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  • Writer's pictureHigh Priestess Illumination

“Mourning for a royal, and global tributes; Political corruption and opposition; Aurora borealis”

Updated: Jun 7, 2023

Posted: January 06, 2021. Any addendums added to the titles below will be dated at the date of the additional information provided.

**Trigger Warning** Please be aware that content may not be suitable for those under 18-years of age, and may contain themes that could cause triggers in some people. This is intended for adult viewing, and entertainment purposes only.


1) Asteroid: There might be a shooting star, comet, or asteroid on a cloudy night but some people will get to see it through a break in the clouds. It might also be a little difficult to see because it may be around the time of a full moon or it's just after the sun sets or before it rises. One city in particular will have a great but brief view of it.

2) Astronomy: Saturn aligned with, or was in conjunction with Jupiter on December 21st, 2020, and there might be something else that is occurring regarding Saturn, perhaps with the moon or sun or one of Saturn’s moons. There might be a discovery of a new moon in Saturn's orbit that hadn't been seen, or another planet has a discovery because of new technology and the clarity and high power of new telescopes that it is found to have more moons than previously known.

3) Astronomy: Saturn again, and a moon so I think this is confirmation of my previous message about an additional moon being discovered through an ultra-high-powered telescope or a space station or space vehicle’s observation that makes the discovery - although I do feel it's a high-powered lens and some physics studies or some calculations that confirm the discovery.

4) Aurora borealis colours: An unusual colour in the sky. Usually, the aurora borealis is variations of greens and pinks and similar colours but this is yellow, orange, and lilac or an odd shade of blue. I don't know if this is an atmospheric phenomenon or if it's due to an event like a wildfire that changes the colour of the sky but it isn't red like the wildfires are.

5) Aurora borealis again. There might be something about this spectacle, whether it's the colours that are different as stated in the other message, or whether this colourful phenomenon is seen in a country that has never seen it before - perhaps that is why the colours look a little different, because the location is different and so the atmospheric conditions have caused a different colour combination to be displayed.

  • ** Addendum**January 07, 2021: Rainbow clouds are seen in the skies above southwest China. The iridescent clouds are an optical phenomenon caused when sunlight is refracted by individual tiny ice crystals within the clouds. If the light and weather conditions are just right then the clouds can separate the solar spectrum into spectacular rainbow clouds. **See: 4) and 5)**


1) Child: I feel as though there is a young child who has wandered off into a forest area and gotten lost. They are out for at least one night or more, and they are eventually found sitting or even sleeping in a secluded area by a large tree, possibly near a stream, and possibly in leaves that kept them warm. They are maybe 2 to 3 years old, possibly 4, but very young. They are found either in the early morning or late evening.

  • ** Addendum**April 15, 2021: A young male has been found in El Paso County, Colo. — The El Paso County Sheriff’s Office (EPSO) has asked for help to identify the teenager who was found on Thursday. The lost boy was found in the area of 17800 Bar X Road in the Black Forest area of Colorado Springs. Information surrounding how he was discovered has not yet been released. The young teen cannot ID himself, nor his parents, nor his address. The only information the department has is his picture and the location where he was found. **UPDATE: Around 3 p.m. the parents called deputies and will be reunited with the teenager.

  • ** Addendum**May 05, 2021: A young 3-year-old boy has been found safe and well after disappearing from a rural property near Tolaga Bay in New Zealand for 21 hours, and overnight. The family think he might have wandered off into rugged bush around 1pm, and the neighbour’s dog had followed him but after the dog was seen on the property without the boy by his side, the family knew something wasn’t right, and they began searching in the direction that the dog was seen walking back from. A search party of more than 100 Search and Rescue personnel, police, and locals was swiftly into action on the 4th but they found no sign of him even with the use of helicopters with infrared cameras, and police dogs, searching riverbanks, forests, and local farms. The following morning a local searcher decided to trek to an unsearched area and heard a little voice calling out near the top of a ridge, approximately 4km (2.5 miles) from the boy’s home. He was hungry and wanted his mum but was in good health even though the temperature had dropped to 6Celsius (42.8 Fahrenheit) overnight and the little fella was only wearing a tee-shirt, nappy (diaper), and blue “shark” gumboots. They have no idea how he managed to keep himself warm in those cold overnight temperatures. There was a joyous reunion with his tearful parents at around 11am, and loud cheers from searchers who described his rescue as a miracle. He told his mother he’d slept out with the rabbits and had a very big adventure.


1) Education: Schools around the world will be setting new plans and guidelines for education for this new year of schooling. The pandemic has slowed and changed the way students have been accessing their lessons, and a more solid plan needs to be made for this year for teachers and for students. This is the beginning of a new era in schooling and education!


1) Explosion: There is an explosion at a wedding venue, and it appears to be deliberate. This might be in Europe and is set off outside the venue. If it isn't a gathering for a wedding then it might be for a religious celebration or event, or it is a wedding event taking place and the bomb is a racially-motivated attack.


