High Priestess Illumination

Feb 27, 20236 min

“Cleopatra treasures found; Mass shooting; News media outlet stabbing”

Updated: Jun 7, 2023

**TRIGGER WARNING** Please be aware that some content may not be suitable for those under 18-years of age, and may contain themes that could cause triggers in some people. This is intended for adult viewing and entertainment purposes only.


1) Deer: Drought and wildfires over this past summer have significantly reduced the number of deer in a particular area. Their habitat was greatly affected by the fires that destroyed their food sources and shelter, and some didn’t survive the fires. This is a concern for conservationists in regards to the impact that the imbalance of this species could cause.

2) Bomb discovered: There is a bomb that explodes and I feel that it is set to a timer mechanism. There might have been a pre-warning of the event, and the bomb disposal unit might have tried to defuse the bomb, or someone came across it just before it detonated but they weren’t able to prevent it exploding. This might be in a country that has deserts such as Saudi Arabia or Dubai. It is classed as a terrorist attack with the intent to cause damage and harm a lot of people. This could also be an attack from a drone bomb that explodes causing the damage, and perhaps they tried to shoot it down before it reached its destination.

3) Mass shooting: I see people being shot and killed in different locations. This might be on one large property where some are inside a house and some are outside, or they are on completely different properties. These are both adults and children or a child. It seems to be rural but it could be in the suburbs with a lot of trees around the properties. This also seems as though the people could be related to each other and involve generations of a family (grandparent through to grandchild). They might not be discovered until the following day.

4) Opium: There is a breakthrough in a major international drug ring that supplies a high potency opium to the market. They have been monitoring large groups of people for a long time with the growing, processing and eventually the attempted supply of the drugs to the market. This seems to have been grown or supplied by a Middle Eastern country.

5) Space studies: Medical studies have discovered a new development on how our body functions and communicates between the workings of the brain, heart and lung connections. This study has been conducted on astronauts, and by studying how the human body reacts to the anti-gravity conditions in space. These studies are not new but technical advances have enabled a more precise analysis of these connections and compensations that our body can allow for and adjust according to not only the lack of gravitational pull on our bodies but also adapting to the upside down and right way up situations in space.

6) Stabbing: There is a major stabbing incident in a news media outlet like The Times. This could be a revenge stabbing by someone who feels they were maligned and defamed by something reported in the paper. This appears to be a business person (male) who vents his anger on people who work in the place that he feels is responsible, or an outlet that sells these papers. There might be a stand-off situation or a hostage taken because I see a delay in ending the incident.

7) Tsunami or Sea surge: There is a sea surge or tsunami that floods inland along a coastline. This could occur around late July or August. I see a bay or inlet that suffers the most from the flooding. It seems as though it’s an island like Hawaii or one of the islands in the Pacific Ocean.

8) Ukraine and Russia: There is a strategic attack made against Ukrainian soldiers and civilians by the Russian army, and sanctioned by the Russian government. I see gas used for chemical warfare. There is an explosion that sends clouds of toxic gasses over a large area. This is “explained” by the Russians as a mishap in the Ukraine caused by their own mismanagement of their chemical plant or somewhere where chemicals are made or stored. This is an intentional attempt to mislead the world on the attack on Ukraine by chemical warfare because this goes against the 1925 Geneva Protocol that bans the use of chemical and bacteriological (biological) weapons in war.

9) UV protection: A new type of fabric has been developed and is being trialled for protecting skin surfaces from the harmful UV rays as the temperatures become more extreme, and sun exposure is becoming more harmful to humans and animals. This is a very lightweight material that can even be worn underneath other clothing such as uniforms that don’t provide full protection. It also then allows for fashion garments to be worn over the top. This might be something similar to skin-toned pantyhose/tights.


1) Cleopatra: There is a discovery of a tomb that is believed to contain the remains of Cleopatra. There might be some new scans or imaging taken that reveals this, or finding jewels and clothing that are believed to be those of Cleopatra. This will be a big discovery towards solving the mystery of where the Queen of the Nile is entombed.

2) Emily Blunt: This seems to be a prediction about the talented actress Emily Blunt or a female with similar features to her. She might receive a special nomination or accolades for a performance, or this might be an offer of a major role in something that means a lot to her and others in her industry.

3) Gloriavale: This is a message to do with a current member of the Christian community of Gloriavale, in an isolated West Coast Community in New Zealand. This female’s initials are “PV”. This might be to do with her directly, or one or two of her daughters. There has been an employment court case in 2022 regarding the role of women in this community. These daughters might come forward with new information about their treatment or their mother’s treatment in the community, in contrast to what their mother has testified to.

4) Lost in a cave: A child wanders off and becomes lost in a cave. This seems to be a young child perhaps between the ages of 4 and 8 years old. There are a number of tunnels inside the cave that the child could have wandered into, making it a difficult search for the rescuers. It’s also cold inside the cave and that creates urgency for the child to be found. It is a successful rescue.

5) Missing: A young female disappears while on a holiday. She might have been abducted from where she was staying or while she was out and about near to where she was staying. A search for her later finds her body in a nearby forest. There might be international attention drawn to this because she is a tourist or a visitor from overseas. She might have been staying near to this forested area, and she may have gone for a short walk or some exercise, and never came back to her residence. It seems to be a “wrong place, wrong time” scenario where she happened to be in the same place as this person who took advantage of the timing. I feel that she wasn’t buried and that sadly she was discarded and covered over with some shrubbery. The police might announce that she was last seen wearing something purple. The person responsible is a hunter. He seems to be in his late 40’s or 50’s, Caucasian, greying hair and balding. Stocky build and average height. Something about his teeth is noticeable.

6) Sir Ian McKellen: Sadly, Sir Ian McKellen passes away. He is known for his many roles on TV, in movies, and in particular as a highly respected and admired thespian of the theatre. There will be a global celebration of his life for his funeral with people wearing costumes to commemorate him and his most well-known and loved roles.

7) Rescue: A female is rescued after falling from a great height into a pool (waterhole). She was walking and balancing along an edge high above the pool, and there might have even been a waterfall there. This is a young female, and possibly an influencer who was videoing herself or being videoed for her platform. I feel that she survived the incident due to the quick actions of a male who was there with her.

8) Twins: This could be about the Olsen twins or two sisters who are close in age and look similar to each other, either through genetics or intentionally styling themselves the same. One sister seems to be struggling with events or people in her life or her life situation such as a separation from her partner. She leans on her sister for support through this difficult time, and her sister is very protective of her. She is very fragile and in need of support.


©2023 High Priestess Illumination

**DISCLAIMER: All views or opinions, stated or implied, are made without prejudice to the person or situation being read, and are only alleged through the messages I receive psychically. The comments are not intended to be taken as fact, and all individuals are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Readings are for entertainment purposes only; they should never replace professional advice or your own free will.

Photo by Alex Azabache: Pexels
