Lattanzi. There are numerous loving tributes coming in, and her home city of Melbourne, Australia will be lighting up landmarks in pink in tribute of her support for breast cancer. Regarding my comment above that this could relate to two separate people, Chloe has battled with an eating disorder since her teen years.


1) Night-time manouevers: Specific training is being given to Ukrainian fighters to move about undetected, and safely move around areas that might be booby-trapped. This training is being given outside of the Ukraine area by other countries that have the highest skills in these tactical manouevers. They will also be given night vision equipment to use to continue to defend against the Russians, or even reclaim some of the areas that have been lost to the Russian army.

Weather events:

1) Desert tornado: Desert tornadoes are generally smaller than a tornado, and they are called dust devils. This one though is either a larger dust devil than you would usually see in a desert, or an actual tornado, and it does cause plant damage and moves rocks and boulders. This tornado might form from strong winds that whip up a large-scale dust storm (haboob), and it becomes a twister.

2) Drought / Flood: A record drought that is unprecedented in this country for its duration and record-breaking temperatures. After the devastating drought though comes the rains, flooding the land and turning it to mud. This in turn causes more damage due to mudslides and unworkable land until the waters recede. I can’t determine what country it is because so many countries are experiencing extremes in temperatures, droughts and flooding but I feel that this might be a European country, or even America. This is somewhere that a prolonged drought is not something that has been planned for. Water supplies and power sources are greatly strained.

3) Glacier: This is a glacier high up in a mountain range. A large chunk of it breaks away and crashes down to a village or township below, or after breaking away it causes an avalanche to tumble down the hillside. It buries some of the houses below, and the land is deep in rocks and snow, and maybe some mud too. This might be in Europe, somewhere like the Swiss Alps because I see a mountain goat.

  • ADDENDUM 2022.7.4: Parts of a mountain glacier in Marmolada in the Italian Alps have collapsed causing an avalanche to travel down the side of the mountain. Tragically 7 people were killed and possibly 13 missing, and 8 others were in hospital.. It is thought to have been caused by record-high temperatures at the peak where the glacier broke away. It was 10C when usually it would be zero degrees at this time of the year.

4) Venice: Historic flooding in the city of Venice. There might be some neglect by the government or some knowledge of something that was beginning to fail to do with the waterways around Venice. A sudden and high rainfall plus tidal waterways, there seems to be a failure of barriers or something that was meant to ease or control these combined extreme situations.

5) Volcanic eruption: A night-time spectacle of a volcanic eruption. There are red-hot rocks being shot into the sky, and a few rivers of lava that flow down the mountain. This doesn’t appear (at this stage anyway) to be a destructive eruption. This might be a volcano on an island that is regularly active but at the time of this eruption, it puts on quite a show that draws a lot of onlookers.

  • ADDENDUM 2022.8.3: There was a volcanic eruption in the Fagradalsfjall fissure zone on Iceland's Reykjanes Peninsula. Spectacular rivers of lava flowed across the landscape with fountains of fire bursting through the 300-metre-long fissure. The volcano had awoken again from its slumber in a burst of stunning activity, so much so that tourists were descending on the area to take photos and to marvel at the show it was putting on. The government was concerned because 3 tourists had suffered minor injuries so Civil Defense was brought in to manage an area specifically designated for the tourist to watch from.

©2022 High Priestess Illumination

**DISCLAIMER: All views or opinions, stated or implied, are made without prejudice to the person or situation being read, and are only alleged through the messages I receive psychically. The comments are not intended to be taken as fact, and all individuals are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Readings are for entertainment purposes only; they should never replace professional advice or your own free will.

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko: Pexels


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