1) Flooding: Either the thawing of snow or a great rainfall causes flooding over farmland where there are sheep and horses that graze there. This might be spillage over a dam from excess rain. It's quite a lot of water and does feel as though something bursts its banks or a dam releases in excess volume of water.

2) Stranded vehicles: Rows and rows of vehicles are stranded by flooding waters or weather conditions that prevent them from going any further. Perhaps the people are trying to evacuate an area because of the flooding such as a tropical storm or a hurricane but they become stranded while trying to leave.

  • ** Addendum**January 10, 2021: Japan approx. 120 cars were stranded on the Hokuriku Expressway, Fukui Prefecture, Japan due to an accident as continued heavy snow and record-high snowfall affected many areas in Japan.

  • ** Addendum**January 18, 2021: A snowstorm in Japan has caused a 130-plus pile-up on the Tohoku expressway in Osaki, Japan. 200 people were caught up in the pile-up as parts of the country were recording double the average expected snowfall. 40cm of snow was expected in the next 24 hours. Last month, heavy snow left more than 1,000 vehicles stranded on the Kanetsu expressway for two days.

Great Shift:

1) Global advancement: So much renewal and higher consciousness in this card’s message. Our new awareness has begun, it's as if we have stepped back in time and we’re reviewing our values, almost feeling like the beginning of creation where we get to begin again and correct our past mistakes or missteps with our environment, consumerism, and our connections with each other. So many changes are ahead of us that we can't even begin to comprehend them; the medical field, industry, travel, housing, work environment, ways of communicating, the world is being tipped upside down in terms of technology and the outdated way that we have lived in our “stuck”, and even archaic progress and existence. Mankind's innovation seemed almost to halt or at the very least slowed to a crawl many, many decades ago, and now we have an opportunity to step up and get moving again. So many progressive minds that had been stalled and stifled over time but the opportunity is here, now, are you ready...

2) The Great Shift has begun - There has been a clearing of stuck energies or blocks for nearly a year, and now the next stage is beginning. Whether we believe it has begun during The Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter, or the Age of Aquarius, or due to the abrupt changes in our lives globally from the coronavirus pandemic, the world as we know it is now going through changes that we can't even begin to imagine. Travel, medicine, communication and technology, wealth, poverty, war, and peace - all will take on a new vision, a new meaning, and a new way of expressing the importance of what these will provide for us as a human race in the decades to come. The greatest and brightest of minds are being nurtured for our future through a new way of learning since the pandemic whereby children had to adapt to learning out of a classroom environment and using different resources, and from that their minds have opened up to a broader way of learning and accessing the knowledge of that which was only available to them in books and on black boards for so very long. These children, these brilliant minds are now our future.

Music / Light show:

1) Music, a concert, or performance: This might be a virtual coming together of the music industry, musicians, and artists, either individually or collectively to raise funds by performing a special concert. It has a unique setting outdoors around some open fields and trees. The funds raised are for an organisation or for support for frontline workers who are away from their families or working long hard hours, or even for families who have lost their frontline worker family member to the coronavirus while attending to the needs of those sick and infected with this virus.


1) Person in power: Control and deceit from someone in power either a leader of a country or a political party, and they are abusing their position of control. They might have put some funds of “their own”, so-to-speak, (legally or not) into an account somewhere for their future purposes. Someone knows about this who might say something about it in the future but they are concerned for their safety if they do. The colour red features strongly here, whether this is a colour in their country's flag, or their political party. There is more money hidden than will be disclosed, and possibly in more than one account, as well as overseas!!

2) Political: Great changes are being made by a political party that was previously held up by their opposition. Times are very difficult for a lot of people, even the supporters of the opposition but the changes are coming. It might still take a while to free the funds up and work through the legal processes needed but there will be great changes, and help will be made available to those in need. Some things are still tied up by previous legislation and may take months to sort but it will happen.

3) Politics: There is a global discussion about events that have consequences environmentally and economically. This might be an annual assembly of countries that would under normal circumstances take place in a host country but now due to the pandemic it will take place behind closed doors via zoom or something similar. This may not be a secured and private meeting though because I have a feeling that this is usually recorded or televised all or in part to the public but this year will see a different format and presentation or representation of each country to there. There does seem to be some concern about cyber hacking or backdoor cyber-attack but that could affect multiple country's security so all of this is being considered before the event.

  • ** Addendum**January 19, 2021: New Zealand is to host the first fully digital APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) summit due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This will include 12 months of virtual meetings, round tables, and media briefings from May 2021. There is a strong focus on security, and APEC New Zealand is working with experts in this area to ensure these events are as secure as possible.


1) Death of a leader or royal: Great sadness at the passing of a much-loved, highly revered, and respected elder or leader or Head of State. This is an older person and it could be a male, and the card representing this predictive message does have a male energy but I do feel that it could be a female who has reached a great age but now her time has arrived to leave this earth. There will be global mourning and heartfelt tributes for her passing, and tributes for her historic reign, and for her remarkable leadership within her realm and also within her own family.

