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  • Writer's pictureHigh Priestess Illumination

Political Poison. Body discovered. Border conflict

Updated: Jun 6, 2023

Posted - August 22, 2020: Any addendums added to the topics below will be dated at the date of the additional information being provided.

**Please note that sometimes the messages that I receive might be for more than one similar event and over an indeterminate period of time.

**TRIGGER WARNING** Please be aware that some content may not be suitable for those under 18-years of age, and may contain themes that could cause triggers in some people. This is intended for adult viewing, and entertainment purposes only.

A yellow notice with a black vignette around its outer edges. The words “Warning Toxic” are printed in bold black text in the middle of it.

Amber Alert:

1) Child missing: There might be an Amber Alert for a child who goes missing in the US. A lot of people come out to search for the child, possibly a boy, who suddenly disappears without explanation, or they are taken by someone who is known to them but there are fears for their safety. The child might have been taken by a parent who didn't have the authority to take them away; it might have been an act to assert themselves or a vindictive motivation against the other parent rather than a desire to spend time with the child.

  • ** Addendum** October 01, 2020: Missing: A 17-year-old girl who may be in Colorado and in danger. Colorado Bureau of Investigation: Endangered Missing Alert has been issued for Riah Baily-Simmons, 17 y/o with Black and Red Hair / Green Eyes. She was last seen with her non-custodial mother Stephanie Baily in Scottsbluff, Nebraska. Investigators believe the pair is staying in Colorado, and may be attempting to flee the state. It has been reported that the mother, Stephanie Baily has some mental health concerns. Authorities are asking for help in locating the missing teenager who could be in danger. Call Nebraska State Patrol immediately if seen.


1) Space: There might be an unusual sighting such as a meteor, comet, or some unusual space debris that is observed or discovered by astronomers.

  • ** Addendum** - August 22, 2020: After receiving this intuitive message, there has since been a report of a car-sized asteroid that made the closest-known approach to Earth without colliding with the planet. And researchers didn’t even know about it until hours after it had already passed because they pass so quickly.

  • ** Addendum**September 02, 2020: An unusual and lucky sighting of a meteor shooting across the night sky during a live news broadcast in New South Wales, Australia. The news presenter was blissfully unaware of the spectacle that zoomed behind his head on the screen behind him but eagle-eyed viewers at home from “Australian Meteor Reports”, a Facebook group dedicated to meteor sightings were quick to note and report the event.

Body discovered:

1) Suzanne Morphew: I feel that these remains that are found belong to someone who has been missing for quite a while before they have become exposed or discovered. They appear to be in grasslands or a forest area with rocks around them. Perhaps a dog was out for a walk with its owner and smelled the remains of the person buried there. I don’t know if this is the body of Suzanne Morphew, or someone else who has been a missing person for a while. It does seem to me to be the remains of a female.

2) Artifacts: There could be a discovery of some ancient bones or artifacts. This could possibly be in Greece after floods have receded, and they might reveal some ancient bowls and skeletal remains that have had the soil washed away from them. This message came to me at the same time as the message about the floods that I’ve posted below.

Border conflict:

1) Border fighting: I feel that there is a ground-to-air missile shot towards a plane but it might be just a warning shot to assert authority and territory or boundaries. These might be rebels or guerrillas but it could also be an aggressive move by a government. I do wonder if they did hit the plane because I see rejoicing and celebrations.

  • **Addendum** September 29, 2020: Azerbaijan and Turkey deny claims that a Turkish jet shot down an Armenian warplane. Armenia rejects accusations its army shelled areas beyond their disputed region.

2) Power struggle: I see a country with a blue and white striped flag such as these listed countries: Argentina / Honduras / El Salvador / San Marino / Nicaragua / Catholic Church (Poland - Krakow) / Bavaria.

This might be two countries that border each other. One country is feeling superior or is wealthier than the other country which is struggling financially and economically to feed and house its people. The first country may have been receiving assistance from another country such as Russia, for example. There is a great imbalance here that is perhaps a little corrupt, and it’ll be a very long time before the lesser country will overcome this imbalance of power and wealth.

  • **Addendum** September 29, 2020: Greece has a blue and white striped flag, as stated above, and at present is in conflict with Turkey. It was suggested by German Chancellor, Angela Merkel that Greece and Turkey came close to war. The US government is calling for talks between Greece and Turkey over Mediterranean maritime dispute, and will base a mammoth navy ship in Greece, near the disputed territory.

3) Warring countries: I see the number 13 and something blue… perhaps a city in the daytime, or the colour of their flag, as the above message. It seems that something is being fired towards the city, maybe missiles - more than one missile. There appear to be old stone buildings in this city, and people are running for cover.

Financial losses:

1) I see a bank closing its doors, or a finance company shutting everything down. There is a major financial down-turn and a lack of funds available. This might possibly be to do with the Stock Exchange, and shares dropping suddenly. A major company is affected - perhaps this is to do with a broadcasting or telecommunications company that is in financial strife. This could be a company or a place that starts with an “s” such as San Francisco or Seattle. This is most likely to be COVID-19 related losses. Possibly Saudi Arabia could be another country that has an involvement in this down-turn.

