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  • Writer's pictureHigh Priestess Illumination

“Extremes of weather; Sunken treasures discovered; Women’s Health research”

Updated: Jun 7, 2023

Posted: February 02, 2021: Any addendums added to the titles below will be dated at the date of the additional information provided.

**TRIGGER WARNING** Please be aware that content may not be suitable for those under 18-years of age, and may contain themes that could cause triggers in some people. This is intended for adult viewing, and entertainment purposes only.

Aerial Mapping:

1) Aerial mapping: This might be a new type of aerial mapping that is done through new technology, perhaps rather than satellite or planes flying over areas, particularly smaller towns, or areas with smaller villages, they might use Hi-Tech drones to map these areas more precisely and with more clarity. This new technology will also mean that areas will be able to be updated more frequently at a lesser cost once the initial infrastructure and grid-patterning is set up, the drone can be programmed to fly and cover that area in a fraction of the time, and with more accuracy.


1) Elk or a rare white deer: Maybe there will be a sighting of one in a forest, or perhaps it might be hunted as a trophy. This message might also be an indicator of some illegal hunting or poaching of deer in large numbers, perhaps at night as they often do. I see that shots were fired but I'm not sure if this was at the deer or perhaps it was from the deer farmer who was alerted to the poaching.

2) Huskies or snow dogs: Perhaps there is an annual event for sled racing or long-distance racing involving dogs, sleds, and people. It feels as though it might be run over a number of days and it's quite an arduous event. With precautions it is one of those sporting events that are still able to take place during the coronavirus pandemic.

3) Penguins: An aerial view of penguins or a penguin colony, possibly by drone footage, shows a concerning decline in numbers. This might be attributed to global warming and their breeding habits, or that their predators are more prolific due to warming and maybe they are not finding their usual food sources and therefore are looking more to penguins as food. I see seals or sea lions but it might also be animals like polar bears, for example. They are possibly black, white, and yellow-coloured penguins like King Penguins.


1) A manned space station or a satellite with footage or images that are broadcasted showing a large area of smoke possibly from wildfires but I think it is from a volcanic eruption that has sent out massive plumes of ash and smoke high up in the atmosphere, and it has coloured the sky and even filtered out or blocked some of the spectrum of colours, and by doing so it has changed the daylight colour of the sky.

2) Solar flares/Solar storms/Sunspots affect the upper atmosphere, globally or over a number of countries. Maybe there is some electromagnetic interference or unusual activity with high temperatures in the Earth’s air or some kind of electrical interference. I feel that it might begin to affect our temperatures, either higher or lower than usual for this time, and thus also affecting water temperatures which disturb marine life due to the extremes of hot or cold. (I’m not an expert in this field so I might not have explained this very well but I think the general idea is there)


1) Chinese New Year - Lantern Festival is in February and I feel that there will be a spectacular lighting display that is set up in a city and seen virtually by thousands of people globally. A lot of the displays will be computer-generated images that will dance and move and glow with brilliant colours. There might be drone controlled lanterns in the sky. It will be colourful, lively, and an amazingly creative event.


1) Coronavirus: There might be signs of an easing of restrictions in some countries as the vaccines are administered to Frontline workers and the public in general. There is still caution and precautions needed due to the mutated strains that have been detected, and the others that will also develop over time but shops and schools will begin to operate in ways that will allow safe monitoring while each country is still alert to the challenges of dangerous new strains but a feeling of normalcy or something near to it is noticed and felt by people through the year.


1) Global efforts to educate children: There might be a scheme set up to buddy-up or mentor children from different schools, and even from different countries to offer support to those whose education has been affected or restricted by the coronavirus pandemic. This is something that can be done virtually over the internet, in groups or whole classes, interacting together and bringing different views and elements to their subjects, and to broaden their education in general. As I've mentioned before in my other readings, this is the dawning of a new era, a new way of viewing the true meaning of education.