2) Royals: I see Queen Elizabeth in her formal attire looking back at her past and reminiscing. I wonder if Prince Philip might pass away this year. I see a royal event, or ceremony of some sort and it’s very formal. Prince Charles, Princes William and Harry, other members of the royal family and younger children are there too. There is a transition here, and a changing of the monarchy. I see someone lying in state. They might have passed in their sleep or at night.

  • ** Addendum**April 9, 2021: There is great sadness at the news that Prince Philip has passed away peacefully at home, with some of his family at his side, in his 99th year, and just 2 months short of his 100th birthday. The Queen will go into mourning for 8 days before Prince Philip’s funeral takes place. Royal funeral arrangements and traditional protocol were never made with the coronavirus pandemic in mind so his funeral will follow a very different protocol. There will be a COVID-19 limit of 30 people allowed to attend his funeral, and he will not be lying in residence.

  • There will be a ceremonial funeral according to Prince Philip’s wishes as he did not want a state funeral. There will be a 41-gun salute on land and at sea in honour of his service as a former Royal Navy commander.

  • My deepest sympathy to Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II on the peaceful passing of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, her beloved husband of 73 years. I pray that she feels all of the wonderful love and support of her family and friends, and the people of the world, to help her endure this time of great sadness and mourning. June 10, 1921 - April 09, 2021. May he forever Rest in Peace.

3) Vatican event: I get energetically confused with Italy and Greece and determining a county’s energy when I receive messages but this energy does feel Roman to me, perhaps to do with the Pope because I feel as though this is the Vatican, and some special lighting and a night service is being offered to the people but again because of the pandemic there will not be people in attendance but it will be viewed remotely as a beautiful event or tribute to watch online. I don't know why or the significance of this event but perhaps if it isn’t a regular annual event then it might be in respect for the passing of a Head of State.


1) Snow: The weather patterns seem to be so unpredictable and unseasonable or extreme. There is snow in a country where the temperatures don't usually get to be so low at this time of the year or if they usually have snow on the mountains, it actually snow's lower down then it has done in a very long time, or ever! It could even be somewhere like Turkey or India or a similar country.

2) Snow or hail: Unseasonal snow is due to a drop in temperature and a very chilly cold snap. Fields will have a light dusting of snow in a rural town. It might even be a covering of hail because this area doesn't appear to be in the winter months and it is possibly autumn there.


1) Tiger: This might be a tiger in a zoo, possibly a Sumatran tiger, and it is either going to gain a new partner or is being transported to a new zoo, possibly in another country. This might be due to the pandemic causing funding issues for the zoo, and it isn’t able to care for as many animals now, but it might also be for breeding purposes.


1) Marine life: This month's messages seem to relate a lot to marine life. There have been many studies done on how whales and dolphins communicate and navigate their travels. Some new technology might give more answers on how they communicate or navigate above and below the water. This might even lead towards a better understanding of beach strandings and the way their sonar signals have not been preventing these strandings, or why it can be whole pods, often in great numbers standing on beaches.

2) The Great Barrier Reef: A coral reef is being monitored and might be showing signs of regeneration after years of bleaching and other damage caused to it and its environment. This might be in Australia’s Great Barrier Reef where the numbers of marine life have notably increased too.

3) Underwater - algae: Schools of fish interacting with other marine life and a type of algae that they are feeding on that is either new or hasn't been seen for a very long time perhaps some marine creatures are drawn to this area to feed on the algae or a colourful plankton.

4) Underwater discovery: - Perhaps a shipwreck or something from long ago is discovered by an unmanned underwater vehicle - a mini submarine perhaps even with a name like Poseidon. They have known the location but have had delays and are only recently able to make plans to go back to the known location and explore the area or the wreck or whatever this is more thoroughly.

5) Underwater drilling: This might be to study the seismic activity of plates (tectonic). It seems to be study-based rather than commercial drilling for oil or resources. It might even be in the Antarctic and the studying of icebergs or some earth plates underwater there. I see an underwater vehicle with arms for grasping or drilling, and possibly collecting samples to study.


1) Volcano - Hawaii: This might be for the Hawaiian volcano that was erupting in December 2020, and it might still be showing activity but it's more about the temperature of the crater lakes and the gases or steam that it's emitting. The level of warning might still be at a 2. The water around the island might even be warming or showing some bubbles from cracks below the water surface (vents) that are releasing gases and are either causing concern or just being observed closely.


1) A lightning storm or lightning strikes scare the farm animals. It's an unusual sight during the daytime and the sky is quite light, and not really looking like a stormy day when suddenly there are multiple flashes of lightning and no rain. There might be a tornado that forms after the lightning event. Birds are stirred up and alert those who are familiar with birds reacting to these minute pressure shifts as a sensory warning.

**DISCLAIMER: All views or opinions, stated or implied, are made without prejudice to the person or situation being read, and are only alleged through the messages I receive psychically. The comments are not intended to be taken as fact, and all individuals are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Readings are for entertainment purposes only; they should never replace professional advice or your own free will.

©2021 High Priestess Illumination

Photo by Samuel Wölfl from Pexels


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