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  • Writer's pictureHigh Priestess Illumination

"A tragic death, abandoned baby, fires, and Presidential election"

Updated: Jun 7, 2023

Posted: Sept 22, 2020 Any addendums added to the topics below will be dated at the date that the additional information is provided.

**TRIGGER WARNING** Please be aware that some content may not be suitable for those under 18-years of age, and may contain themes that could cause triggers in some people. This is intended for adult viewing and entertainment purposes only.


1) Hot air balloon: I see a hot air balloon high above water, possibly on fire, and near a beach or over a beach but out further from shore. I think there's a boat going out to follow it and to try to assist the balloonist and people in the basket as they try to escape the burning or out of control balloon.

2) Plane parts: Something appears to fall from a plane. It might be some cargo, something like packages or boxes, or something falls off a plane and scatters its parts across a city and around buildings. The plane parts could be something like panels or the landing gear and wheel.


1) Spain: Are there riots or protests to bring attention to something that happened? I feel that a woman was brutally attacked, and killed, perhaps in a park or somewhere with trees and shrubs or gardens. Maybe she was a sex-worker, and an organisation or group feel that it is just being dismissed because of this but it was particularly brutalI CHOOSE TO LEAVE OUT THE DETAIL HERE BUT I DID RECEIVE SOME SPECIFICS ON HER DEATH. She might have been found slain the next day next to some stairs or concrete steps. The person who did it is a risk to the community. I don’t know if this is Spain or whether I assumed this by her ethnicity. Perhaps she could also be described as Latino or Hispanic.

2) Young female: This feels like Australia, possibly somewhere like Uluru in the Northern Territory, or somewhere similar with red dust soil. Someone might go missing or be attacked around that area in the late evening or early part of the night. I don't feel that the person survived the attack. It’s a young female. Possibly out walking her dog or she comes across someone else’s dog. She might have been strangled. The attacker could be an older man in his late 40’s to early 60’s but more likely 50’s to 60’s. Shortish, maybe 5 ft 8 or 5 ft 9 in, stocky build, unshaven, but not a beard. Roundish face, a rough bloke. Maybe alcohol was involved - was he drunk? Stan / Dan / Merv – these could relate to his name, signage on a vehicle or a workplace. Rape or attempted rape. Full moon? I can smell something like liquorice or green apples. He is possibly local to the area.

  • ** Addendum**April 04, 2021: Toyah Cordingley (24) was brutally murdered in broad daylight while out walking her dog on a far north Queensland beach (Cairns). The man suspected of the brutal crime is a 38-year-old local man who flew to India just days after Toyah’s murder. He came to the attention of police through mobile phone data and possible DNA at the crime scene. Toyah’s mother says there are also witnesses who can put him there on the day. It was a vicious knife attack and unimaginable injuries (mutilation). October 21st 2018 was the date of her murder.

  • I had stated: She was a young female and what I didn’t write in my notes was that she looked blonde (as Toyah is). She didn’t survive the attack. She had driven to the beach and took her dog for a walk. It happened in Queensland which is near the Northern Territory in Australia. She was found early the next morning.

  • I feel on reflection that the 1) “Spain”, and 2) “Young female” could actually be combined. I think that the first one, “Spain” where I suggested an “assumed ethnicity” being in Spain or of Latino or Hispanic origin, might have been the image I saw of the round-faced, tanned skin of the perpetrator who is believed to be from India. It isn’t easy to gauge an ethnicity but it is important to give a “looks like” if I am trying to identify the general description of the suspect. No offence is intended towards anyone of any ethnicity when I am trying to describe what I see 🙏

  • My observations of the alleged perpetrator were that the is of solid build with full facial hair but not an actual beard. He has a roundish face. He is considered a local. There was DNA at the crime scene so it suggests she was raped. She was buried in a shallow grave in the sand. Her partner Marco raised the alarm when she hadn’t arrived home by 9pm that night. To date he has evaded prosecution and has not yet returned to Australia.

  • I would also like to say that in 1) “Spain”, I had stated that the message could be referring to a sex-worker. This is very far from the truth for Toyah! I feel that I misread that message because I knew that it was a sexually motivated, and a horrendously brutal attack, and I felt a knife was involved but I chose to leave out the full nature of the attack. I also feel that the "protests" that I saw are quite possibly Toyah's loving family and friends who have hung banners at the beach with numbers to call to help with information on the case, and photos and lovely tributes in Toyah's memory 💝

  • I saw the 60 Minutes YouTube video dated 21 March, 2021 about Toyah on 04 April ’21. An extradition request has just been made by the Australian authorities which is why it came up as a current suggested video, and that explains how I came to see it.


1) Fires might still be raging or perhaps they are smouldering now, and so much damage has been done. People are needing to begin from the ground up to clear and rebuild, and to till the land and prepare for something to grow in the soil before winter comes with the rains that can wash the barren land away. I feel that plantings of seeds or shrubs are priority now and needed to grow quickly to hold the soil together before the rains or thaw erode the soil away, and possible cause mudslides.

