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  • Writer's pictureHigh Priestess Illumination

“Russian chemical and nuclear attacks; Iconic female performer dies, Solar event”

Updated: Jun 7, 2023

**Special Note:** February 2022 and March 2022 predictions are combined for this blog post.

**TRIGGER WARNING** Please be aware that some content may not be suitable for those under 18-years of age, and may contain themes that could cause triggers in some people. This is intended for adult viewing, and entertainment purposes only.



1) Suzanne Morphew: Psychically, I see Suzanne sitting on this river bank waiting patiently to be found. I see that her body (sadly, possibly not all of her) is UNDER or near to A TREE AT A RIVER’S EDGE!!! ← THE river’s edge, this is the Moon Door that I refer to in my “Suzanne” blog!! Trees are lining the banks across the river, and there is lush growth (grass), and so I feel that this is during Spring although I see what looks like a forest fire nearby so maybe towards Summer unless it is a particularly dry spring. The river’s water level has dropped. This tree looks a little dead as if it is late growing its leaves because of the type of tree it is, or because the roots have been disturbed and it is dying…When I say “under” the tree, I mean that she is buried below where the branches of this tree hang over the river’s edge. There seems to be a branch pointing to the area but I don’t know if this is just symbolic for me as a psychic.


1) Spiritual quest: “Divine Truth” is what I sensed for this message, a spiritual movement in Queensland, Australia. This might be a spiritual quest in Uluru, Australia that has a very special significance for people to gather there for this deeply spiritual event. I see the glow of the magical-looking red dust of Uluru.

2) Tornado: This is a record-sized tornado. It seems to be the merging of two tornadoes that creates a mega-tornado, the largest ever seen, or there is a second tornado that follows directly behind this one, at the same time and the same path, almost as if they are one. The worst of this might occur at night.


1) Explosion: This occurs in a building that is predominantly constructed of glass on its outer cladding, or it is such a massive explosion that every window in the building shatters. The explosion appears to happen from the inside out, and it is a manmade explosive device - perhaps a bomb that is placed in this building to be detonated by an external device or person, or it is a booby-trapped device that is set to detonate when disturbed. It is in a large building of more than one story, and could be something like a government department, or a municipal building. Examples of this, I feel, are buildings such as a governmental office building, a museum or library, or a university. I feel that it is somewhere that records are kept that are of historic significance, as if there is an attempt to remove, destroy, or to completely wipe from existence the history of the country. If this isn’t a boobytrapped device then it could be a missile attack on this building because what I see is one massive explosion, and not a volley of missiles that are randomly hitting buildings. This is one missile that is set specifically to hit this building. This could be an attack on a building in Kyiv where President Zelenskyy is supposedly believed to be operating from.

2) Nuclear explosion: Could this be Chernobyl, and a deliberate target by the Russian president to make Ukraine unlivable for its people, and those who have defied his order to surrender to his regime? I see an explosion of gasses hovering over a large area of land. People die here from whatever causes this recent explosion. It seems as though there was a bomb or explosive device dropped from the air. It could have been a plane or a drone that dropped it into the main core area. This is a massive statement from a person who is showing his desperation, and that he will use any means to assert his power and domination over this country. Once he reaches this point there will be no going back, and his actions will become even more unpredictable and unstable (unhinged).

3) Nuclear explosion #2: This seems to be additional to the other message. I see gasses coming from the ground that have been below ground for a very long time because I see plant life around this area that appears to be distorted / disfigured from its usual form. This imagery that I see has a very irradiated glow to it like a glow-in-the-dark luminescent effect.

  • ADDENDUM 2022.3.4: On the 27th and 28th of February I made 2 predictions that the Russian president would deliberately target a nuclear plant in the Ukraine. I said for example Chernobyl but I saw on the news today that it was the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant. It was with great relief to see that the fires had been extinguished. I did see gasses escaping and an irradiated glow like a glow-in-the-dark luminescent effect in my prediction. I hope this was only symbolic and not an actual event 🙏🙏


MARCH 2022:


1) Electromagnetic event: This is a major electromagnetic event that could affect the Earth’s magnetic field or cause some sort of interference, or there are solar flares that occur, and they have a significant effect on the Earth, or it is that astronomers manage to observe and capture this spectacular event. I see this being significant but not rare. I’m not an expert in this sort of thing so I’ve described it the best that I can.