  • **Addendum** – August 27, 2020: New Zealand Stock Exchange, NZX halted trading after an offshore cyber-attack. The sudden halt in trading was due to a “volumetric distributed denial of services (DDoS) attack” which aims to disrupt services by overloading the network with significant volumes of internet traffic. SPARK, the NZX’s telecommunications provider (a telecommunications company with a name that begins with “S” as stated above), and the National Cyber Security Centre are looking into it. The cyber-attack has occurred three days in a row and is causing considerable concern with the exchange, the telecommunications company, and punters. There has been concern also that the attack is aimed at extorting money from the NZX. There is speculation that NZ was targeted due to the recent high trading, and the NZ economy and investments being more attractive to overseas investors during the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • **Addendum** – August 31, 2020: Continuing on from my update above with the NZ Stock Exchange’s halt in trading and the telecommunications company in conjunction with the NZX both dealing with the ramifications of the on-going cyber-attacks, there have also been attacks on 2 media outlets (loosely also stated in my prediction of a broadcasting company affected) in New Zealand. Both Radio New Zealand (RNZ) and Stuff successfully defended the DDoS attacks on their sites. Hopefully my prediction of a bank being involved doesn’t eventuate! Banks have constantly been investing in and improving their security measures but are on high alert.

  • **Addendum** – September 01, 2020: New Zealand Stock Exchange (NZX) is still dealing with cyber attacks for the fifth consecutive trading day. TSB Bank responded to an incident from an unconfirmed cyber-attack that took down its website, online banking, and mobile banking. Metservice also had an attempted DDoS attack but dealt with it in a timely manner.

2) Money laundering: I see possibly a separate money issue of money laundering or hidden assets. Something is being exposed to reveal some financial underhand dealings.

3) Slander: There might be a revelation in the news about a government official, or someone who reads or hears something about themselves, and they plan to sue the person or company who put that information out in public. This is a businessman, and there is something in the newspaper that he wasn't expecting to see being made public or to be revealed in such detail.


There is a major storm that brings down trees with strong winds, and it causes a lot of destruction and power outages. There are very tall trees and I feel as though it's a city in the US. I don't feel that it's a tornado, just extremely strong powerful winds, lightning, and rain.

  • **Addendum** – August 24, 2020: I’ve checked the card again that I received this message from, and I’ve decided to move it from “Floods” which was a general classification of similar-themed messages to “Firestorm”. The card showed to me an enormous tree that was stripped bare. It appeared to be from winds, as stated in my message above but I also mentioned a storm and lightning strikes. At the present time, California is besieged by two mega fires that have become the largest ever seen in California. There has been mention that the initial fires were ignited by a storm with nearly 12,000 lightning strikes in 72 hours. California is also expected to experience an electricity strain resulting in rolling blackouts. Officials have appealed for residents to use less power or suffer more blackouts. It is also reported that many of their majestic and iconic giant Redwood trees have been burned. Can you see the majestic redwood in this card too? Deck: #SpiritOfTheAnimalsOracle by Jody Bergsma


1) Greece: Unseasonably high rainfall and floods in Greece or a similar-looking historic country, that maybe leave people stranded. It's very deep in places, and I see things floating by in the water. People might have to climb onto their roofs to escape the rising waters.

2) Hurricane: I see huge waves, perhaps from a sea surge - very high waves. Is it a hurricane or tropical storm that is causing warnings along coastlines, and has authorities and residents watching for the outcome, and whether they need to take action to protect the houses and move people to safety?

  • **Addendum** - August 24, 2020: Twin hurricanes (Laura and Marco) are due to hit the US Gulf Coast and Louisiana within 48 hours of each other. Laura has just claimed 8 lives in the Caribbean. Hurricane Marco is expected to flood New Orleans when it makes landfall tomorrow (Tuesday), and Laura on Thursday.

  • **Addendum** - August 27, 2020: Marco was downgraded from a Tropical Storm on Monday night. Hurricane Laura is expected to make landfall possibly on the Louisiana or Texas coastline. Authorities are predicting a potentially “unsurvivable” storm surge that could cause flash flooding up to 20 feet high, and reaching as far as 40 miles inland from the coastline. It is reported that Hurricane Laura is a very dangerous and rapidly intensifying hurricane, and therefore authorities have ordered more than half a million residents to evacuate from the areas expected to be the worst hit, but at least 150 people refused to leave.

Heart attack:

1) Heart attack: Someone has a sudden heart attack and collapses while at work - a businessman in a suit is taken to hospital but I don't think he comes out again - he doesn't survive the heart attack. I think he had multiple blockages of the heart.


1) Mudslide: There might be a landslide (or mudslide) in a small isolated mountain village; a place such as Nepal or a similar type of location - perhaps after heavy rain rather than being caused by an earth tremor.

The residents of the village where the mudslide occurred might not be able to live there because of the damage, and they will need to look into relocating for quite a while until there can be a rebuild of the village, if that is at all possible.