1) Fires and extremes of weather: There seems to have been a devastating fire that ripped through a mountain range destroying homes and even an historic building that almost looks to me like a castle or a building with turrets, and it does appear that it was built fairly high up on a hill so that it took advantage of the spectacular views from there. There might also be a sudden downpour sometime after the fires that cause more damage to the area because the ground is stripped bare.

2) Green gases: A huge explosion due to an accidental mixing of chemicals at a factory or commercial industry sends plumes of toxic clouds into the air over a town or parts of a city. People are evacuated from the area because it's not safe for them to just shut windows and stay indoors.

3) Wildfires: I'm sorry to say that I see huge wildfires taking hold again, and blazing day and night. This is through farming communities where animals are having to be moved quickly or let out to seek safety because of the destructive ferocity of the fire. Perhaps some quick thinking or action by responders is able to halt the fire in one particular farming area, or they are able to swiftly remove the animals.

4) Wildfires: Animals are rescued - I saw sheep in the last card and sheep again in this card and so it definitely seems to be a farming community and sheep farmers here. There is a large number of stock that was able to be rescued from the advancing fire, or as I've also said, perhaps they were able to prevent the fire from advancing just in time, or they were able to halt or divert it from this particular farm or property.


1) Stroke: Someone in the public eye, perhaps a female might suffer a stroke. This person is not in the at-risk age bracket (if there is one). They might only be in their 30s or 40s.

2) Women's Health: At the present time we might think that all medical and pharmaceutical efforts are focused on the pandemic but medical laboratories, where possible, have continued research into other areas of work that began before the coronavirus pandemic became the major focus. I feel that some advancement, or a discovery is made in women’s health, whether this is in cancer research or perhaps fertility issues or other areas such as, for example endometriosis.


1) Mother and baby or child: This might be about the welcomed birth of a child but I actually feel or wonder if this might be someone in the public eye who passes away while either pregnant or after giving birth to her child, possibly a boy, or loses their baby. This might be due to the coronavirus, or an unfortunate event during the pregnancy or birth.

2) Role model: Someone in the public eye has embarrassed or disgraced themselves. This might be a younger person whose parents are also dismayed at their behaviour. I feel that this is someone who plays a sport with a ball or possibly an outdoor sport. This is someone who is usually looked up to as a role model. They might even have to go to court or jail for their actions. Possibly their temper had something to do with whatever occurred.


1) Lying in State: I feel that this message is repeating again the message from last month and previous months about a world leader lying in state. This one has a male energy though, and he might be meeting with another person after he passes, a family member who has also passed on - I feel that there are two children who have preceded his passing, and maybe a woman is also waiting for him. I don’t know if this is Joe Biden because I think that one son of his died of cancer, and possibly one other child (a daughter) and his wife both died in a car accident, and they will possibly be there to greet him on his passing 🙏🏻

2) Political unrest: This might be a protest or a riot. I feel that they are armed but whether this is the rioters, the Armed Forces, or both, I’m not sure. There might have been shots fired at someone or multiple people who were shot by a shooter who hid behind shrubbery or a garden area, and then disappeared. There is a hunt for the person, and when they are caught there is a shootout, and perhaps they are shot and killed and this might lead to the riot. I feel that the shooter began shooting at a large building like an apartment block or at a hospital, or a similar type of large building.

3) Trump: This message might be about the former president’s trial for incitement of insurrection. It feels as though there is such a lot of damning information coming out in the trial that even some of his party who were supportive of him are realising how damaging it will be for them to be associated with his alleged behaviour and dealings, and how it might affect their future in politics, and their business dealings. There might be one or two who steadfastly stand by him but other previously strong supporters in his party are distancing themselves now.

Share market:

1) Share market: Stocks and bonds are affected. New plans, agreements, documents have been drawn up which have in turn raised confidence in the share market, and the trading industry is starting to pick up in some countries, or plans to implement these changes are being made. It'll be slow and gradual and some patience is required but changes are offering optimism to many who have been struggling through this past year or more.


1) Underwater Discovery: This feels as though it's something that has been underwater for a long time, and it might be the discovery of sunken treasure such as some jewellery or something personal that went down with a ship when it sunk.

