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  • Writer's pictureHigh Priestess Illumination

“Mysterious drowning of wife; Wine shortage; Remake of a classic movie; Home invasion”

Updated: Jun 7, 2023

**TRIGGER WARNING** Please be aware that some content may not be suitable for those under 18-years of age, and may contain themes that could cause triggers in some people. This is intended for adult viewing and entertainment purposes only.


1) Adrift: A fisherman or fishermen who were washed a long way out to see in their fishing boat during a storm, drift further out than authorities realize, and it’s presumed that they didn’t survive. Weeks or a month later a tall ship, perhaps like a cargo or container ship comes across them adrift in their shipping channel, and they are rescued. This seems to be a country like Malaysia, Vietnam or Thailand because it looks like a traditional fishing Junk or schooner.

2) Drowning: A woman falls overboard and drowns. This feels like a cruise liner or a large launch. It might have happened at night because I feel that she is dressed up for a special evening out. This feels as though it wasn’t an accident and that maybe she was pushed overboard. It also feels as though this might have been planned ahead of time because she disappears overboard in a very deep body of water with no land nearby so that she would have no chance of survival. She might be shown on CCTV cameras as having drinks during the evening and therefore it’s suggested that she was drunk and fell over the railing. Her husband or partner did it for financial gains. His financial struggles might be discovered by Law Enforcement but I don’t know if they will be able to prove that he pushed her over the railing, and that she didn’t slip on her own.

3) Exodus: This seems to be a mass exodus of people from a city in the Middle East. This has the feeling of Afghanistan, Turkey, or Israel. They leave one city to seek refuge in another city for food, shelter, and medical treatment. It could be because of wildfires that cause them to flee for their safety but also because it has made the air unbreathable. This is over a very large area and very close to a city, hence the large number of people leaving. Some people are very wealthy, and they will go back when the danger has passed but some who are poor will stay where they have escaped to. This is a large number of people, and for that reason they are not very welcome to stay in this other city.

4) Leader removed: A CEO or someone high up in a company walks away. Whether they resign of their own accord or they are asked to leave is a good question. This is an abrupt departure so it might be a forced move because of a major issue. This could also be a leader of a political party or a leader of a country who is forced to step down. This feels larger than a company, and it feels as though this is a major event, and it could be a government that topples because I see all work stops abruptly. This also feels as if there are global interactions or repercussions with this company or leader of a country. This could occur around November. If it is a company, then it is a very large global company that will affect the share market, and have far-reaching effects.

5) Lion: A lovely male lion who was known as The King of his jungle dies from age-related illness. His jungle could have even been in a zoo or a safari park. I see a woman who is very close to him and she may have been with him for many years. If this is a zoo, there may be a special dedication to him, something like a plaque or naming an area after him.

6) Trampers rescued: A group of trampers become a major rescue operation. A sudden outbreak of a forest fire or a change in the wind turns deadly for them, and it blocks the exit route of these hikers. There is no way for them to leave the area that they are in and it is necessary for a team to retrieve them. They were well equipped and able to alert people to the fact that they are in an area that is at risk, and also able to give them their precise location. There might be praise given by the Search and Rescue team and organizers for the level-headed and well-equipped way that they manage their tramping experience and the danger that is presented to them.

7) Wine: The droughts and flooding around the world are having dire effects on the growing of grapes in the vineyards. There will be a significant decrease in the production of wine, not only this year but for a number of years to come because of the extreme weather events. Some businesses might close because of the loss of vines, and others might diversify to another product to try to keep their business viable until the vineyards can recover. In some instances where the grapes are smaller due to a lack of water, the grapes might be richer and more concentrated in flavour but also a reduced volume. There will be some interesting wines produced, for the ones that can still harvest their crops.

