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“Casino has record win; Animals make desperate trek across Africa; Royal accusation, again”

Updated: Jun 7, 2023

**TRIGGER WARNING** Please be aware that some content may not be suitable for those under 18-years of age, and may contain themes that could cause triggers in some people. This is intended for adult viewing and entertainment purposes only.


1) Astronomy: Astronomers make a new and exciting discovery. The word “constellation” came to me so this might be a new discovery of a formation of stars. Or, it might be an old, known constellation but technological advances have provided new equipment to see it in a lot more detail, revealing unexpected numbers of stars within the constellation or something in there that might have previously been hidden.

2) Aurora borealis: A spectacular performance in extraordinary colours is seen by people who were fortunate to be in the area. This might be due to sunspots or solar storms that charge the atmosphere but these magnificent sights are being seen in areas where they wouldn’t usually be seen. The colours also show more variations or intensity than would usually be seen in these areas.

3) Lunar halo: An unusual halo of colour is captured around the moon. This optical phenomenon could have been caused by a showing of the aurora borealis occurring during a full moon. A spectacular event caught on camera by spectators who were lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time.


1) Artifacts: Adzes and anvils are discovered in a forest area. These might be discovered after a forest fire or felling of trees that reveals these treasures. There might have been a small village here hundreds of years ago. Evidence of other items such as drinking vessels and possibly even some old timber from structures that formed the buildings there.

2) Cathedral fire: There is a blaze in a church or temple or cathedral. This building looks to be very old, and could be in Greece or Italy. This is a large and destructive fire that burns through the entire building. Sadly some historic artifacts are lost to the fire too. I don’t know how the fire originates but it does seem that it could be from external fires such as wildfires.

3) Deadly explosion: There is an army training exercise in a mountainous area that has a catastrophic explosion, killing many soldiers and trainees. This could be a general training exercise in their home country but this actually feels as though it happens on foreign soil. It could be to do with the war in Ukraine, and the training of a group of civilians by foreign soldiers. This is a large explosion and could have come from a missile but it could also have been a bomb that was planted and detonated within the area that they were camping or training.

4) Dormant volcano: Dormant volcano comes back to life. It begins to belch smoke from a crater and there is some seismic activity that has been registering for a while. Geologists have been flying over the crater taking photos and documenting any visible changes. This could be a volcano that is situated in a cluster of islands.

5) Japanese Bridge: Flooding in Japan damages a bridge well known in tourism for its structure and uniqueness. An example of the bridge I see is the Kintai Bridge in Iwakuni, Yamaguchi Prefecture. This bridge is more than 300 years old and has 5 arches. Although I only see one arch, the bridge I see is a pedestrian bridge, and that fits with the description of this Kintai Bridge.

6) Manuscript: A manuscript is discovered locked away in a chest with a number of other personal belongings. It might have been discovered as part of a deceased estate or found in an archives storage area. There is a connection with William Shakespeare. If this isn’t a full manuscript, it might be one of the quill pens that he used to write some of his works, and possibly some notes by him are stored with it.

7) St Michael’s golden-domed Monastery: I see a stunning church / cathedral / or monastery that is attacked by missiles or drones. I feel that this building has gold accents displayed on its outer structure and it’s a multi-level building. When I did an image search for a building that matched the image that I saw, sadly St Michael’s Golden-domed Monastery in Kyiv fits the image perfectly. St Michael's Golden-Domed Monastery is one of the oldest monasteries in Kyiv. The original was built by Prince Sviatopolk in 1108 but was destroyed by the Soviet regime in the 1930’s. The reconstructed cathedral was completed in May 2000.

8) Trek across Africa: Extreme drought conditions in Africa force a migration for survival by numerous species of animals that are seen making a trek across areas that they’d usually have an abundant supply of food and water, and travelling to areas that they have rarely or never been seen in previously. It causes issues in the new locations because of the extra demand on the water and food supplies but also the territory already claimed by other animals.

9) Water Lily medicine: Laboratory studies and testing have potentially found a new medicinal use for the water lily properties, or perhaps one type of lily that is beneficial in the treatment of heart ailments. This might be to do with regulating the rhythm of the heart beat. This might also be a type of infusion of the plant (or used as an infusion) rather than using parts of the plant in a different form to make a medicine.

10) Wildfire: A massive wildfire is started by some people out tramping or camping when they light up a campfire. There’s a strong dry gust of wind that sends some large embers in all directions into shrubs and dry grasses. They might be quite high up a mountain, and the embers drift over a large area. Dry conditions and high winds turn this into a raging wildfire very quickly. This could be in Canada. A major city will be affected, and landmarks at risk from the fires.