2) King tide event: There is an event that might occur due the particular alignment of the moon, or the moon and another planet that affects the his might even occur around a super moon in conjunction with a King tide that significantly increases the height of the tide and the distance that it covers or travels causing unexpected and exceptional flooding around some coastal areas. It might reach a record tidal height in a particular area or city. I see this is caused by a particular alignment, and that is why I feel that it is a Super King tide.

3) Heatwave temperature: Globally there are extremes in weather, and it’s not unusual to have heatwaves and droughts but this heat wave will have record temperatures for a record length of time. This might be a record night-time temperature for this particular country or globally the highest recorded overnight temperature. This might be recorded in an Asian country such as India. There might even be a comment about the high temperature of water or drinking water too.

**ADDENDUM 2022.4.29 and 2022.5.15: Record temperatures in India and Pakistan.

  • India: India is grappling with an extreme heatwave with temperatures up to 8oC higher than their usual temperatures. Warnings have been issued across India as the temperatures near 45oC, and the hottest months have not been reached yet. India had its hottest March since records began 112 years ago, and New Delhi had the second hottest April in 72 years, and record-breaking high temperatures of 49.2 deg, for the 5th time this year. They have been told to expect power outages in hospitals and the Metro due to coal shortages. Millions of workers cannot afford to stop working even though their skin feels as though it is burning.

  • Pakistan: Pakistan: Islamabad has been recorded as being the hottest place in the world with temperatures reaching 50oC, and expected to get hotter. Water has at times been too hot to drink. Animals have been dying from heatstroke and dehydration. Pakistan’s glaciers have been melting at great rates due to the high temperatures. The Lahore Zoo has constructed special shelters and water stations for the animals to keep them cool because of the extreme temperatures.

4) Meteor or comet: There is a brilliant bright light seen in the sky at night. It might have a very green glow to it as it moves across the sky. It might be seen around the time of another celestial alignment or occurrence.

  • **ADDENDUM 2022.4.17: Meteor sighting. In Auckland, New Zealand, when a man checked his motion-detector security camera, it showed a streak of light at 5:05am, most probably from a meteor. A number of sightings were reported in the North Island of New Zealand.

  • **ADDENDUM 2022.4.21: Planetary alignment: Saturn, Mars, Venus, and Jupiter are four of the closest planets to the Earth, and are all aligned (conjunct) in a straight line in the eastern morning sky close to sunrise. Mid-June, Mercury will join them AND the moon for a very rare six celestial alignment!

5) Mudslide: Torrential rain causes flash floods and a mudslide that is so deep that homes disappear under it, or a wash away by the force of it. There is an urgent rescue organized to try to pull the few survivors from the mud. There is still a risk of more rain to come so there is great urgency to find any survivors. This seems to be a small town or a village that has been affected the worst. There might have been a couple that were either just being married or celebrating their wedding when the mudslide occurred. I see dancing and celebrations at the time that it occurred. The bride might be rescued but the groom isn’t found. She might be found clinging to a tree when she is rescued. I feel that the groom saved her life in some way, perhaps by lifting her into the tree where she was found but then he disappeared in the flood. Sadly, her sister might have been one of the bridesmaids and was washed away in the flood too.

  • **ADDENDUM 2022.4.14 and 2022.4.19: Mudslide and flooding. The worst mudslide and flooding on record in South Africa. In Kwazulu-Natal Province the army was deployed to search for survivors. More than 306 people are reported to have died. A year's worth of rain fell in just 2 days. The worst flooding in 60 years. Durban was badly affected.

  • South of Durban, in a small village, a man and a woman were washed away at night while sleeping. They found the man alive and clinging to a tree. The husband heroically tried to save his wife but she didn’t survive. There are more than 440 reported deaths with another 63 still missing. This is the worst flooding to ever hit this area, and there is more rain to come.