8) World Leaders meet: There is an important gathering of world leaders to discuss a sensitive global situation. This could be a conference on global warming and its effects on the environment that are being experienced around the world in extraordinarily extreme weather conditions such as flooding, drought, and forest fires. One leader in particular is untrustworthy, cunning, and deceitful, and is completely out of step with every other leader, and the science and statistics that are presented at the meeting. The agenda of this leader is to protect their own country’s economy more than the environment, at any cost! Threats of penalties have absolutely no success in gaining a commitment from this country. Even if they did concede to some form of agreement, they would defiantly delay their response to it.


1) Actress: This is about an actress who has been keeping a big secret. She appears to be someone like Keri Russell or someone with similar features. This doesn’t appear to be a bad secret, it might be that contractually she is required not to divulge anything about her acceptance of the role yet. It might be to do with a new role that she is playing. This could be a period drama on stage, or it might be in a movie or TV series.

2) Actress and dancer: This is a message about the passing of a legendary dancer and actress, possibly Leslie Caron. Leslie is a French-American actress, known for her many leading movie roles, including Gigi, and An American in Paris.

3) Home invasion: A woman was on her own at the time she arrived home at night, and was attacked by someone who was hiding in her home. I see him waiting in the shadows, and it seems as though he was inside her home but he could also have been on a covered porch waiting for her to open the door to enter the home. It feels as though her instincts kicked in when something didn't seem right, and she hesitated just at the right moment to avoid being hit or grabbed by him. I feel that she was able to evade his attack or at least survive the attack through her actions. She will make the news, and this might be because her attacker is identified by her and therefore captured. He might have been responsible for a number of other victims.

4) Kardashians: I see three of the Kardashian sisters celebrating a special event. This could be Kim, Khloe, and Kourtney. This feels as though it might be the wedding of their mother Kris Jenner and her partner Corey Gamble. This doesn’t seem to be a big church wedding but it will be a formal commitment by them celebrating their partnership as a couple, and also celebrated by their family and friends.

5) Movie remake: This could be the remake of a classic movie or a period drama such as “Gone With The Wind”, although it would take a very brave person to recreate this epic movie. I feel that this movie will be rewritten to bring it into the modern day but keeping with the conflict and dynamics of the tangled interactions of the main characters. It might become a Box Office hit but it could easily gain a high Rotten Tomatoes rating too. Some classics should be left alone. It’ll be interesting to see if this prediction does come about, and what the response will be. Who could take on the roles of Rhett Butler and Scarlett O’Hara? … “Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn”...

6) Suzanne Morphew: After Suzanne is returned to her family, a beautiful garden will be planted as a memorial and a tribute to the outdoors that Suzanne loved and the beautiful soul that she was. It may contain a number of plants that Suzanne loved, or plants in the colours that she loved, and that we associate with her, such as blue and yellow. It may also be in a special area where she loved to spend time with her friends and family. It feels as though it is near a group of trees, possibly near a park or one of the trails that she loved to ride her bike on or to spend time there.

7) Wedding: This is a wedding celebration of a same-sex couple, and they might also have a young child too. I feel that they are both female. I also feel that they have already been together for quite a number of years, and they have decided that they want to have a formal ceremony. This might be planned to mark a certain number of years that they have been together.


1) British royal: I feel that this could be a message about Princess Beatrice. Coincidentally this message came through in a card reading with a card #8 and in August, the 8th month. When I checked Princess Beatrice’s birth date, it’s 8/8/88! I feel that she might discover that she is pregnant with her second child. This might be a big surprise for her and her husband but they are still elated to make the announcement. This might be a boy that will be born in or near to the month of May.

2) Royal residence: This could be at Buckingham Palace but it feels as though it could be Windsor Castle that discovers some explosive devices. It seems that they are hidden in gardens around the property but thorough routine inspections detect one or two devices, and then a comprehensive sweep discovers more. The initial one might be detected by a drone. I don’t know if they use drones for surveillance but this seems to be what I see.