2) Pearl: This could also be the discovery of a mollusc such as a clam with the largest pearl that has ever been seen before, or perhaps a particularly beautiful lustre to it.

3) Galleon: I see a ship with one or two tall masts, and a smaller mast and sail at the front, maybe like a Galleon. This is an old ship and this could be an image that relates to the ship above that sank, and the discovery of its treasures.

4) Ship: The sunken ship is deep on the ocean floor. It might have been or suspected to have been a ship that was known to have looted other ships in its day, much like a pirate ship. It might have the name of a bird as the ship’s named such as Swan or, or there might be some relevance to Swan with this ship in some other way such as a shipping company, location, or a person's name that is a type of bird, for example, Swanley/Swanlea... or Jack Sparrow - okay, just kidding with that example.

  • ** Addendum** March 13, 2021: HMS Buffalo sunk more than 180 years ago in Whitianga’s Mercury Bay in the Coromandel Peninsula, of the North Island of New Zealand. All but 2 of the 46 people onboard survived. It was originally named Hindostan, and was built of teak by James Bonner and James Horsburgh, of Firth, in 1813 near Calcutta. It was known to have carried convicts to Australia hence the feeling that I had that it was a pirate ship. There was storm in July 28, 1840 while loading timber spars in Whitianga, where it sunk and was brought to its final resting place. A rare archaeological dive will take place by marine archaeologists and divers to explore the protected archaeological site. The sea has recently scoured away the sand surrounding the ship on the outside as well as the inside, and divers can almost look right down to the keel which enables researchers to take samples and measurements to get an understanding of how shipwrights constructed these ships back in the early 19th Century. Researchers will collect thousands of photographs that will be stitched together by specialist computer software to create a 3D digital image from their very detailed underwater shots.

  • *** My prediction for 3) stated there was a small mast and sail is at the front of the ship but it’s actually at the back not the front. Clearly, I’d never be any good as a shipwright!

5) A Submarine or ship has perhaps trespassed into foreign waters. They know they went beyond the boundary limits, and they lie about a malfunction of navigational equipment. They were testing to see how far they could push the boundaries before being detected or approached, or they were just being deliberately provocative.

6) Collison #1: There might be a collision between two boats or ships and one or both might sink due to the resulting damage. It could even be between a ship and a submarine but either way there is a catastrophic collision that causes one or both to capsize or sink in the ocean. It could happen at night but that doesn't have any relevance to how or why it happened because they have radar equipment that would have or should have alerted them. Maybe this was a navy exercise and doesn't involve two different countries.

7) Collision #2: This card might be following on from the above message with people sinking underwater after the collision. Some people may be successfully rescued but some will not. At least two males are recovered deceased.


1) Dense fog and heavy snowfall plague’s a number of towns and cities, perhaps in Europe, and possibly Norway. This might be denser or heavier than it has been in a record number of years, and lasting longer than expected, perhaps two to three weeks. This might also affect the US state of Wisconsin in the US.

2) Flooding: It might be an unexpected flash-flood. It might rush through a school and children may be caught in the flood waters but the majority of them might be able to clamber onto objects until they are rescued. This might involve a girl's school or this could also have been caused by a rogue wave that capsizes a boat carrying women, or a class trip of girls.

**DISCLAIMER: All views or opinions, stated or implied, are made without prejudice to the person or situation being read, and are only alleged through the messages I receive psychically. The comments are not intended to be taken as fact, and all individuals are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Readings are for entertainment purposes only; they should never replace professional advice or your own free will.

©2021 High Priestess Illumination

Photo by: Pixabay

2 comentarios

High Priestess Illumination
High Priestess Illumination
03 feb 2021

I always welcome your comments and I appreciate you keeping me informed on news events that relate to my predictions, thank you xx In the lying in state card (message) there were representations of 2-3 others that were waiting and I've had a few other messages since last year about his passing 🙏🏻 Thank you for your comments 💖

Me gusta

02 feb 2021

I always enjoy reading these and l keep a look out in the news to see l can spot them. Very interesting the male energy lying in state, l will keep an eye on that xx

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