6) Solar flares or storm: There are some particularly active or large solar flares or a significant solar storm, or a solar superstorm that will have an ongoing impact on the Earth for a protracted length of time.


1) Babies born: There might be a number of celebrity couples whose babies are born close together. One couple might even give birth to twins. Of the babies born I see possibly 2 boys and 1 girl. The girl might be named after her grandmother.

  • **ADDENDUM 2022.4.19: Ronaldo twins. On Monday April 18th, Cristiano Ronaldo and girlfriend Georgina Rodríguez announced earlier this week the heartbreaking news that one of their newborn twins, a baby boy, had sadly died but were grateful that his sister survived. My prayers are with them.

2) Celebrity birth: The birth of a son for a celebrity couple. This baby might be due in April. There might be a formal commitment announced between this couple around or just after the birth of their child. This might be the birth of Rihanna and A$AP Rocky’s baby.

  • **ADDENDUM 2022.5.19: Birth of a son. Rihanna and A$AP Rocky welcomed their first baby, May 13, 2022 in Los Angeles. The proud couple have been together since 2020. They had just announced their pregnancy in late January, and no disclosure of whether they were having a girl or a boy. Congratulations to the couple.

3) Female Celebrity dies: I feel that this is an iconic singer and performer. She is highly respected globally, and she has lived a very full and colourful life. I see her on stage and even dressed for a cabaret so I regretfully feel that this is Liza Minnelli (or Cher) who is 76 years of age, and whose health has been declining for years.

4) Female falls: I feel that this is a young female who is in the entertainment industry such as acting or music but she could also be a social media influencer too. I feel that she has been trolled and bullied and she reaches a breaking point where the fall from a building might not be accidental. There is a possibility that some drugs were taken that altered her reality and caused her to jump from a building because of the influence that the drugs had on her.


1) Drone attack: Drone or multiple missiles being fired at night. Responses from other countries are being weighed up for the benefit versus retaliation that could come from the Russian government against those countries that dare to step in and support the Ukraine government.

2) Missile attack: Missiles are being fired at a major city at night. There is a strategy to bomb cities and towns at night because they are less likely to be able to see or to shoot the rockets out of the sky, but also because people are usually in their homes sleeping at night so it is likely to cause more deaths and casualties. I see a main city with historic monuments being targeted by missiles. Some of these attacks are also to obliterate monuments, records, and the history of this country.

3) Power plant: I feel that there is a major attack on a power plant! This could be a nuclear plant and the potential damage here could have global consequences. I feel that France offers recommendations and advice that can be implemented urgently should something intentional or accidental occur at the nuclear plant. Regardless of the actual cause of the damage caused there, I do feel that there will be a leak of radiation that will affect the locals, or invading soldiers, or both! I feel that the French government also offers weapons or some strategic advice.

4) Putin: Symbolically I see a large and powerful leader of one country who is in another country, a land that is not his, and he is a very dangerous and unpredictable man. I feel that this message is a representation of President Putin.

5) Refugees: There seem to be a lot of people who have become homeless and are sleeping outdoors and in the woods. Symbolically, I see the welcome signs that are displayed by other countries and offers to be taken into their homes too. There are women giving birth in unsanitary and unsafe conditions for them and their newborns. There might even be the despicable and barbaric act of bombing of these hospitals, as noted in my other message. It’s a heart wrenching image. It seems that more assistance could be offered but there seems to be politics behind the scenes that is causing delays in offering the much-needed assistance. It seems that some doors are shut to them, either figuratively or literally. This might be because all available spaces are completely full and resources are overloaded. I also see trains and train stations that are meant to be operating but they are out of action, and this might be due to intentional missile attacks to destroy transportation routes in and out of these towns or cities.

  • This is also a message of great poverty or deprivation, and a feeling of being “left out in the cold”.