1) Nuclear plant: This might relate to the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Station in Ukraine. I see an issue with water flowing through pipes in an industrial-type building. There seems to be a problem with a lack of water to a particular plant in the building that keeps it working or cools it down while it’s working. This also seems to be an underground part of the building where this water is required, and this is why I feel that it might be something like a nuclear reactor. This could be a deliberate act of shutting down the water supply as a form of control to make demands of another government to gain an upper hand. It’s a risky and potentially deadly “game” of negotiation and control.

2) Poison: This has the vibe of someone like the infamous Mata Hari, a woman who was convicted and sentenced to death by the French government for spying and for working as a double-agent. The woman in this prediction attempts to or manages to successfully poison someone in a high-standing position. She has false papers on her such as her passport and identification. I feel that she seduces this male who works in a top military or government position, and then gets him to drink a poisonous substance or she has something that is toxic and lethal to the touch. I feel that she does get caught by authorities, even if it is in another country. She is an agent who was working for a country that is a different and rival country from the man that she poisoned. This feels as though it is connected to the Ukraine and Russia war.

3) Toxic chemicals: This is the leaking of toxic chemicals, fumes, or radioactive material. It feels as though this might have been occurring undetected for a while. The surrounding area is already affected, and the chemicals might have permeated the ground, or they have come from underground to the surface. This could be a leak of the stored radioactive waste at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Station in the southeastern area of Ukraine. It will also be confirmed that numerous people have been exposed to this toxic substance.


1) Electrical activity: There is some spectacular electrical activity seen over an area where there is a show of lightning across the sky in the daytime. It is or was a very sunny day when an unusual or unexpected cloud formation appears and brings with it a spectacular display of lightning and thunder before moving on. This might occur over a body of water, and it is seen from land such as a beach.

2) Electrical storm: There is a powerful electrical storm that illuminates a city. A person (female) is out walking during the storm, possibly in the street or in a park where there are trees, or she takes shelter under a tree, and she is struck by lightning and killed. There might even be two lightning strikes in the same spot, and this attracts media attention because of the saying “Lightning never strikes the same place twice”.

3) Extreme flooding: There is little point in elaborating too much on this prediction because at the time that I received it there was already severe flooding occurring in and around these countries. I could see vast areas of water that were leaving villagers stranded on hills or land just above the water’s edge, close enough to dip their toes in. This appeared to be somewhere like India, and yes there is flooding there because it is monsoon season but Pakistan is experiencing a catastrophic event where one third of the country is inundated with water, and millions of people have been displaced from their homes and villages.

4) Flash flood: There is a flash flood that engulfs a town at the bottom of a mountain or the end of a ravine. This is an unusual rush of water as if it comes from a dam or somewhere where it is released in a great volume or there is a failure of a dam or reservoir. It is unexpected and therefore no warning is able to be given to the residents in the town that this rush of water is coming. It seems to occur in the daytime when people are outside. There might be a public holiday event or a special event that is being celebrated when this occurs, and they get caught in the flash flood. This could be America but it could also occur in Europe such as Germany or Sweden, for example.

5) Unprecedented flooding: Unprecedented rainfall in a matter of hours causes record levels of flooding. The water breaches the banks of a river. There are boulders tumbling through the flooded river like stones because of the force and fast-moving volume of water. This occurs during daylight or in the early evening and results in numerous rescues. This could be anywhere in the world because of the extremes that are being experienced globally.

6) Volcano: This is just a brief prediction that I think relates to a previous prediction in June about a volcanic eruption. This is just an extension of that message, and that it is still erupting and that there are still rivers of lava flowing down the mountain but additional to that is ash that is falling over a village or town from that same volcano after increased activity.

**DISCLAIMER: All views or opinions, stated or implied, are made without prejudice to the person or situation being read, and are only alleged through the messages I receive psychically. The comments are not intended to be taken as fact, and all individuals are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Readings are for entertainment purposes only; they should never replace professional advice or your own free will.

©2022 High Priestess Illumination

Photo by Fuka jaz: Pexels


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