2) Fire / Church: More forest fires and they’re unseasonal for this time of the year. This fire might also set alight tall buildings and raze them to the ground. One building in particular is quite tall. At least one of the fires is deliberately lit and doesn't appear to spread as far as the first main fire. Could this be in or near Canada? The sky will change colour to a golden yellow or orange glow for a few days or more. Maybe an iconic church is burnt down too. I don't know if the initial fire might have been caused by a public event that got out of hand.

3) Fire / Zoo: Continuing on from the above card that there are fires and a lot of smoke enveloping a city, and maybe also through a notable park with a gazebo. There is concern for wildlife too, perhaps the animals in a zoo, and the danger of the smoke drift that would affect them.

4) Gas explosion: There might be a large explosion in a city and it might be a gas explosion or a chemical-based explosion. It doesn't seem to be a fire that causes the explosion - it's an explosion that possibly causes a fire, or it just blows up but with no flames or fire, just dust and debris.

5) Smoke: There is thick black choking smoke at a factory or huge building fire. Illinois came to me but it doesn’t fit the message, unless there is a large factory fire there. I feel that it’s a country in the Orient such as Japan or China. I feel that it’s Japan and that it’s to do with a car or vehicle company, or perhaps medical supplies. I feel that there might be a global connection with this company and what it offers or supplies to other counties, or they have outlets in other countries as well. People are in the building at the time of the fire and are severely affected by the smoke. The name Oshido came to me but I don’t know if this might be part of a company name, a person’s name, or a city.

General Global:

1) Abandoned baby: An abandoned baby might be found near a church or a community centre. Perhaps due to difficult times with the recent global financial strains and job losses could have been a factor. This baby may become a symbol or representation of the strife that this pandemic has caused in the world. This might be in the UK or Europe. I felt that the trees in the card image were not as likely to imply the US.

2) Animal track impressions are discovered by a hunter or a hiker or someone on a horse. It has four toes like a cat of some sort, although it could be another species. The tracks are found around or in a woodlands or forested area. These might be from a species that was thought to be greatly endangered and it hasn't been seen for a long time. This is a very positive discovery for researchers.

3) Ash from a volcano: It’s not a lot of ash as in a large eruption, and maybe it’s more of an amazing spectacle of colours than it is harmful. This might be due to a chemical reaction between gases and the surrounding environment.

4) India: I see a lot of prayers for loved ones who have passed-on, and it’s possibly because of flooding of a river and it’s related to a large funeral ceremony, OR there is a special ritual that is being celebrated around this time and it’s involving the river. This might also involve fireworks at night. I feel that this is a time of celebration and giving thanks.

5) White dolphin: A rare white dolphin is discovered or observed by people out on a boat.

  • ** Addendum**September 23, 2020: A rare species of Chinese white dolphins, also known as Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins, and which can be pink or white, have been spotted making a return to the seas around Hong Kong. Boat and ferry traffic in these waters have been reduced due to the coronavirus, and sightings have increased by 30% since these water activities were reduced. (Thank you to a site member for bringing this to my attention!)


1) Dirty politics: I see the corporate world here, and it's going to get nasty. There might be a leak of some information into the media about someone of high standing in the political world. It might be personal information such as a revelation of an intimate connection or ongoing affair that is made public. It could be a political strategy more than an actual revelation in the interest of the public.

2) Presidency: There might be some parties or “gatherings”, perhaps virtual or in person to celebrate a surprise political event or outcome. There will be a lot of celebration and rejoicing over the outcome / news. It might take up to 3 months for the actual results or outcome to be finalised. I think that the person who will be elected into presidency will please a lot of black people (please correct me if this term isn’t correct) in particular, and there is great rejoicing that their situation may improve.

3) Truce: A white flag is being waved - a truce of some sort is being offered by one country to another. This might be temporary, or even a deceptive tactic to appease the global eyes on them.

4) Turkey: This feels as though it’s a country like Turkey. Smoke screens and not being truthful about something they have been accused of or are secretly planning to do. Missiles or bombing of a city, and perhaps a suicide bomber - something that is made of metal such as a vehicle with a huge bomb inside it to cause as much destruction and harm as possible.


1) Another ship message: It seems that there are people overboard in the ocean during rough weather. Perhaps the captain is at fault here with the decision he made regarding an approaching storm, or perhaps there was a fire onboard that is attributed to the overheating of its engine. The ship's engines seemed to really be struggling to cope with the demands of the rough weather. Perhaps the ship was adrift for a while. Some survivors will be found in a lifeboat.

** This message came through AFTER the cattle ship that sunk near Japan, September 05, 2020. This message could relate to another incident, or it’s relating back to the cattle ship and confirming events there. See my previous blog: “Warning Toxic – Sinking Ship”. I feel there is a difference in that my previous blog referred to the ship sinking, and with this message the ship is adrift and crew are lost overboard.