6) Ukraine borders: This again feels that this is a victory of sorts for the people of the Ukraine, and they have managed to reclaim some of the towns that were seized by the Russians. A lot of their fighting has been in the most basic forms with their homemade bombs and weapons but this shows the resourcefulness and determination that was required to not give in to the invaders, and the victory that was achieved through this determination, and their sense of indignation that this unprovoked war has even happened to their country. This message also shows me that there were a lot of women who bravely fought with the men, or who helped with the resources to get to this end result.

7) Ukraine bravery: There will be many stories that will come to light after the Russian ceasefire. There will be stories that will inspire people with their resilience, innovation, and bravery. I feel that there might have been a female who either lead a form of resistance to help get people out of the areas that were being bombed and that were surrounded by the Russians, or she might have lead the fighters with her courage but also her local knowledge, and her loyalty to her country. She might not have survived the onslaught of bombing and snipers to tell her own story.

8) Ukraine ceasefire: “Peace” will come but with a great loss of life. There will never be a peaceful resolution to the conflict between Russia and the Ukraine. Russia, and specifically Putin will harbour, resentment, loathing and animosity towards Ukraine but particularly towards President Zelenskeyy because he was a stronger opponent than anticipated but also because he had a strength and charisma that was admired and respected by his own people AND globally. There might be strong indications of a ceasefire promised by the end of April or early May but Russia’s strategy will be up-scaled, and underhand tactics will be undertaken to remove President Zelenskeyy from power, even using a known method of removing someone in opposition to Russia or Putin, such as the use of a poisonous or toxic substance! This might last for another two years or so in totality.

9) Ukrainian President: I don’t like to have to say this but I feel that this message relates to the Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy, and sadly I feel that he will become a casualty of a bombing (missile attack) in his country. This was not a misfortunate wrong-place-wrong-time scenario, this was a very strategic hit planned or ordered by Putin to eliminate President Zelenskyy. Because of the power and support that President Zelenskyy has achieved during his short time as leader, and the global praise, respect, and admiration, and even accolades he has received from the leaders of other countries, this has irked Putin to the point where he made a determination that President Zelenskyy needed to be eliminated if Putin was ever going to conquer the people and cities of the Ukraine.

  • The attack was a missile that was fired into a building from a jet fighter or a drone attack. Sadly, there is no way that Putin will “allow” Zelenskyy to live. His mission first and foremost now is to remove this man who is becoming an unrelenting icon of leadership who will go down in history for his stance against Putin in the name of his people and his country.

  • This resistance to the Russian invasion and the resulting war is far beyond the scope of what Putin could ever have imagined he would have to do to conquer this country, and his ego will not allow this actor and comedian of such low standing in Putin’s eyes to outshine or upstage him. Putin’s many, many years of ruling over his people, and asserting his power, ego, and authority globally to other world leaders has led to a distorted ideology and belief in what is politically and ethically acceptable. This is like a rigged game of cards where there can only be one winner, no matter how underhanded the main player has to be in order to win.

  • President Zelenskyy, due to his global admiration and respect from world leaders and people in general, will see him awarded a Medal of Honour, or a global award in recognition of his outstanding and highly admirable leadership that will go down in history as one of the most highly regarded and respected leaders in the modern world.

10) Warfare: There are lies and deceit from a person in command who says he is providing aid, assistance, or some form of help when he is not. This is a ruse to delay counter-reactions or responses from the invaded country, overseas governments, or international organizations. This person might also be bombing hospitals, and using snipers to shoot at people from organizations that are there to provide medical aid. I see explosions and gasses. There might even be some chemical warfare methods used to kill people but explained away as being due to something else such a chemical plant explosion but these gases were released at the same time inside the missiles that were deployed to bomb these buildings or this area. There is even a possibility of people, whether civilians or soldiers that are being captured and detained by these invading forces, and are subjected to torture for political purposes, but more likely purely sadistic behaviour that is in violation of international humanitarian laws and the Geneva Convention.

**DISCLAIMER: All views or opinions, stated or implied, are made without prejudice to the person or situation being read, and are only alleged through the messages I receive psychically. The comments are not intended to be taken as fact, and all individuals are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Readings are for entertainment purposes only; they should never replace professional advice or your own free will.

©2022 High Priestess Illumination

Photo by Pixabay

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