Plane Crash:

1) I see a plane struggling to come in for landing. It appears to be a large plane like an Airbus. It might have had to jettison fuel to make an emergency landing. This could be at an airport in Europe, in particular France, or a French airline.

2) This could also possibly be a large plane that crashes into a mountainside after struggling with a malfunction of its engines or navigational equipment.

3) People falling from the sky, perhaps at night and perhaps during a storm, so possibly a plane struck by lightning or severe turbulence.

Political Poison:

1) Political corruption: There is political poison here - very nasty. A lot of lies and political manipulation that is only going to damage the toxic party more, in the end. They are fighting a dirty battle that displays their weaknesses more than showing the faults of their opposition, and they just look petty and ill-equipped to provide the leadership that is needed. People are more awake to these false manipulations now, as hard as social media professionals try to push the false narratives. The right party will succeed on the day despite the potentially corrupt and underhand meddling that is done on the lead-up to the election.

  • ** Addendum** - August 22, 2020: After receiving this intuitive message it has since been reported in the news that Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny, a fierce opponent of Russian President Vladimir Putin, has fallen into a coma after possibly drinking poisoned tea before boarding his flight. He also formed an Anti-Corruption Foundation that had been exposing political corruption by government officials, some at a very high level. He had to shut the foundation down after a lawsuit by a businessman who has close ties to the Kremlin. The foundation was left financially devastated by the lawsuit.

  • ** I found it interesting that when I received this message, I used the words “political poison”, and now find out that one of the opponents has been poisoned. I also referred to a “potentially corrupt” political party.

2) Presidency replacement: For one country, after the person is elected into the presidency, there will eventually be a younger person who will take over and replace them, and lead the country in a very successful way. This may be due to the ill health of the person elected.


1) Shooting: I see vehicles moving very quickly, perhaps between tall buildings with more than one vehicle speeding through the streets - police cars, one after the other, after the other - sirens too! Chicago or New York comes to mind. Is it riots, is it a terrorist threat? Washington is also a possibility?! Someone is shot possibly on their left side, and possibly shot in the head, in their temple, I’m not sure if this was a victim of the shooting or the perpetrator. They captured the person responsible, or they were the person who was shot.

  • · **Addendum** August 27, 2020: A shooting at a night-time riot in Kenosha, Wisconsin by a 17-year-old armed with an assault rifle, and who is thought to belong to a militia, and came from Lake County, Illinois.. The alleged teenage shooter began by fatally shooting a man in the head (looked like it could have been the left side) at a boarded-up business, and continued on, then fired on protesters who tried to subdue him, killing one and injuring another. He is being held on suspicion of first-degree intentional homicide. The rioters are calling for racial justice in response to the shooting of Jacob Blake who was shot seven times in the back by police after they were called to an incident. Blake is now paralyzed from the waist down from four of the seven bullets that hit him in the back. The protests over Jacob Blake's shooting have at times turned violent, causing damage to property, and 500 additional troops from the National Guard will converge on the city of Kenosha after four nights of rioting there.

Sinking ship:

1) Ship sinking: I see something like a submarine or a ship that sinks in the ocean. A person on lookout may have misjudged or not seen in obstruction, perhaps at night, and it sinks. There appear to be people trapped underwater in the vessel when it goes down.

They were alive at the time that it went down, and I'm unsure whether all or only some will be saved by rescuers - 8 to 14 people are trapped, rescued, or dead.

  • ** Addendum** September 02, 2020: A cattle ship has capsized near Amami Oshima, Japan. 43 crew members including four vets, 2 from NZ, and 2 from Australia were onboard with the nearly 6,000 livestock. One man was rescued in the dark by the Japan Coast Guard after a distress call was received. Later in the day a second man was found but he didn’t survive. The rescued crew member said that the ship had lost an engine in rough seas due to Typhoon Maysak. He said a wave flooded its deck in the dark of night, causing the vessel to list and capsize before sinking with the stock and crew onboard.

  • ** When I received this intuitive message, I saw a vessel sinking at night and that people were trapped in it and couldn’t get out which is why I thought it was something like a submarine – other than the crew, I wonder if it was the livestock I sensed were trapped in their cages as it capsized? I felt that there weren’t lifeboats deployed and again, that’s why I’d thought it might be a submarine, or a ship where the passengers were not able to board lifeboats. There was a query about the decision for the ship being in that area when a typhoon was expected. This might be a stretch to say this relates to this message but I’ll add items as they appear in the news, and you can agree or disagree.

Volcanic Eruption:

1) Volcano: I see a volcanic eruption - perhaps on an island such as Hawaii although I feel that this is a larger island than in Hawaii, and could perhaps be in Indonesia. It seems to be a very large explosion from the volcano, and there is a flow of lava from the eruption.

©2020 by High Priestess Illumination.

  • **DISCLAIMER: All views and opinions, stated or implied, are made without prejudice to the person or situation being read, and are only alleged through the psychic messages I receive. The comments are not intended to be taken as fact, and all individuals are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

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