1) Casino Jackpot: There is a HUGE win in a casino for a lucky person or persons. This is possibly a multimillion dollar and record-winnings occasion for this casino. This seems to be won at a table like a roulette table rather than a slot machine but I do see flashing lights and things lighting up so it could be a slot machine.

2) Celebrity health battle: A female celebrity is diagnosed with cancer. She is in a relationship with another female, and both try to keep her illness private between them and closest friends and family but it is leaked or someone sees her and posts a photo on social media. The cancer might have metastasised and spread to her liver because I see a change in the colour of her skin, or she has a bile duct or liver cancer as a primary source.

3) Drowning: A female celebrity tragically drowns. It seems to be an accidental drowning at night, and it appears that she fell overboard and drowned. There might have been some intoxication that contributed to the drowning whether it was the reason that she fell over, or the reason that she wasn’t able to save herself by staying afloat. The water temperature might also be a factor. She is possibly 20’s to 30’s, and she has dark hair and dark features.

4) Hikers: A group or family of hikers were stranded due to a flash flood through the park that they were hiking in. They might have only casually been out for a fun day outdoors and were caught out by a flash flood that had originated from a great distance away. They managed to cross over a flooding creek or small river by using some clever ingenuity.

5) Jockey: There is a momentous occasion in equine racing where a female rider wins a major race for the first time in the history of that particular race event or track. Her silks might have blue in them, or the word “Rose” could feature in the horse’s or jockey’s name.

6) Life after death: There might be a touching story that makes the news about a baby that is born after the mother dies or is on life support machines. This is not an unheard of situation but there is something about this story that makes it more unique or particularly touching to hear about. The baby is born healthy and well and might be a boy.

7) Royal accusations: A member of the royalty family is under the spotlight again. This could be more accusations aimed at Prince Andrew. It could be to do with previous accusations of inappropriate behaviour, or it could be a new accusation that comes to light. It does seem that it’s a new person who accuses him of touching her inappropriately. She could even be a friend of one of his daughters.

8) Violinist: A violinist who is new or generally unknown, perhaps from a European country, is making a big name for himself with the style of music that he is playing. It’s a style that hasn’t usually been associated with the violin. Some, perhaps traditionalists, see it as a gimmick more than a craft but that doesn’t alter the fact that he has attracted a huge number of followers and admirers.


1) Early drought: Drought conditions have arrived early in this region, and it’s already putting a strain on water reservoirs. This might be a country like Canada. This might be the beginning of record-breaking drought conditions and water shortages. Wildfires, food supply shortages, and heat-related health conditions are primary concerns.

2) Stonehenge: A significant spiritual and perhaps popular tourist attraction such as Stonehenge is damaged by the strongest winds in that area in a very long time or ever. Not all of them are affected but at least one or more have moved significantly due to the extreme force of the wind.

3) Tornado: A tornado rips through a countryside town, causing destruction and devastation along its wide path. There is something that looks unusual with this tornado. It has sucked something into it that noticeably changes its colour. It might be that it sucks up grain, and / or some chemicals that interact with the moisture or air inside the tornado and change its colour.


1) Flamingoes: Flamingoes have changed colour due to their food source. Something has changed in their food source, possibly from climate change and warmer temperatures that have either altered the quality of their usual food source, or there isn’t as much available and they have been eating something else as a replacement food source that has changed their colour.

2) Marine life: Turtles migrating in the ocean are not exhibiting their usual migratory behaviour. These might be turtles that migrate by swimming in the Gulf Stream current. They are becoming disoriented and seem to be going in the wrong direction or going ashore in places that they wouldn’t usually be seen. There is an explanation, and possibly that it’s an unusual phenomenon that causes this behaviour.

3) Parrots: There is a study being undertaken on the language of birds, in particular the study of parrots. This study might be enhanced by technology that captures sounds that are not as easy to detect by humans. This can be likened to the study of whales and other marine mammals.

4) Sharks: Marine biologists have been doing extensive research into communication between sharks, dolphins and other marine species. There is a similarity and even an understanding in the communications between sharks and dolphins, for example. These are things that have been discussed and studied in the past but new technological advances in measuring these signals have given them more and exciting information.

©2023 High Priestess Illumination

**DISCLAIMER: All views or opinions, stated or implied, are made without prejudice to the person or situation being read, and are only alleged through the messages I receive psychically. The comments are not intended to be taken as fact, and all individuals are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Readings are for entertainment purposes only; they should never replace professional advice or your own free will.

Photo by Uğurcan Özmen

St Michael’s Cathedral - Kyiv, Ukraine

©2024 High Priestess Illumination

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