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  • Writer's pictureHigh Priestess Illumination

“Another predator is exposed; Home alone; Tsunami; Mental health incident”

Updated: Jun 7, 2023

**TRIGGER WARNING** Please be aware that some content may not be suitable for those under 18-years of age, and may contain themes that could cause triggers in some people. This is intended for adult viewing, and entertainment purposes only.


1) Explosion: There is an explosion in an old building that has a historic significance. This feels as though it’s a country in Europe. It seems to be something like a museum, a major library in this city, or a building that has a cultural as well as historic significance for this country. It is targeted specifically for this reason to destroy part of the heritage of this country. This scenario does make it seem likely to be Russia targeting a specific building in Ukraine.

2) Fire loss: This sadly feels as though there is a large wildfire that traps people in their homes, or occurs so suddenly that escape routes are cut off. Sadly it seems that a notable female personality is caught up in this devastating fire, and she loses her life. It almost feels as though she went back for her pets, or delayed leaving to gather her pet to take with her, and left it too late to leave for safety. It feels as though she is a performer or influencer. It feels like the music industry or TV because it seems as though there are videos or recordings of her.


1) Adrift: A man is rescued after drifting a long way offshore during a severe storm. There was a search for him but they weren’t hopeful of finding him because of the extreme weather conditions. He appears to have originated from an island where he was a skilled fisherman and knew how to fend for himself, to a point. I feel that he was adrift for a week plus, and possibly 2-3 weeks before he is spotted and rescued.

2) Astronomy discovery: An exciting discovery is made of a new planet. This appears to be a new planet or something large in size that emerges from behind another planet. It seems that with the high-tech equipment that astronomers have now, they can observe things more clearly. This new planet or similar-sized celestial object, possibly looked like the shadow of the front planet but now due to improved technology and time, because this is thousands or millions of light-years away, it has emerged from behind this other planet.

3) Birds stolen: Some prize birds are stolen from an aviary or a large enclosure. They are a unique or rare breed of bird. Some might escape or be left behind. If it isn’t the particular species that has attracted the thieves attention, it might be the unique colouring or patterning of this particular species. They might have been stolen from a breeder or from a public attraction such as a zoo.

4) Medical advance: A medical breakthrough with some experimental treatment using a toxic toadstool. In its early stages of testing, it appears that it might be used as a treatment for cancerous skin conditions, or severe conditions of the skin. This might even be a treatment that they have been working on for the mpox viral infection.

5) Train incident: This is a sad and unpleasant premonition, in that it possibly involves self-harm. I see 2 people, possibly both females, or a male and a female, and both in their teens or early 20’s who intentionally stand on a train track at night and are struck by a train. This also seems to be an electric train, and not a steam locomotive. It could be accidental and being struck from walking through a tunnel but it does have the feeling of it being intentional.

6) Windblown wonderland: There is a stunning phenomenon of nature when some plant seeds or a form of tumbleweed blows through a large area and covers the ground and trees with these airborne plants that settled there and transformed the area into a visual wonderland.


1) Assault on a female: It’s late at night, and I see a woman lying naked in a clearing in the woods or in a field. She is unconscious and she has been seriously assaulted. There is more than one person involved in this horrific violation of her. This might have occurred during a late night outdoor party or social gathering that got out of hand because I see a lot of people gathered there. There may have been a lot of alcohol or drugs involved, and I don’t feel that this was a planned assault but I do pick up an energy as if some felt she “deserved” it or it was a hate crime against her because she was a little different, or because of her ethnicity or beliefs.

2) Female celebrity: A female celebrity has a mental health episode that puts her in harm’s way. This feels as if it is someone of Hispanic heritage, and could be someone like Demi Lovato or Selena Gomez. They have had problems before and manage to recover but something happens in their personal life to put them into a dark place again 🙏

3) Home alone: A young child is discovered to be living alone at home. I can’t see if the parent has had a medical incident or if the child was abandoned by the parent. The child would leave the home to go to school or the shops until they weren’t able to for whatever reason, and that was when someone discovered that they were alone and unattended by any adults. They had managed remarkably well considering the length of time that they had cared for themself alone.

4) Justin Bieber: This feels like a celebrity couple such as Justin Bieber and Hailey. I sense sadness from a loss, and it seems that the couple might experience the sadness of a miscarriage. I see Justin embracing and supporting Hailey through her grief.

5) Missing hiker: This feels to be a missing hiker or tourist who becomes separated from a group while out for a day trip to a forest area. It does feel more like a tourist, someone who was ill-prepared to be hiking into a forest. They wandered off to look at something, perhaps an animal, and went off a trail and couldn’t find their way back onto the trail. It might have been while they had stopped for lunch or she was at the back of the group because no one seemed to notice for a while. She is found safe and unharmed but it might be early evening or early morning because I see that it’s a little dark when she is found.

6) Motivational speaker: There is a new motivational speaker who has emerged to provide on the global stage. He (they) have targeted a new audience of people who have been affected by the changes in the world over the last few years, from the lockdowns, missed schooling and education, to the new way of working and interacting in the world today. It will involve new digital platforms and remote working, and many more things such as new technology that enhances their future potential as productive contributors to our future workers and workplaces. What this person offers is partly what was already there but his team has enhanced the experience in a more enlightened and progressive way. Some of this might also be suitable for retirees, and the expansion of skill-sets universally.

7) Novelist: A renowned novelist passes away in her sleep, or a heart attack, although it does feel as though she passed away peacefully. She might be known for her children’s books or fantasy novels.

8) Predator: Another notable male celebrity has serious allegations made against him for sexual misconduct. This is another person who has been known as a predator in his industry. This might not be the arts such as movies and theatre, this seems more like a corporate executive and / or owner of a major company. There will be a lot of people who will speak out about their experiences with him.

9) Royal’s health: A royal or a leader of a country is diagnosed with a mental health issue, or a medical condition that affects or will begin to affect their ability to function at the level that is required for their position. This has the energy of a male who develops this condition.


1) Drilling rig: I see something that looks like a multi-levelled drilling rig or platform of a similar structure. I see a huge wave wash over the rig. It could be a tsunami or a massive sea surge because there is a wave like a wall of water. People are washed overboard too.

2) Iridescent halo: There are multiple reports of an iridescent halo around the moon or the sun, or illuminating clouds with brilliant colours. These colours are brighter and more intense than usually seen, or they cover a large space than usual. It’s a stunning sight.

3) Sandstorm: This is a massive sandstorm (haboob) that blows in across a town or city due to unseasonably dry weather conditions. It looks quite colourful, in orange and red as it carries the wall of sand towards the city. The winds might have picked up from a mountain range and so it picked up a bit of speed as it raced towards the city, giving occupants little notice to close windows and doors before it arrives.

4) Tsunami: This is a massive sea surge or a tsunami that hits a Pacific island. This looks like it could be Hawaii, or it could be further down towards Tonga or Samoa but I feel it is Hawaii. It floods through a row of waterfront high-rise apartment blocks or hotels. It could be caused by seismic or volcanic activity near this island.

©2022 High Priestess Illumination

**DISCLAIMER: All views and opinions, stated or implied, are made without prejudice to the person or situation being read, and are only alleged through the psychic messages I receive. The comments are not intended to be taken as fact, and all individuals are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Photo by Janice Carriger: Pexels


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