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  • Writer's pictureHigh Priestess Illumination

"Harry and Meghan - The Duke and Duchess of Sussex"

Updated: Jun 7, 2023

Posted: November 29, 2020: Any addendums added to the titles below will be dated at the date of the additional information provided.

**TRIGGER WARNING** Please be aware that some content may not be suitable for those under 18-years of age, and may contain themes that could cause triggers in some people. This is intended for adult viewing and entertainment purposes only.

**I did this reading January 16, 2020 but I’ve only just had a chance to type it up and post it now. Since this reading there have been a few things in the news that I had in my predictive reading so I am posting now before my whole reading becomes retrospective 😉 I haven’t added the addendums yet but I’ll add them as soon as I have time. If anyone has anything to add or even ask me regarding the reading, or Harry and Meghan’s future, you can leave a comment on this blog post below.

Question 1: Will their marriage be enduring?

Romance Angels Oracle cards:

1) “Getting to know each other”:

Only so much about each other can be shared in the relatively short time that they've known each other. Harry, as a member of the royal family has lived a life beyond that of a regular person. Strict rules and protocol and minute scrutiny of every action, and a life and lifestyle that was mapped out for him before he was born. Restrictive formalities have him wanting to break away from the traditions of royal expectations. Harry’s decisions right now are of his own volition, and are fully encouraged and supported by Meghan.

Meghan has been brought up fully supported and encouraged by her mother and is more relaxed and laid back in her attitude but with class and dignity. She looks to her mother for guidance but makes her own decisions, and she has a very close bond with her mother.

Harry has been wanting to remove himself from the constraints of the royal lifestyle for a long while and to do things that are more grounded and less “expected of a royal” which has always felt very superficial to him. His time in the army has given him good grounding in humanitarian issues, and the discipline to know how to command what he expects from himself and in his life now. His “Wild Harry” days are over (for now).

  • I see the two women in the card as Meghan and her mother. Harry is represented by the red-headed soldier on the edge of his seat with a bow in his hand. Their marriage looks to be an enduring and ever-evolving relationship.

  • Initially I saw two children, and possibly three, two are close together and one later - maybe even adopted. They might possibly have five children in total, two of their own and three may be adopted and / or sponsored.

2) “Co-dependency”:

I felt compelled to select another card. This card is NOT so much about “addictions” as it is about Harry’s royal obligations and the expectations from his family, and the co-dependency is their expectations of him and his role / duties.

This has been a long thought out process because of the financial support (financial co-dependency) that was his birth-right as 6th in line to the throne. Harry (and Meghan) is prepared to move and make a new home in another country, and it will be successful but not without a lot of negativity from different sources, but what's new about that anyway. The Queen isn't terribly happy about it, and in particular The Establishment, but now that it's out in the open they will set up a firm foundation for their future, and on their own if need be. The co-dependency also relates to them relying solely on each other right now through this major transition.

Angel Answer Cards (how many years):

I asked if they will remain together as life partners.

1) Yes: The book says to pull an additional card for more information.

2) Opportunity: Positive growth and expansion, and the chance you've been waiting for! Exactly as I've been saying for them, that this will be a solid, stable, and enduring relationship.

Question 2: Will they have more than one child?

Guardian Angel Tarot:

1) Healer of abundance (Queen of Pentacles):

This is definitely Meghan with her entrepreneurial skills but still able to keep herself grounded as a mother, and a wife, and yet focus on her career. The card mentions a gift for design which confirms her and their success with their clothing label.

2) “Open your Heart (#6 Lovers):

Confirmation again of a very loving and supportive relationship, and even a coming together of soulmates. Harry adores her, and she loves him and is supportive of him in what he wants to do; they are a solid couple, even when she is upset by criticism of her, and the negativity towards her from her own family, she knows that she always has Harry's love and support.

3) 5 of Abundance (Pentacles):

They support each other in times of upset. There is also the support of other people, with doors being opened to them. A lot of learning is still to come, with each other but mostly in where they are going financially. People are going to approach them with offers - maybe publishing something like a magazine on home decorating, and maybe a book later on. There are multiple offers and suggestions and also a lot of support from organisations. They are both driven, youthful, and have fresh ideas, and they are greatly respected and admired by these people.

I see two children, and no sign of the third one yet - again, I feel like there are documents to be signed as if they are adopting a child.

Question 3: Was there a rift between them and other members of the royal family?

Tarot of haunted house (three cards fell out):

1) King of Wands:

This is someone in a higher ranking than Harry, it could be Charles or even Prince Philip but I feel this is William in stature. It was discussed and felt by “The Royals” that Meghan was unsuitable as a royal; she is divorced, older than Harry, and has a past as an actress that doesn't make the royals look as squeaky clean and virtuous as they would like the new generation to be. There was a lot of talk and angry words, with heated exchanges between the brothers about the potential of Harry's involvement with Meghan before they became engaged. Harry has had a number of past loves who have been scrutinised as suitable or unsuitable but now he is standing his ground for what he wants for his future.

2) xvii Star:

Meghan makes Harry feel special and loved in a very deep way, she is everything that he could wish for with her humanitarian work, her own career at the time (as an actress), her compassionate nature, intelligence, and she's attractive. Meghan also needed someone in her life who had the same vision as her to step into their dreams and make them happen, they are very like-minded.

3) 4 of Cups:

When Princes Philip, Charles, and William all decided what was right for Harry, he said no and decided then to start taking steps to move away from the monarchy if need be. The Establishment would no longer dictate his life, even if he had to walk away from family. As hurt as he is by it all because he feels that as the 6th in line to the British throne, he could have had more support to live his life as he chose to. Any offers to appease the situation felt a little insincere and still restrictive.

