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  • Writer's pictureHigh Priestess Illumination

“Tornado rescue; Dam causes flash flood; Submarine - covert operation”

Updated: Jun 7, 2023

**TRIGGER WARNING** Please be aware that some content may not be suitable for those under 18-years of age, and may contain themes that could cause triggers in some people. This is intended for adult viewing and entertainment purposes only.


1) Ants: Weather conditions with extreme temperatures have contributed to the mass increase in numbers of some invasive and aggressive ants. This could be in a rural area of America but it could just as easily be South America, or somewhere like Spain, Africa or even Australia. It could be a mass migration, a very long, long trail of ants that are moving home to a new terrain because of extreme drought conditions, searching for a new source of food and water.

2) Caving: Some young people go into a cave to explore it. They were inexperienced and didn’t have the right equipment or the right clothing. Someone slipped and badly hurt her knee and wasn’t able to move very quickly or at all. Water was entering the cave. This could be from rain or a natural stream that runs through the cave, or it could be a cave that they entered on a beach, and the tide starts to come in while they are still inside the cave, and the water level begins to rise quite quickly. It seems that someone was able to go for help and alert authorities who then managed to rescue them after some considerable time and effort.

3) Dolphins: A new species of dolphins is discovered, or it’s a species that was thought to be extinct or greatly endangered that has been found in greater numbers than have been seen in many years. This has marine biologists and environmentalists excited but also keen to study the emergence of these dolphins.

4) Explosion: There is a huge explosion in Egypt that was deliberately set to cause harm to people and damage to buildings. This is a terrorist group that chose to target tourists to make a global statement and impact. The threats have been escalating recently but no one expected the degree of damage that was inflicted in this explosion.

5) The Seven sisters: This message was to be about The Seven Sisters also known as The Pleiades, Messier 45, and some other names depending on the country and culture. I saw a great celebration around the Pleiades cluster. This event has already occurred before I was able to post this blog.

  • ADDENDUM 2022.6.24: This year on June 24th, 2022 is a watershed event that is being celebrated in New Zealand. This date is the first known indigenous event to ever be recognised and celebrated as a public holiday. The rising of The Seven Sisters (Pleiades), at this time of the year is celebrated in New Zealand as the Maori New Year, Manawatia a Matariki. Coincidentally, I received this message on May 24th, one month before the event but I've only recently been able to publish this blog.

6) Young male: Sadly I feel that this is a young male who has been killed by someone, possibly gang-related. He might have been involved with a rival gang in some way or he was friends with or related to someone in this rival gang, and he got caught up in a drive-by shooting, or he was deliberately shot by the other gang, knowing that his death would send a message back to that gang. His death makes the news because he has an online presence. He might be a rapper or an influencer in some way.


1) Putin: This is a directive from Putin as a new strategy to continue the invasion of the Ukraine and to conquer more ground. This has something to do with a devious plan to do something that involves underwater vessels such as submarines, missile launching, or something else that is equally as destructive and underhand in its execution, so to speak - it's interesting that “execution“ is the word I was given to describe this! It’s as if Putin plans to execute people, intentionally killing a large number of people in the Ukraine by a means that would be considered mass execution by other countries. This will be one of his most shocking moves, and a very hostile war crime.

2) Russian naval mines: There are unexploded mines floating like a thick soup in the waters of the Black Sea. They are there in multiple numbers that are too great to count. A ship would have trouble navigating these waters and that is the intention of these mines that have been deployed by the Russians but a submarine could manoeuver underneath them and navigate its way to a clear area. These were strategically placed here to prevent anything entering or leaving Ukraine that would aid them by any means, including weapon delivery or exported goods. This submarine could pose a danger to Ukraine if it is carrying missiles that could be launched to attack areas where Russian troops haven’t been able to access during their invasion.

3) Sea invasion: This does seem to be a specific plan of attack to launch an invasion by the Russians from the Black Sea into Ukraine. The submarine might be used to kill troops and civilians in the area before ships bring machinery and troops in, somewhere near to or in Odesa.

4) Submarine: This is the submarine from the message above. There might be two Russian submarines in this area. They do appear to be there with a strategic plan to cause harm and damage either around the waters or coastal area, or ports, or further inland to protect the ports for their own purposes.

5) Submarine - covert operation: This is another message linked to a plan to keep this as much under the radar as possible, and that is why the submarine is their best means of using stealth, until this new invasion has begun. This is a very covert movement of something underwater such as a submarine to invade and conquer some land. It might be the taking of Snake Island, or it is a major invasion of or around the area of Odesa.

6) Underwater discovery: A surveillance item or a number of items are discovered on the seafloor. They are used by one country to monitor comings and goings, or even communications in the waters of another country. They were convincingly disguised but the signals emitted by the devices were detected by scanning equipment while these waters were being patrolled. This has the potential to cause an international incident.


1) Electrical storm: There is nothing too unusual about an electrical storm but this one occurs during the day, and it seems to be responsible for a large number of birds that seem to have fallen from the sky. It’s believed that a flock was struck by the lightning. They might have been startled and struck, or the tree that they were roosting in was struck by lightning. Whatever the actual cause, it’s the large number of birds on the ground that is an unexpected sight.

2) Flash flood: An unprecedented rainfall combined with waterways that are already full, or a dam that was already at its capacity, causes a large town or the outskirts of a city to flood over rooftops, trapping unsuspecting residents inside their homes. This is a catastrophic event, with a great loss of life from people drowning in their homes or being washed away. It does seem that the volume of water that comes through is due to the failure of a dam, or human error when the controlled release of surplus water from the dam is not managed correctly. There will also be remarkable stories of survival.

3) Himalayas: There is a record high temperature recorded in the Himalayan mountains. There is an indication that the glaciers, or a few of the major ones, have been melting at an accelerated rate over the last six months. It’s of great concern to the many villages around the area, and to environmentalists, and also the mountaineers who are passionate about these mountains and glaciers.

4) Seafoam: There is a storm surge that blows in a lot of seafoam, but this seafoam has an unusual colour to it. This might be from coral or seaweed or some phenomenon that brightens the colour. This could even be a spectacular bioluminescence that lights up the seafoam at night, and draws a huge crowd of spectators to see this rare event.

5) Tornado: A woman is remarkably found alive clinging to a tree after a tornado lifted her off the ground and carried her a reasonable distance into some trees. She was scratched and bruised, and maybe some other injuries, and was up too high to climb down unassisted so she had to wait for people to come and retrieve her. I don’t feel that it was a huge tornado, and that is why she survived the experience.

©2022 High Priestess Illumination

**DISCLAIMER: All views or opinions, stated or implied, are made without prejudice to the person or situation being read, and are only alleged through the messages I receive psychically. The comments are not intended to be taken as fact, and all individuals are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Readings are for entertainment purposes only; they should never replace professional advice or your own free will.

Photo by Ralph W. lambrecht: Pexels


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