2) Castaway: A lone person might be found on an island after the sinking of a ship. He is alive and has been there for a while. I don’t know if this relates to this message above but it could, at a great stretch, refer to someone who is found alive after the sinking of the cattle ship earlier this month.


1) A good crop: This looks like a country in Europe e.g. Greece or Italy? where they have an unusually good crop of a fruit for this time of the year. There have been extreme weather conditions that have led to a notable distant difference in this crop, whether it's something grown on trees or even vines like a different quality to the grapes due to the weather extremes.

2) Blizzard: Unseasonal snow or sleet for this time of year in a country area with a mountain range nearby. One minute it's fine, and the next there is hail or sleet and there is a sudden and significant drop in temperature. A complete whiteout in some places. Perhaps in Europe.

3) Hail: Large hail stones cause damage to vehicles and maybe windows of houses and buildings too. It might come on unexpectedly - a sunny day and then suddenly large hail stones. It might be somewhere in Australia such as Sydney.

  • ** Addendum** September 26, 2020 This is amusing to me, and I should learn not to name countries in my predictions because it appears that the two predictions above, BLIZZARD and HAIL, relate to each other’s countries and not the ones I stated 😊

  • · I’ve just seen two reports of weather extremes:

1. AUSTRALIA, is experiencing late season SNOW. Southern Queensland sees temperatures plummet to lowest late-spring levels in more than 25 years!

2. GREECE has severe weather with a storm warning and a warning of large HAIL.

4) Insect plague: The weather conditions might have been so hot and extreme that it has led to a mass invasion of the numbers of insects such as locusts that swarm for great distances wreaking havoc across many hundreds of miles of land, devouring crops as they go. Perhaps somewhere in Africa such as the Serengeti?

  • ** Addendum** January 21, 2021: Massive swarms of desert locusts have reappeared with a vengeance in areas of east Africa such as Marsabit in Kenya, Ethiopia, and Somalia. The local farmers say the swarms are a result of unusual weather patterns brought on by global warming, and they are wreaking havoc with their crops.

5) Landslide: A large landslide from a steep mountainside onto a road below that closes access to a town. It might be from sudden heavy or prolonged rains after a very long dry spell where the grounds have dried out and cracked open and become unstable. The heavy rain gets into the cracks and breaks away the mountainside in large chunks that wash down into the valley area below.

  • ** Addendum** October 05, 2020: Flooding on the France - Italy border is the worst flooding in more than 60 years. Residents near the coastal city of Nice were urged to stay indoors as the storm dumped 450 millimetres (17.7 inches) of rain, 1 years’ worth in 24 hours. The devastating floods from Storm Alex, says Nice Mayor Christian Estrosi, is the worst flooding disaster in the area in more than a century. It destroyed whole towns and villages,” and the border is “blocked on both sides, no roads, no electricity, nothing,” said a resident. The rainfall in Nice was over a 10-hour period and was the equivalent of 4 months’ worth of rain for this time of year.

6) Plant growth: Some areas of the US might welcome the change in seasons, and that the occasional rains might be easing the dry conditions, and even the areas previously burned by the fires might be seeing new plant growth. Farmers and locals are happy to see this and it brings encouragement and hope.

7) Tornadoes: Extremes of weather bring either 6 tornadoes, or tornadoes across 6 States in the US. That seems to be too great an area so maybe 6 tornadoes but within quick succession of each other and travelling over great distances. Perhaps it's even a record-breaking tornado for its size, or velocity, or the number of tornadoes. Towns will be stripped bare.

8) Tsunami: I sense something unusual with the weather. It could even be a tsunami. Maybe around some tropical islands like the Caribbean, or it's an intense storm that causes a massive storm surge and devastating flooding to the low-lying islands.

9) Weather extremes: There are so many countries that are still experiencing the extremes of weather with very dry land areas, and the towns that are still suffering the destructive nature of forest fires and the enveloping smoke but there is also flooding in other areas, with very strong winds from storms blowing seafoam well inland, and boats being washed ashore.

©2020 by High Priestess Illumination

**DISCLAIMER: All views or opinions, stated or implied, are made without prejudice to the person or situation being read, and are only alleged through the messages I receive psychically. The comments are not intended to be taken as fact, and all individuals are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Readings are for entertainment purposes only; they should never replace professional advice or your own free will.


High Priestess Illumination
High Priestess Illumination
Sep 23, 2020

@mightytimberwolf Hello and welcome to my website :) Thank you so much for that information!! A rare PINK dolphin is probably cooler and more rare than a white one - WOW! Love it! I nearly missed adding this dolphin prediction because it was only one sentence, and had to add it after publishing this blog - so glad I did :) Thanks again, and I appreciate it when people can add to and validate my predictions - even if I get the colour slightly wrong ;) Dee


Sep 22, 2020

Hello, just to let you know a rare pink dolphin was spotted in Hong Kong harbour a few days ago. Hope you are well xx

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