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  • Writer's pictureHigh Priestess Illumination

“Titan forever linked with the Titanic”

**TRIGGER WARNING** Please be aware that some content may not be suitable for those under 18-years of age, and may contain themes that could cause triggers in some people. This is intended for adult viewing, and entertainment purposes only.

  • Titan, the submersible went missing on Sunday June 18, 2023, US time, during a 10-hour journey to view the Titanic shipwreck. Their journey ended in a catastrophic implosion of the submersible, killing all 5 passengers onboard.

  • Four days after disappearing, search teams found a debris field on the ocean floor a few hundred metres from the Titanic shipwreck. Hope was held for the submersible to be found intact even though the US Navy had detected a sound that would match an implosion on the Sunday shortly after the Titan was launched on its journey.

Question 1) What caused the submersible’s catastrophic incident to occur?

  • The answer appears to be very clear from the cards that I pulled: that the implosion of the submersible was primarily the cause of the catastrophic event but financial gain was the main contributor to the reason that the event took place, and the risky venture of taking paying people to the Titanic shipwreck. These trips were understandably a money-making venture originating from the desire of people who had a fascination and even a passion for the story of the Titanic and her historic and tragic journey, to visit her watery grave.

  • Maybe we will find that there were some financing issues with the company involved, and because of that some things were rushed or not done as thoroughly as they could have been. This could refer to servicing of the vessel, modifications that might have been needed to upgrade parts, or specialised equipment that wasn’t affordable at this stage to check for the tiniest of cracks that can occur. It might sadly be disclosed at the end of the investigation into this tragic implosion of the submersible that it wasn’t an unforeseeable and unpreventable failure of the vessel. Something that is found in the investigation will show that some servicing hadn’t been done or some structural integrity had been questioned in a report or email but put aside, and it all came down to the dollar. I feel that shortcuts were taken, and perhaps some inferior or adapted parts were used that weren’t right for the purpose for what they were used for on this vessel.

  • This was a lapse in judgment and not a deliberate neglect of these issues, otherwise the owner wouldn’t have gone in the vessel himself. I feel that it was a bit of naivety and a lot of bravado that led to this trip being doomed before they even launched. Some people will not be surprised that this happened and that lives were lost. I feel it was almost like fantasy-chasing and that the idea of these trips had become too grand for what they could safely provide.

  • There could even be a civil suit taken against the company.

Question 2) Will any of the bodies be recovered?

  • What was surprising to me and meaningful was that two of the cards that flew out when shuffling the cards are Tarot Court cards. This indicates hope that two of the bodies will be found, or the belongings that are identifiable to these two people will be discovered near to the submersible wreckage or even nearer to the Titanic wreck.

  • If items are found, it might be from the British billionaire, and something from the son of the wealthy Pakistani businessman.

  • I have a sense of a special memorial being made as a tribute to these intrepid explorers.

  • I do feel that there will be a fund or a foundation that will be established in memory of one of the people who was onboard the submersible. It will provide scholarships, training, or education for people in some way for their future. This could be instigated by one of the businessmen’s family, or the French diver’s family, or even in the name of the young 19-year-old who lost his life too soon.

  • Sadly, more souls to rest with the Titanic’s lost souls. Rest in peace 🙏

©2023 High Priestess Illumination

**DISCLAIMER: All views and opinions, stated or implied, are made without prejudice to the person or situation being read, and are only alleged through the psychic messages I receive. The comments are not intended to be taken as fact, and all individuals are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Photo by Marc Coenen:

Reading: 2023.6.23

The Titanic Tarot deck.

Question 1) What caused the submersible’s catastrophic incident to occur?

  • 7 of Coins, 10 of Coins, 7 ofCups

Question 2) Will any of the bodies be recovered?

  • King of Coins, Knight of Wands, Ace of Coins

©2024 High Priestess Illumination

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