4) 5 of Pentacles:(a repeat card)

I feel that Harry went through quite a low point, and he was even depressed by the other royal’s behaviour, and he felt betrayed by the judgemental attitudes and finger pointing “you should do this”, and “you need to be seen as…”. Part of that was why he went to Africa, to ground himself with real-life situations and not the Establishment ruling and dictating his life with restrictive and contrived roles.

5) 2 of Cups:

This card was on the bottom of the deck. For Harry, the support of Meghan is always there. The more that the royals pushed at Harry, the more they were pushing him away, NOT Meghan pulling him away. Harry tried to shield and protect her as much as he could from a lot of the things that were said or implied.

Question 4: Will their lives be endangered more by living away from the security in Britain?

Game of Thrones Tarot:

1) Four of cups:

Again, they felt that any offers to appease the situation were not as sincere as they’d hoped for. It was a very low time for both of them. I don't feel that there will be a greater risk of harm to them overseas, and they will establish a solid base there.

2) vi Lovers (a repeat card):

This is the fated coming together of two very different people who have formed a very spiritual connection with each other. Physical contact is important to the both of them, and will cement their connection to become quite a power couple.

3) ii The Priestess:

This is confirming that their connection is spiritual and brought together by the universe. Their many ventures together will be chosen carefully and intuitively. They will live their private life out of the public eye as much as they can while overseas although they will remain actively involved in their projects.


**One thing with this card since the focus is on their lives being in danger in any way, I do see flames with this card and a glow in the next card, the 8 of Swords, as if there is a fire in their home but perhaps they are not in residence at the time it happens. The cause might be due to construction or renovation work, or perhaps someone does light it deliberately and goes to prison for it.

4) 8 of swords:

See above, and the reference to a house fire. Also, I see frustration at the rebuild that is necessary after the fire.

Question 5: Will they both have successful careers independent of the British monarchy?

Life Purpose Oracle:

1) “Time to Decide” (two cards):

This is for Harry’s career first. I feel that this card is confirming how Harry has made some very bold decisions and taken the steps to implement what he truly wants to do in his life. He knows what he wants to do, and now is the time to start putting it into action, and this is just the beginning. His main focus at the moment though is to provide sound financial security for his family.

2) Music:

I have a feeling with this card that Harry might meet someone who is in the music industry and they will become good friends, whether this is something that he will be involved with in the distant future, such as a production company, I don't know - just a thought. Perhaps this will be in conjunction with music for fundraising purposes.

1) Sensitivity:

This card is for Meghan’s career and reminds me of Meghan's mother. I feel that her mother is very sensitive, as in the spiritual sense, and Meghan is too. They may work on a project together with their empathy and deep understanding of client’s needs - workshops or clinics.

2) Energy Healing:

This is very similar to the card above. Empowering and healing through courses, workshops and seminars that will be offered to women in particular, (which I think she does something like this now for young women in schools). This will grow into a very successful business with a lot of support from celebrities, and also other people offering their skills & expertise.

Question 6: Will they live away from England permanently?

The Mermaid Tarot:

1) 6 of Cups:

Childhood memories are strong for Harry but he almost feels betrayed by how different things are now to how they were - who are these people that he thought he knew? Even if he does reside permanently in another country in the future, he will always be drawn back to England to visit his nieces, nephews and William and his other family members.

2) Knight of Wands:

William will eventually become the King of England after Charles, if Charles does ascend the throne. Harry and William will always make an effort to be there, as adults, for each other but there will still be a gap in how they see their roles within the monarchy, and as brothers. There will still be situations of conflict, as seen in this next card.

3) 8 of Wands:

Fiery words will be spoken at different times in their lives because Harry and William are on different paths now but they will always stay in contact with each other, and each other's families.

4) 10 of Cups:

Meghan and Harry will settle into a very happy and comfortable life together with their children but it won't be in England. They will shop at the local markets and be involved in their local community, and have a very settled and happy life overseas.

Question 7: Will Harry have health issues in the future (significant)?

Messages from your Angels (Harry - health):

I felt compelled to ask this question about Harry’s health.

1) Archangel Raphael: is The Healer!! So, there may be something to do with his health in the future that Harry has to deal with.

I also see prosthetics, so maybe he will be involved with helping war veterans such as his involvement with the Invictus Games as the creator and patron of these games. I see Harry’s involvement with children, perhaps prosthetics for those who have lost limbs from landmines or some other incidents related to poverty or war, or maybe offering some major support for an overseas children’s organization.

2) Akasha:

This is the ability to counsel others, so perhaps either there is another bout of depression for Harry, OR he is working with a mental health organisation as a patron, or he is more actively involved in some way, maybe funding this through the music industry as mentioned earlier, or something completely different in terms of support.

©2020 by High Priestess Illumination

**DISCLAIMER: All views or opinions, stated or implied, are made without prejudice to the person or situation being read, and are only alleged through the messages I receive psychically. The comments are not intended to be taken as fact, and all individuals are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Readings are for entertainment purposes only; they should never replace professional advice or your own free will.


High Priestess Illumination
High Priestess Illumination
Nov 30, 2020

Lesley, thank you so much for your comment. Yes, I do agree with you about their wedding - they are very spiritually connected. I've always felt that the succession to the throne would skip Charles. I look forward to any questions you might like answered in the future. Dee xx


Nov 29, 2020

That was very good reading thank you. I remember when l watched their wedding on tv l could feel the love emanating from the screen. For a very long while astrologers have said that Charles was unlikely to rule on the throne and if he did it would be for a very short while. Your readings are always very interesting Lesley xx

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